Project hourly realization rate [report]
Menu>Everyone > Report Center > Project Financial Reports > Project Hourly Realization Rate
How it works
- This report calculates the realized hourly rate earned on projects based on one of 3 available options:
From Labor Billed - This uses the actual time entries billed to calculate the realized rate for that project. ( Labor Billed / Actual Hours = Realized Rate)
From Total Billed - This uses the invoiced amount divided by hours on the project. The invoiced amount could include expenses and not just labor. (Total Billed / Actual Hours = Realized Rate )
From Labor Income Accounts - This uses the GL account setup with Labor Income checked. It uses the total amount posted to those GL accounts for that project divided by hours on that project.
Ex. using From Labor Billed: Calculation>> Labor Billed / Actual Hours
Ex. using From Total Billed: Calculation>> Billed / Actual Hours
Ex. using From Labor Income Accounts: Calculation>> Labor on Income Accts / Actual Hours
How its calculated
Realized Cost is calculated from Labor amount / Actual Hours