Strata sync - StrataLink [in-depth guide]
The Workamajig way for handling media using Strata
NOTE: Strata has recently changed its outdoor module. They now allow you to create "date range" client invoices for outdoor billing. Because you can select a date range, the invoice may cross/overlap cycles or months. Workamajig does NOT support this feature. For billing purposes, we use the line "insertion date" to connect orders to billing. To sync with Workamajig, you must continue to create billing based on the "insertion date" for your outdoor orders.
IMPORTANT: If you are running the hosted version of Strata, you will need to contact your Strata rep and ask that they also publish Workamajig's Stratalink tool on your hosted account for each Strata login account that needs to run the Stratalink tool.
Guide contents:
Overview | SBMS setup | Confirm rounding calculations | Broadcast media names | Workamajig broadcast items | SBMS print media codes | Workamajig print items | Interactive & outdoor media | Workamajig interactive & outdoor media | Markets | Workamajig markets | SBMS clients | Workamajig clients | SBMS vendors/stations | SBMS vendors/publications | Transactions | Estimates | Using media estimates | Using project link | Broadcast orders | Boradcast invoices | Insertion orders | Insertion invoices | Insertion orders & invoices
Workamajig system setup | Workamajig StrataLink tool | Things to do before setting up StrataLink tool | StrataLink tool setup | Using the StrataLink tool (first time) | Sync orders | Sync invoices | Test your system | Ready for production | Confirming transactions | How the sync process works | Resources
The StrataLink tool allows you to import broadcast & print easily, orders & invoices from the Strata SBMS media buying system into Workamajig. The tool will import and update orders and invoices created within SBMS. The sync process will also synchronize several setup files between the systems to make adding new clients and vendors easier.
All orders & invoices and changes to orders & invoices should be made in SBMS before using the StrataLink tool. You should NEVER edit these transactions in Workamajig, all changes must come from SBMS. The StrataLink sync process matches transactions across both systems, if there is a difference, Workamajig will create these changes in Workamajig automatically. If you edit in Workamajig, it creates a difference between the systems that Workamajig will try to correct.
NOTE: The link tool will not delete any information in Workamajig, so if you need to delete an order, you will need to delete it in both places.
You can download the latest version of the Strata Link tool here. If you access Strata online, do NOT download the tool. Contact your Strata representative to setup StrataLInk in the Strata Citrix window
The following are synchronized between the two systems:
Media types:
- Markets
- Clients
- Products
- Vendors
- Stations
- Publications (At this time, Workamajig will use publications to identify all print, outdoor & interactive orders)
NOTE: If you are using the web-based version of Strata, please make sure to tell your Strata representative that you are using Workamajig and will need the StrataLink tool on your account. Strata will set up the link to the tool in the Strata app window. Because this runs in a virtual environment over the web, you can access the site using Mac or Windows. For troubleshooting purposes, we will ask you to send us the log files from your sync.
SBMS configuration & setup
Additional configuration is required in SBMS to synchronize orders & invoices.
Please review this Strata supplied guide on their setup in addition to this guide:
- SBMS link with Workamajig
NOTE: If converting from other management systems to Workamajig, please contact your Strata rep to talk about your transition from your old system. They will guide you on the timing and best method to move forward with Workamajig.
From Workamajig, we will still set up a call to review methods that best fit your workflow and what will be done in Strata to achieve this goal.
Confirm rounding calculations
NOTE: This setting MUST be set in SBMS, or your orders will not sync properly into Workamajig. Your Strata instance may already have the following set to 'true' by default.
This setting only affects print/outdoor orders & broadcast orders.
Digital orders are not affected by this setting as there is no rounding calculation.
To ensure buy lines are rounded the same in both SBMS and Workamajig, the 'round buyline cost' option MUST be set to 'true' in the Database settings screen in SBMS.
1. Open Database management menu.
2. Open Application settings screen.
3. Select the Key field: 'round buyline cost'.
4. On the right side of the screen, select 'true' for spot module value, print/outdoor module value & digital module values.
5. Click the Close button.
Broadcast media names
Broadcast media names are specified when creating a broadcast estimate. Just so you know – the media names are already pre-configured in your SBMS system, and no additional setup is required. To successfully synchronize broadcast orders, broadcast media names must first be synced to Workamajig.
Refer to using the Workamajig StrataLink tool below for how to set up the sync
The broadcast media names will be synced as Workamajig broadcast items.
Workamajig broadcast items
Workamajig broadcast Items are found via Menu > Admin/manager > System setup > Media: broadcast items.
NOTE: If the media name in SBMS matches the broadcast item in Workamajig before the initial import, you will get an error. Add a 1 to the end of the broadcast item ID or delete the items in Workamajig and try the sync again.
SBMS print media codes
Print media codes are specified when creating a print estimate. To successfully sync insertion orders, print media codes must be synced first. The print media codes are designated as print items in Workamajig.
NOTE: If the print media code in SBMS matches the print item in Workamajig before the initial import, you will get an error. Add a 1 to the end of the print item ID or delete the items in Workamajig and try the sync again.
Print media codes are entered differently depending on the version of SBMS you are using.
If you are using SBMS version 18 or higher:
1. Select SBMS print/outdoor.
2. Click on the Filing cabinet icon.
3. Double-click the Print and outdoor media types menu option.
4. Select each media type to be synced and enter a billing code. NOTE: If a billing code is not entered, this media type will not be synced.
Workamajig print items
Print items in Workamajig are found via Menu > Admin/manager > System setup > Media: print items.
Select each print item and enter the appropriate information regarding billing item, expense account, and sales account. If your company must track sales tax on print items, check tax 1/tax2 applies. Failure to set up these fields will cause an error when trying to post vendor invoices & client invoices.
