Time Zone Setup/Sync
How The Time Zone Affects Date Stamps In Workamajig
All events in Workamajig are tracked as GMT with a +/- 0 offset. So depending on the Time Zone, you set in your Workamajig user profile will affect how your meetings appear. Also depending on your local computer/device's time zone can affect the time/date stamp in custom reporting output.
The best advice is to set your Workamajig profile and your computer/device to the Time Zone you are currently in. So if you travel, then be sure to change your Time Zone to match your current location. Most computers/devices will update the Time Zone, but Workamajig will need to be updated manually as your travel.
Workamajig Profile Time Zone Setup
When logged in as your user profile
Go to Menu > My Settings > Time Zone
As an Administrator
Go to Menu > Admin > Employees
- You can use the option that allows you to update multiple records at once.
- Or open each record and change the Time Zone from there.
Mac Time Zone Setup
The Time Zone on a Mac computer/device should be set to automatically based on your location. To update the Time Zone Manually, please refer to this guide or Apple website for further assistance.
Windows Time Zone Setup
The Time Zone on a Windows computer/device should be set automatically based on your location. To update the Time Zone Manually, please refer to this guide or Microsoft's website for further assistance.
Other Devices
For other devices, please contact your provider for how to update the Time Zone.
Workamajig Server
If you are hosting the Workamajig Server, then you will want to ensure you have the time set to auto update to ensure the accuracy of the system.
For a more detailed step by step guide on setting this up, please refer to the Sync Windows Clock guide.
Importing Time Zones
Please use the "Index" column of the following site for reference on what value to use when importing a record with a Time Zone field.
As a backup, we have a Time Zones Import Index guide with this data as well.