Custom Login Page
Download The HTML Code | Using Custom Form Posting | What Do I Need? | How Do I Create The Login Page? | Example Login Page With Code
Workamajig allows you to build your own custom login page on your site or work portal. The login credentials for your users are then sent through to Workamajig.
Download The HTML Code
You can download the text file of this code HERE.
Then, have your web developers review this guide to set up a custom login page on your site.
Using Custom Form Posting
Below is a simple sample form that can be used to create the Workamajig login section on your website or work portal for access to Workamajig. The hidden fields are used to pass information to our site about your company and for troubleshooting if there is a problem logging into the site. It is important to keep the exact names of the fields.
What Do I Need?
- Company Key=CK: You will need to find the company key located in Workamajig via Menu > Admin/Manager > System Setup > Account Information > Visual Appearance. CK will be replaced with your unique number found here.
- Logos and Overall Appearance: You get to design the page as you'd like!
How Do I Create The Login Page?
Once your website or work portal is ready, you can add the code found below to your current HTML page.
You MUST adjust the following lines for the login page to work successfully:
- <form id="Form1" method="post" action="" method="post"> :
- Enter the URL that your company uses to access Workamajig. If you are hosted with Workamajig this will be (replace the # with your server number)
- <input type="hidden" name="ErrorReturnPage" value="https://yourwebsite/default.aspx?CK=enter_your_company_key_code&LogoPos=1"> :
- Enter the URL that your company uses to access Workamajig and your Company Key.
If an error is generated, the user will be returned to your branded page specified along with a query string variable (Error).
The possible error codes are:
1 - A User ID is required
2 - A Password is required
3 - Invalid User ID
4 - Invalid Password
5 - User ID is no longer active
6 - Your company is no longer active
7 - Your company has been locked
The resulting return URL would be NOTE: This will be displayed in the address bar of the browser.
If the login is successful, you will be directed to the main dashboard.
Example Login Page With Code
You can download a text file of this code HERE.
Below is an example of what a basic login page will look like using the HTML code shown after: