Billable summary - dollars [report]
Menu > Everyone >Report Center > Project Financial Reports > Billable Summary - Dollars
Shows the total billed and unbilled dollars from billable projects with labor budget comparison.
NOTE: GL Company Filter restricts data by the GL Company set on the Project.
How it works
This report only looks at billable projects only (From the Project>Project Settings>Accounting: Non-Billable is UNCHECKED). Projects flagged as Non-Billable are not included in this report.
You are able to set various filters prior to running the report.
Plan: The value of labor for the employee as defined by the Labor Budget.
Billed Only Group: This group of columns is calculated from time entries that have been billed on an invoice or Marked as Billed.
Billed: This is the value of billed or marked as billed time entries for the selected period.
% of Plan: Billed vs Plan (Labor Budget) calculated percentage.
Variance: calculated difference between Plan and Billed values.
Unbilled: the value of labor that remains in a billable state and has not been billed or marked as billed.
Billed & Unbilled: This group of columns is a calculated total from all time entries that are categorized as Billed or Unbilled.
Total: This is the sum value of all Billed On Invoice, Marked As Billed and Unbilled labor, minus the Write Off amount.
% of Plan: Total vs Labor Budget calculated percentage.
Variance: calculated difference between Plan (Labor Budget) and Total values.
Write Off: This is the value of time entries that have been marked Write Off.