Purchasing: Expense report items [in-depth guide]
Guide contents: Navigation | Add an expense report item | Additional item details | Edit columns | Resources
Menu > Admin/manager > System setup > Purchasing > Expense report items
Expense report items are used to track and categorize personal expenses incurred on the agency's behalf by your staff. These will typically be entered via expense reports but are also available via a vendor invoice.
Add an expense report item
- Click
to add a new expense report item.
- In the Item ID text box, enter a unique ID for this expense report item.
- In the Item name text box, enter a descriptive name to be used for the expense report item.
- In Standard description text area, enter any added description that may be necessary for this item. This will default into the expense report and converted Expense report > Vendor vouchers.
- In the Unit cost text box, enter the standard unit cost for this item.
- In the Unit rate text box, enter the standard unit rate for this item.
NOTE: Expense report items can be selected via the expense report entry screen and via a vendor invoice line entry. If you have the same items available via your purchase items, you may wish to add a prefix to your expense report items to help you differentiate between purchase item OOPs and expense report OOPs.
Additional item details
Additional item options and settings can be set by clicking the item and selecting the details arrow . When setting up a new item, it is best to review all of these options. Information in these listings can be changed directly out of the columns. However, not all options are listed in the columns by default.
Markup: In the markup text box, enter the standard markup for the item. The markup is automatically calculated from the standard cost and unit rate.
NOTE: If the 'always use unit rate for gross amount' is checked, the unit rate will remain the same and the markup will be recalculated if the unit cost changes.
Expense account: In the expense account text box, enter the expense account that should be used on the vendor invoice when this item is converted to a vendor invoice.
Sales account: In the sales account text box, enter the sales GL account that should be used to track the sale of this item when it is placed on a client invoice
Billing item: In the billing item drop-down box, select the appropriate billing item for this expense report item.
Edit columns
Columns in the grid view of the expense report listing can be changed by clicking the icon and selecting edit columns. Two tabs will appear.
Fields: List the available columns that can be added to the grid.
Columns: Determine the order of the columns in the grid.
Get markup from [in-depth guide]
Purchasing: Item rate sheets [in-depth guide]