Project actuals by month [report]
Shows actuals per project with a 12-month view and the amount billed.
How it works
Search options
- Grouping - Choose how you want the data to be grouped. Choices are Client, Project Type, Account Manager, or Project Status.
- Page Break - Check this to add a page break in the PDF report between groupings.
- Project Status - Limit the data to a specific project status.
- Client ID - Limit the data to a specific client.
- Account Manager - Limit the data to a specific account manager of said projects.
- Starting Month - Since the report will always run 12 months of data, choose the starting month that correlates with the expected results.
- Starting Year - Choose the year of the starting month above.
- Labor And/Or Expenses - Can choose to run the report for; labor and expenses, labor only, expenses only, or hours only.
- Include Non-Billable - This allows you to include projects that are checked as Non-Billable from their setup.
- Include Not Posted To WIP - (Only works when using WIP) Recognizes costs that have not been posted to WIP yet.
- Currency - (Only visible if you have multi-currency enabled) Choose which currency to run the report as.