Transfer Files to Workamajig Storage
Our team originally set file storage on a Windows Server, Mac Server, or AmazonS3, but would like to now move file storage to Workamajig.
Workamajig can perform the transfer for a fee. The fee is for the setup of the storage location and transfer of files to the Workamajig server. Pricing is based on file size. For details, reach out to Workamajig will need full access to the current storage location so files can be transferred correctly to the new location.
Workamajig Storage may incur a Monthly fee.
You are provided with a pool of storage equal to 20Gb per Paid User ( Ex. 10 paid users x 20Gb = 200Gb) Any overages above your free allocated storage pool will be charged at a rate of $20 per each 50Gb.
If you have any questions, please contact your Workamajig Account Manager at