Time productivity analysis [report]
Menu > Reports > Project Financial Reports > Time Productivity Analysis
Show total billable and non-billable hours with multiple grouping options.
NOTE: Non-Billable time includes any time entered on a non-billable project or a service with a billing rate of $0.
How it works
- This report shows total billable and non-billable hours with multiple grouping options.
NOTE: You must use the Grouping 3 option first to set the most detailed grouping and set Grouping 2 and/or Grouping 1 to None or a specific option if necessary.
- The % under the Billable column is the number of billable hours divided by the total hours entered
- The % under the Non-billable column is the number of non-billable hours divided by the total hours entered.
- The Gross column is the number of hours times the billable rate on those time entries. (ie. 10 hours times $120/hr of Design service equals $1200 gross if the project is set up to get a rate from service).
- The Cost column is the number of hours times the hourly cost from the employee record at the time the entry was added. (ie. if the employee's Hourly Cost is set to be $20/hr times 10 hours will equal $200 cost).
- The Margin column is the Gross column minus the Cost column.
- The % next to the margin is the Margin column divided by the Gross column.