Web To Leads
Workamajig allows you to capture information directly from your website using our Web To Lead feature. The information will be placed in the Leads area of the Contact Management module. Besides the normal contact information, you are able to capture contact and company custom field data, as well as, auto-create an Activity for your Salesperson to follow up with your newly captured Lead.
The following will assist you in creating your web form with the default fields that are necessary for the captured data to flow into Workamajig.
Before You Begin
Look at the lead record in Workamajig to decide which fields you want to capture, including any contact and company custom fields.
Make sure you create your code to 'insert with errors', if possible.
Decide which Staff member will be used to capture the lead. This is strictly for bringing the information into Workamajig. We recommend this be a Manager.
NOTE: If the User ID is not valid or inactive, the record will not be captured by Workamajig. -
Decide which Staff member will be assigned as the Lead Owner. At the time the record is created in Workamajig, a Lead Owner will be assigned. If the form does not contain this field, the User ID used to bring the record in will also be assigned as the Lead Owner.
Lead Creation
Required Hidden Fields
The following are fields must be part of your web form.
- ErrorReturnURL
- SuccessReturnURL
- UserID - The Login ID of the Staff member that will be used to set the Created By for the record. This must be an Active User login or the input will fail.
- OwnerID - The Login ID of the Staff member that will be marked as the Lead Owner. If none is specified, the user ID above will be used.
- LeadFolderName – The folder name where you want the new Lead to be placed. If none is specified the FolderName will be set to 'No Folder'.
NOTE: The UserID used to create the record MUST have the Security Group right to Add records to the folder. This is set up by double-clicking on the folder in the Leads Listing screen. If you are not using Lead Folders, you do not need to add LeadFolderName as a part of your code.
Optional Input Fields
Below is a list of optional field names that can be captured on your web form and brought into Workamajig. If no description is provided, this will be an open text field in Workamajig.
- FirstName
- MiddleName
- LastName
- Salutation - Valid Values are Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss., Dr., Prof. If none specified or not a match, then blank will be used.
- Phone1
- Phone2
- Cell
- Fax
- Pager
- Title
- Email - Must be a valid email address format. If none specified or not a valid format, then blank will be used.
- CompanyName
- CompanyPhone
- CompanyFax
- CompanyWebsite
- LeadSource – This must be predefined in the system prior to input. The list of Sources is defined via Admin>System Setup>Contact Management> Sources. If none specified or not a match, then blank will be used.
- CompanyType - This must be predefined in the system prior to input. The list of Sources is defined via Admin>System Setup>Company Types. If none specified or not a match, then blank will be used.
- OppSubject
- OppAmount - Potential amount of revenue for this lead. Numeric value. Do NOT include commas in the value. If nothing is entered, then 0 will be used
- OppProjectType – This must be predefined in the system prior to input. The list of Project Types is defined via Admin>System Setup>Global Options>Project Types. If none specified or not a match, then blank will be used.
- OppDescription
- ContactMethod - Valid Values are Phone, Email, Fax, Mail. If none specified or not a match, the field will be left blank
- DoNotCall – Checkbox: Valid Values are Yes, No. If none specified or not a match, then-No will be used.
- DoNotEmail – Checkbox: Valid Values are Yes, No. If none specified or not a match, then-No will be used.
- DoNotMail – Checkbox: Valid Values are Yes, No. If none specified or not a match, then-No will be used.
- DoNotFax – Checkbox: Valid Values are Yes, No. If none specified or not a match, then-No will be used.
- Active – Checkbox: Valid Values are Yes, No. If not specified, Yes will be used.
- MarketingGroups - You can send in a semicolon separated list of marketing group names. If a list is not found with that name, one will be created automatically for you. All leads coming in will be assigned to each specified Marketing Group.
- LeadOwnerID
- BusinessAddress1
- BusinessAddress2
- BusinessAddress3
- BusinessCity
- BusinessState
- BusinessPostalCode
- BusinessCountry
- HomeAddress1
- HomeAddress2
- HomeAddress3
- HomeCity
- HomeState
- HomePostalCode
- HomeCountry
- OtherAddress1
- OtherAddress2
- OtherAddress3
- OtherCity
- OtherState
- OtherPostalCode
- OtherCountry
- Department
- Role - These must be predefined in the system prior to import. The list of Roles is defined via Admin>System Setup>Contact Management>Roles. If none specified or not a match, then blank will be used.
