Workamajig Setup | Authorization | Verify the Setup | How do I Transfer my current files on Workamajig | Further Assistance
Make note of your username and password. Also, create a folder for Workamajig to use if you do not want lots of folders being created at the root level of your account.
- Workamajig only needs one sign-on account to connect.
- As of December 13th, 2013, Box changed the API that is made available for integration with Workamajig. will require you to authorize Workamajig to access your account using OAuth. The API also requires that all files have Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) enabled from within Box. This is true for all Box Enterprise Accounts.
- Box no longer allows direct links to files with Free personal accounts. You will need to upgrade to a Business account to fully use with Workamajig.
- Thumbnails are not supported when using
- The "Archive" function does not work with's API. This should not be an issue as it would simply create a new folder in the main Box folder and name it Archive and place project folders within. So basically moving a folder from the C: drive to the C: drive to archive. It would be better if you back up the "active" folder that is used for project folder storage.
- Users will need to be logged into their account first before clicking on the Deliverables review email notification links to access the Deliverable.
- If you are going to use Box when you host the application yourself, you will need to let us know ahead of time so that we can authorize your URL for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
Workamajig Setup
Connections File Storage Set Up Screen
Menu > Admin/Manager > System Setup > Account Information > Connections > File Storage
1. Click the + sign.
2. Fill in Server Details
Type = Box
Root Path = if you have setup a folder within box for Workamajig files, enter the folder name
Client Folder= ClientID (by default)
Project Folder = ProjectNumber(by default)
3. Click SAVE
4. From File Storage Servers list, click Box entry
5. Click Enter Box authentication to link Workamajig to account. Follow instructions below Authorization
- Once you click the connect button, you will be taken to a new page when you enter your login credentials for your account.
- Click the Authorize button. You will then be taken to the next screen to verify you want to "Grant Access To Box".
- Click the Grant access to Box button. Close this window when done.
Verify the Setup
- You must setup Security Group-based access control
Following the access control setup, open any project. Go to Files and test the upload/download and Link URL for the file.
How do I Transfer my current files on Workamajig
There are 3 methods we can use to transfer your files from our Workamajig server to you:
- Box FTP: (preferred) provide the login credentials to your Box FTP Client. We will upload the files to this location. For further information from on how to set this up, please follow instructions located at
- Dropbox: We will provide you with a Dropbox link to retrieve your files. You will then upload the folder into the Workamajig folder. The folder structure from Workamajig will be retained, so you need to only drop the Active, Attachments and Reviews folders into the main Workamajig folder. NOTE: the total size of your company zipped folder may make this method unavailable to use.
- Google Drive: Provide us with access to a Google drive login and we will transfer the files to this drive location. You will then upload the folder into the Workamajig folder. The folder structure from Workamajig will be retained, so you need to only drop the Active, Attachments and Reviews folders into the main Workamajig folder. NOTE: the total size of your company zipped folder may make this method unavailable to use.
NOTE: During the transfer process there can be no uploads or modifications to any files in any location in Workamajig. However, you can still view the files. Once the transfer of the files is confirmed we will delete them on our servers (we have a 30-day backup that we can restore if necessary).
Further Assistance
If you have any issues during or after doing the above, please contact for assistance.
For any issues with FTP and, please go to Using-Box-with-FTP.