Purchasing: Purchase items [in-depth guide]
Guide contents: Navigation | Add a new purchase item | Additional details | Edit columns | Print | Resources
Menu > Admin/manager > System setup > Purchasing > Purchase items
Purchase items allow you to track and categorize outside expenses for use in purchase orders, vendor vouchers, misc. project costs and client invoices.
Add a new purchase item
- Click the button to add a new Item.
- In the Item iD text box, enter a unique Item ID for the item. This ID will be what people enter on transactions. This ID must be unique across all types of items (purchase, broadcast and print) because all items are available for selection when entering a vendor invoice.
In the Item name text box, enter a descriptive name for the item.
- In the Standard description text box, enter a description that you would like copied onto estimates when entering expense items.
- In the Expense account text box, enter a standard expense account for this item. This expense account defaults onto line items when a purchase order is pulled onto a vendor invoice.
- In the Sales account number text box, select the default sales account that should be used when this item is part of a transaction that is brought into a Client Invoice.
- In the Unit cost text box, enter the standard unit cost for this item.
In the Unit description text box, enter a standard description for the unit of measure.
- In the Markup text box, enter the standard markup for the item. The markup is automatically calculated from the standard cost and unit rate.
- In the Unit rate text box, enter the standard unit rate for this item.
NOTE: If 'always use unit rate for gross amount' is checked, the unit rate will remain the same, and the markup will be recalculated if the unit cost is changed. - In the Billing item drop-down menu, select the appropriate billing item for this item. The billing item controls where this item will be posted when the 'post using detail' option is used on an invoice.
- Select either the Sales Tax 1 or Sales Tax 2 applied check-boxes to designate if these sales tax rates should be checked on an invoice when generating an invoice by service and item. NOTE: These tax settings will be used for both client and vendor side transactions based upon settings found in the company record: Client setup/vendor setup
- The Active checkbox controls if the item is available when entering transactions.
Additional details
Any detail seen in the grid view of the purchase items listing can be adjusted directly in the grid. Additional details can be seen by clicking on a specific item and selecting the icon that appears. This details view allows you to adjust any setting for an item, regardless of whether it is visible in the grid. When adding a new item, it is best to check these details to ensure it has been set up correctly.
Edit columns
The columns visible when viewing this page can be changed by clicking the icon at the top of the page and selecting 'Edit columns'. Two tabs will appear;
Fields: These are a toggle for the options available in the purchase items grid.
Columns: Determine the order of the selected fields.
You can save a backup copy of your Item list by using the Print option.
To do this, click on the icon at the top of the screen. This will print detail to match the columns of the report.
Get markup from [in-depth guide]
Purchasing: Item rate sheets [in-depth guide]