- Assistant
- AssistantPhone
- AssistantEmail
- Birthday - Must be a valid Date> Format = MM/DD/YYYY
- SpouseName
- Children
- Anniversary - Must be a valid Date> Format = MM/DD/YYYY
- Hobbies
- Comments
- BusinessAddress1
- BusinessAddress2
- BusinessCity
- Custom Fields: These must match exactly the custom field ID found in Workamajig and also prefix the section the field is in (i.e CF_Contact_X, CF_Company_X, CF_Opportunity_X). Since the field will show up in all three areas, you must be specific. For example, you added a custom field to Companies called "Code", then you will need to use "CF_Company_Code" in the web to leads setup.
Activity Creation
The Workamajig Web To Lead feature is able to create an Activity for each form that is submitted through your website. The Activity can be assigned to a specific Staff Member and can also capture custom fields, so you are able to easily follow up with the new Lead.
NOTE: The 'AddActivity' field is required in order to create the Activity in Workamajig.
Required Hidden Fields
- AddActivity – Valid Values are Yes, No. If none specified or not a match, then-No will be used.
- ActivityOriginatorID - The UserID of the Staff member who will be marked as the Created By for the Activity. If none is specified, the UserID used to create the Lead will be set in this field.
- ActivityFolderName - The folder name where you want the new Activity to be placed. If none is specified the FolderName will be set to 'No Folder'.
- ActivityAssignedToID - The UserID the activity should be assigned to. If left blank, the system will use the owner from the lead. If no owner is specified, the user ID above is used.
- CreateActivity = true
NOTE: The UserID used to create the record MUST have the Security Group right to Add records to the folder. This is set up by double-clicking on the folder in the Activity Listing screen.
Other Hidden Fields
- ActivitySubject - Text field that contains the subject of the Activity, i.e. “New Lead from Website”
- ActivityDate - Date of the activity
- ActivityNotes
- ActivityType
- ActivityPriority – Valid Values should be set to one of the following: High, Medium, Low. If none specified, or not a match then “Medium” will be used
- ActivityPrivate – Checkbox: Valid Values are Yes, No. If none specified or not a match, then-No will be used.
- ActivityCompleted – Checkbox: Valid Values are Yes, No. If none is specified, then it is marked as No.
- EmailTo - Must be a valid email address format for the Activities 'Email To'. Email will be sent immediately upon successful Activity generation.
Error Return Codes
Below is a list of error codes the may be returned for troubleshooting purposes.
1: No "SuccessReturnURL" specified
2: No "UserID" specified
3: Invalid "UserID"
4: "UserID" specified does not have the right to add leads
5: "Email" is not a valid email address
6: "AssistantEmail" is not a valid email address
7: Invalid "LeadSource"
8: Invalid "CompanyType"
9: "OppAmount" is not numeric
10: Invalid "OppProjectType"
11: Invalid "LeadFolderName"
12: "Birthday" is not a valid date
13: "Anniversary" is not a valid date
14: Error occurred while inserting lead
15: Error occurred while adding addresses
16: "LeadOwnerID" (or "UserID" if no "LeadOwnerID" is specified) does not have rights to add to "LeadFolderName"
17: Invalid "ActivityFolderName"
18: "ActivityOriginatorID" (or "LeadOwnerID" if no "ActivityOriginatorID" is specified, or "UserID if no "LeadOwnerID" is specified) does not have rights to add to "ActivityFolderName"
19: Invalid "ActivityType"
20: "ActivityReminderMinutes" is not numeric
21: Error occurred while inserting activity
22: "EmailTo" is not a valid email address
Below is some sample code used to create a Web To Lead form on your website.
NOTE: If Workamajig is on your server, ensure the action=Web address is changed to the appropriate link. If you are on a Workamajig server, ensure the appropriate app number is used. The rest of the address is correct.
<form id="Form1" method="post" action="https://app.workamajig.com/services/web_to_lead.aspx" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="userid" value="davejones">
<input type="hidden" name="ErrorReturnURL" value="www.yoursite.com/sorrytheresanerror.html">
<input type="hidden" name="SuccessReturnURL" value="www.yoursite.com/thanks.html">
<td>First Name</td>
<input type="text" name="FirstName" value="">
<td>Last Name</td>
<input type="text" name="LastName" value="">
<input type="text" name="Email" value="">
<td colspan="2">
<input type="submit" value="Sign Up">