Project Manager > To Do Board [guide]
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The to-do board can be a way for your creatives or web developers to track items in a board style, drag and drop management screen. While to-dos are status based, they can be linked to a task as part of a larger project schedule.
- Only To Dos that are linked to Projects will appear in the To Do Board.
- To Do Statuses are recommend to get the most out of the boards functions. See below for setup
- To Dos do not replace the need for Tasks to track time to. Think of To Dos as an extension of a Task.
- The design behind To Dos is to make it so you can have fewer tasks to manage in your schedule (less tasks), yet track the status of individual items to have done within the duration of that task.
System Setup
Security settings
To access the to-do board, you will need the security right view to-dos from System Setup > Security Settings. However, there are other rights associated with to-dos to give you more control over them. They are:
- View to-dos
- Add/edit to-dos
- Delete to-dos
- View to-dos not assigned to you
- Edit to-dos not assigned to you
Transaction Preferences
To get the most benefit out of the To Do Board with your project management workflow, you should enable the following items from your System Setup > Transaction Preferences.
Use To Dos -
Use Types on To Do Items
Use Statuses with To Do items -
Require Task on To Do items -
Show Original Post as the Bottom on To Do Emails -
To Do Status
From System Setup > Global Options To. Do. Status, there is an item called To-Do Status.
Here you can create a custom list of statuses for your to-dos.
NOTE: This list is blank by default, but here is an example of how one might set this up.
- Status = The Name of the designated status.
- Mark as completed = Can be on multiple. This will mark the to-do as complete when put into that status.
- Default =Can be on only one. This will be the initial status for any new to-do you create.
To Do Types
By creating To Do Types, you then gain another way to organize your To Dos.
To setup, go to System Setup > Contact Management > Conversation Type
The "Type" list will then be applicable to Conversations and To Dos.
To Do Board System Settings
From the More > System Settings.
Group Grid By - Allows you to Group the data on screen.
Sort Grid By - Determines how the rows sort by default.
Sort Direction - ASC/DEC. Show Client Filter - This will display the Client filter. Show Project Filter - This will display the Project filter. Show Task Filter - This will display the Task filter. Show User Filter - This will display the User filter. Show Type Filter - This will display the Type filter. Edit Columns - Allows you to edit the Default Layout of available Columns. |
Edit Column Sets
You also have the ability to create a set of custom grid columns using the Edit Column Sets feature.
This is useful if you have varying groups of users that need to view the grid differently.
NOTE: Adding columns sets will be in addition to the Default Layout from the More > System Settings > Edit Columns.
Search Options
When using the To Do Board itself, its good to get familiar with the Search Options.
Search options - click on the ... icon to the left of the search to select filter options
SearchClient - list of active clients Project - list of projects Task - list of tasks Assigned to - list of users Department - list of departments Team - list of account team names Type - list of to-do/conversation types Include unassigned - when selected, unassigned to-dos will be included in the search Subject - a to-do subject contains search Active projects only - when selected, only active projects will be included in the search Open tasks only - when selected, only task with percent complete less than 100% will be included in the search Open to-dos only - when selected, only open to-dos will be included in the search DisplayGroup grid by - allows the grid to be grouped by the selected item
Grid vs. Status
Project Managers
There are several ways to access to the To Do Board as a PM.
You can navigate tot he To Do Board from the menu.
This will open the To-Do Board for the entire system with no filters entered.
You can also open the To-Do Board for just one project from the Project Details section.
Going this route will open the To-Do Board with it set to show only to-dos for this project.
Or access to the To Do Board from the Projects Page or Campaign Page by adding the Open To Dos column.
Depending on what you open the To Do Board from, the Search Options will then auto filter for you.
For example, see how the Client and Project are already populated in this case.
NOTE: The Assigned To search option does not auto clear.
From the project folder of an assignment card, you can click on To Dos.
This will open the To Do Board auto filtered for the Client, Project and Task.
You will want to create at least three to-do statuses from System Setup. One for new issues, one for in progress, and another for completed.
From here you can drag and drop them into their current status for others to see and follow up.
You can click on a To Do for further details. This allows you to click on View Markup if this To Do was created from a comment to fix on a round of a Deliverable.
Additionally, if you use to-dos with deliverables, then you may just want to have a single task in your schedule called in review (or round 1, round 2, Etc). That way, you know your schedule is waiting for the deliverable to be completed with all the To Dos fixed, before moving on with your schedule.
From the To Do Details screen, you can update its Status by clicking on the name of the current status.