Everyone > Calendar page [guide]
Navigation | Calendar views | Add meeting | Display options | View others calendars | Add new calendar | Personal calendar | Public calendar | Subscription calendar | Additional resources
The Workamajig Calendar is designed to provide users with a full view of personal events, agency events, and project tasks. Users can also integrate to/from outside calendars if needed.
The following provides the basic views and navigation of the calendar, along with links to more detailed features that impact the calendar.
Today screen access
From any of the Today pages, click on the calendar icon to access the calendar screen.
Calendar views
Toggle between day, week, or month views by selecting the icons in the upper right corner.
To display M-F vs Sun-Sat: ...more>Display Options>check Display work week in week view
Add an event
via Calendar
Depending on the view you are in (week vs daily), click on the date or timeframe to display a New Meeting panel.
1) Add Subject
2) Adjust Date/Time, if needed
3) Add Attendees, if needed. Once attendees are added, each attendee will display if there is a conflict.
Click on "Find A Time" to have the system find an open slot for all attendees.
4) Add Resources, if needed. NOTE: If you would like resources included in the "Find a Time" search, add the resource prior to clicking on Find a Time.
5) Save > Send Notifications
via ics file from email
The Workamajig calendar allows you to drop an ics file received via emailed event invites into the calendar. This will auto-add the event to the correct date/time as defined in the file.
1) From email, download ics file
2) From the download folder, drag/drop the event into your Workamajig calendar.
NOTE: Once the event is added to the calendar, you can edit the attendees, descriptions, etc.
Add time entry from a meeting
From any Today page, you can add time by clicking on a meeting that appears under the Today's Schedule.
For best results, when creating an event link it to a project and task. This will pre-fill these fields into the time entry box.
Display options
This allows you to customize and view Public and Others calendars by selecting ...more > Display Options.
Show legend with the calendar - Shows or Hides the list of available Calendars on the left-hand side, right from the Calendar page itself.
Display work week in week view - This option will hide Saturday and Sunday from the Weekly Calendar View.
Show 12-hour day - This option will only show the time between 7 am and 7 pm.
Show non-All Day Meetings as a solid color - Works with the Monthly view, so that all meetings have a shadow box around the text.
My calendars - By default, you are given a personal calendar. This suffices to use all of the system features.
Public calendars - By default, there are two public calendars, one for Public Company Meetings/Holidays, and another for Vacations.
Resource calendars - This is for you to add rooms or some kind of resource other than a person you want to book time for on a calendar view. (Edit the Resource Calendars)
Published calendars - These come from published Traffic Calendars.
Others calendars - This will list all the calendars you have been given rights to view and access.
View others calendars
+ Select more calendars to view allows you to display other Workamajig calendars, that may be hidden from the default view, in line with your personal calendar(s). Available calendars include Public Calendars, other users' calendars, resource calendars and published calendars.
1) Click +select more calendars to view
2) Checkbox appropriate calendars
3) Click "Add Selected"
Add new calendar
You can add additional Personal Calendars and/or Public Calendars by clicking on the Plus Sign from the My Calendars and Public Calendars sections respectively.
NOTE: Your default personal and public calendars are already set up to provide the functionality needed for Workamajig. Creating a public calendar is controlled by security rights. The ability to create events on the public calendar are controlled by security access granted on the actual calendar.
Personal calendar
A personal calendar is used to track events for the individual user. Based upon settings on the event, it will be displayed in the Resource Management: Staff Schedule and be taken into account as part of the users' daily workload.
Public Calendar
The public calendar is used to track company-level events that may include individual users as meeting attendees. These will track Company/Office holidays, and display individual vacation/out-of-office days and company/office-wide events.
Company Meeting Calendar >> Blockout Attendees Only UNCHECKED
The Company Meeting calendar is used to track public events, such as VIP visits, company holidays or non-working days.
Block out attendees only: UNCHECKED
Events on this calendar will look to the individual events to determine how the event affects projects.
All Day: If checked, the event will be seen as an "all day" event. If unchecked, the start and end time will be used. Ex. Company/Office closing will typically use the All Day: Checked
Attendees: Events on this calendar do not need to have attendees associated with them unless you specifically need someone to attend. Otherwise, the event is considered an FYI for viewers of the calendar.
Block out: If checked the event will "block" the time period as busy. If unchecked, the event would be considered an FYI type meeting.
The combination of All Day: Checked + Blocked Out: checked designates the event as a company non-working day. The Staff schedule will display a "black" bar in the column for that day and project schedules will be adjusted around the day. NOTE: When the event is first created, the staff schedule will display the black bar, however, the project schedule will need the nightly schedule refresh to see the non-work day.
Office company meeting calendar
When an office is designated on the public calendar the All Day + Block Out event will only affect projects that are setup for that office via the Project Settings>Accounting: Office. The schedule will be adjusted to show it as a non-work day.
NOTE: This setting will also affect the Resource Manager: Staff Schedule. Users set to the office on their employee record will show an orange/yellow box on the Office non-working day. There is no effect on users that are assigned to the project and are not part of the office. It is seen as a normal work day.
Company Meeting Calendar >> Blockout Attendees Only CHECKED
The Company Meeting calendar is used to track staff vacation and out-of-office. When an event is added to this calendar, the system will automatically add it to the attendee's personal calendar.
Block out attendees only: CHECKED
Events on this calendar will look to the event to determine how the event affects the individual attendees.
All day: If checked, the event will be seen as an "all day" event. If unchecked, the start and end time will be used. Ex. a PTO day will typically use the All Day: Checked, where an external visit to a client would be unchecked.
Attendees: Events on this calendar will affect each individual attendee's personal calendar and thus resourcing: Staff Schedule if the event is set to block out.
Advanced calendar use
Calendar subscription
A subscription calendar is a read-only calendar that can be used to display external calendar meetings within your Workamajig calendar. These subscribed calendar events can be used to block out time as part of your workload.
Any external calendar that provides an html-based ics link can be used to set up a subscription calendar.
NOTE: If the external calendar provides a webcal link, you may be able to change webcal to http or https to set up the subscription. For directions on how to set up a subscription calendar under your Personal calendar section, follow the links below:
Subscribe to Google Personal Calendar
Subscribe to Outlook365 Personal Calendar
Additional resources
Subscribe to External Calendar