Everyone > Notes page [guide]
In the notes section under Everyone, you can add company notes for all to see and utilize. Which is a great way to maintain a list like a company directory, when company holidays are, or other info your employees may commonly ask for.
Your users can also add some personal notes to keep track of their responsibilities.
Navigation | Security | Company notes | Personal notes | Add notes | Editing notes
There are two security rights overall for the notes area of the system.
View notes - Gives the users group access to the notes section in the menu. Which includes view-only access to the company notes, and edit access to the personal notes.
Edit company notes - This gives the group full access to edit the company notes for all to see.
Company notes
This section is visible to all, but not everyone should have the right to edit.
This is a great place to store info for your employees, such as contact numbers and even URL's to an HR site for example.
You can have multiple notes, but the one on top will open first by default.
To rearrange the order of the notes, simply click and drag the label of the note.
Personal notes
This section is only visible to logged-in users. And if you can navigate here, then you can fully edit your own personal notes.
You can add reminders for yourself of specific processes to fulfill. And even maintain a list of URLs you need to access.
Add notes
To add a new note, first click on Company or Personal. Then click on Add a new note.
Populate the Label and Note fields, then click Save.
The new note will appear in the section.
Editing notes
To edit an existing Note, simply click on the Pencil Edit icon of the selected Note.
From here you can edit the Label and Note fields.
There is also a Text Format tool set you can expand at the bottom of the note field.
You can paste text from other sources, along with URLs and images.
After pasting a URL, you can edit the blue text of the URL to read as regular words, such as Click Here. But now the words will be blue, signifying it's a hyperlink.