Migrating to New Server-Windows Server
Server Migration Instructions
Below are the instructions for migrating your current Workamajig database and files to a new Windows-based server.
Server and Software Requirements
Basic server and software requirements are located here.
Download and install the following Prerequisites.zip prior to continuing with the migration. During the installation, depending on your server version, it may note that it is already installed. You must confirm that both executables are installed on your storage server.
- Create a backup of your current Workamajig Database. Copy/Move the Workamajig Folder along with the DB backup over to the new server.
- Put the Workamajig folder on the desired drive. Right click on Workamajig folder>Properties> go to Security, users and check modify.
- Right click on Web folder and add IUSR and give it modified security rights (do the same on the Digital Assets folder.
Note: Please keep in mind if using a separate file server (for your Digital Assets) that you will have to set up the rights using the same setup as the old server. You will setup a user to run the application pool (the user needs to be a part of the IIS User Group). You will have to add that same user to the file server. When setting up the path on the WebDAV GUI or exe please remember that you have to UNC to the file server.
- Go to SQL management and restore the Data Base. Please remember that that your SQL server needs to be set to mixed mode, and you need to use sa or create a username with DBO rights.
- Create a new Workamajig Website (or change the name of the default website to Workamajig). Link new site to the Workamajig Web folder. This must be done with the HTTP errors and the WebDAV roles/features removed (please use the Roles and Features Wizard via the server manager). You will also need the ISAPI features are installed as well as, the application development features i.e.asp.net 3.5 and 4.0, 4.5.2 and up.
- Make sure your application pool looks like the following... Set 32 Bit Application to False and Pipeline Mode should be set to Classic (Done in IIS via advanced settings).
7. Go to Workamajig Task Manager Folder and then go the WMJServiceConfig.exe and check modify and make any necessary adjustments e.g. If you are changing, the drive hosting Workamajig, the URL, data base, etc.
- Site Name
- Company Name
- Path to the Workamajig Website (Web Folder)
- Include this site in processing option checked
- Public site address:
- Help address leave blank
- Download size leave the default
- Set to the proper time zone
- Digital assets path should be pointed to Workamajig Files folder
- Web process ID should be blank
- Web farm should be unchecked
- Get Registration Key-Hit Get Registration
Note: Once this is done you will no longer be able to use your old instance of Workamajig. Therefore, you should make the proper arrangements with your staff if you are going to complete the migration in one step. You will also need to inform Workamajig so we can make the proper adjustments for you to get your new key. If you would like a temporary key to test please advise us as we, will need the computer or server name to produce the temporary key.
- Select schedule tab: Set it for 5AM
- Fill out DB info and Test
- Fill out SMTP Info and Test (send email to yourself)
- Apply to website and save settings (Please remember to right click and run the WMJServiceConfig.exe (Workamajig Task Manager as the administrator)
- Install the task manager Services, but do not start.
- Go to the Workamajig wmjInstaller.exe (Site Settings) and enter DB and Mail settings and link to the Workamajig web folder.
- Go to Auto Update Settings and make sure it is set to 5am the next day (make sure all items are checked if you want installer to auto import and install updates).
- Save the settings.
- Go back to WMJServiceConfig.exe and start services (Make sure you are modifying the settings as the Administrator in order to start services)
Note: If you are using the exchange sync please make sure to check your settings and start the service.
- Go to services and start WMJ Monitor manually
You are all finished with the Workamajig Setup.
File Storage or WebDAV Setup
- Go to the WebDAV folder and then the exe or GUI to check the WebDAV configurations i.e. URL, DB, etc. Once again please make sure you link to the WebDAV config (located in the Web files folder) and the Digital Assets folder.
Note: please keep in mind if using a separate file server (for your Digital Assets) that you will have to set up the rights using the same setup as the old server. You will setup a user to run the application pool (the user needs to be a part of the IIS User Group). You will have to add that same user to the file server. When setting up the path on the WebDAV GUI or exe please remember that you have to UNC to the file server. - Platinum Setup in the UI
- Go to the Workamajig UI and test the File Storage Connection or WebDAV (Workamajig>Admin/Manager>System Setup>Connections>File Storage).
- From the Connections screen, confirm your Workamajig URL, please remember you should use your Workamajig URL with the /files extension e.g. https://workamajig.webdav.com/files