Interactive & outdoor media
Interactive media will sync to Workamajig as print items. Use the same setup procedures as print media above.
Workamajig interactive & outdoor items
Interactive media from SBMS will be synced to Workamajig as Workamajig print items above.
Markets are not required to sync broadcast or insertion orders but can be used in Workamajig to group stations and publications in listings, media mass billing, and on client invoices. If you have decided to use markets, you will need to set up the markets with a market code so they can be synced to Workamajig. You'll also need to set the appropriate market on the station/publication record in Strata to sync orders with the right market.
NOTE: If unrated markets are used, a unique three-character market code must be entered to sync these markets successfully.
1. Select SBMS spot or print/outdoor.
2. Click on the Filing cabinet icon.
3. Double-click the Markets menu option.
4. Select the Show all columns option to display the Market code column.
5. Select each market to be synced and enter a 3-character market code. NOTE: If a market code is not entered, this market will not be synced.
6. You will now need to go to the station or publication record and set it with the appropriate market
Workamajig markets
Workamajig Markets can be found via Menu > Admin > System setup > Media > Markets.
Following the sync of markets from Strata, there's no need for any more setup within Workamajig.
SBMS clients
Additional setup is required to enable clients to sync successfully to Workamajig. First, clients must be set up to sync broadcast & insertion orders to Workamajig. To set up a client to sync to Workamajig, you must enter a billing code for the client. The SBMS billing code will become the Workamajig client ID. If clients are already in Workamajig, the sync will match them by matching the SBMS billing code to the Workamajig client ID.
1. Select SBMS spot or print/outdoor.
2. Click on the Filing cabinet icon.
3. Double-click the Clients menu option.
4. Select each client to be synced and enter a billing code. NOTE: This client will not be synced if a billing code is not entered.
Workamajig clients
Workamajig clients can be found via Menu > Billing > Clients.
Open the client company record and edit as needed. If you synced clients from SBMS, you should see the company name, client ID, and address prefilled in the record. (see Client company record setup)
SBMS vendors/stations
Workamajig uses both vendors & stations. Workamajig broadcast orders are associated with vendors. Though designating a station is optional on a broadcast order, it can be used to identify orders in media mass billing and as a grouping option on client invoices. Additional setup is required to enable vendors & stations to sync successfully to Workamajig.
NOTE: Broadcast vendors must be synced to Workamajig before broadcast orders & vendor invoices can be successfully synced.
You must enter a billing code to set up a vendor to sync to Workamajig. The SBMS billing code will become the Workamajig vendor ID. If vendors are already in Workamajig, the sync will match them using the SBMS billing code and the Workamajig vendor ID.
To set up a station to sync to Workamajig, you must enter a billing code in a specific format of a vendor ID & station ID separated by a semi-colon. (Example: Vendor ID;Station ID)
NOTE: There should be no spaces on either side of the semi-colon. Examples:
Vendor ID;Station ID (correct method)
Vendor ID ;Station ID (wrong method)
Vendor ID; Station ID (wrong method)
NOTE: Do NOT use a colon (:) to separate. This will cause duplicate vendors to be created in the system.
This format allows the sync to associate a station to a specific vendor in Workamajig. The second half of the SBMS billing code will become the Workamajig station ID. If stations are already in Workamajig, the sync will match them using the second half of the SBMS billing code and the Workamajig station ID.
1. Select SBMS spot.
2. Click on the Filing cabinet icon.
3. Double-click the Vendors menu option.
4. Select the vendor using the Find vendor option or by locating the vendor name in the list on the left
5. Click on the Billing tab button
6. Enter the appropriate billing code (VendorID or VendorID;StationID)
7. Save
8. (if needed) If you are using market: click on the General tab and select the appropriate market for the station.
VendorID only example:
VendorID;StationID example:
SBMS vendors/publications
Workamajig uses both vendors & publications. Workamajig insertion orders are associated with vendors. Though designating a publication is optional on the insertion order, it can be used to identify orders in media mass billing and as a grouping option on client invoices. Additional setup is required to enable vendors & publications to sync successfully to Workamajig.
NOTE: Publication vendors must be synced to Workamajig before insertion orders and invoices can be successfully synced.
To set up a vendor to sync to Workamajig, you must enter a billing code. The SBMS billing code will become the Workamajig vendor ID. If vendors are already in Workamajig, the sync will match them using the SBMS billing code and the Workamajig vendor ID.
To set up a publication to sync to Workamajig, you must enter a billing code in a specific format of a vendor ID and publication ID separated by a semi-colon.
NOTE: There should be no spaces on either side of the semi-colon. Example:
Vendor ID;Publication ID (correct method)
Vendor ID ;Publication ID (wrong method)
Vendor ID; Publication ID (wrong method)
NOTE: Do NOT use a colon (:) to separate. This will cause duplicate vendors to be created in the system.
This format will allow the sync to associate the publication to a specific vendor in Workamajig. The second half of the SBMS billing code will become the Workamajig publication ID. If publications are already in Workamajig, the sync will match them using the second half of the SBMS billing code and the Workamajig publication ID.
1. Select SBMS print/outdoor.
2. Click on the Filing cabinet icon.
3. Double-click the Outdoor vendors or Publications menu option.
4. Select a 'publication' or 'vendor' from the Publication or Vendor drop-down
5. Enter the appropriate billing code (VendorID or VendorID; PublicationID)
6. If needed: if you are using markets, select the appropriate market for the publication
7. SAVE and click Close
Vendor-only example:
VendorID;PublicationID example:
Depending on how Workamajig is configured, estimates may require additional setup before orders can be successfully synced. In SBMS, broadcast & insertion orders do not have a client directly entered. The orders will need either a media estimate or a project. It is through the media estimate or project that the client is specified. Your method depends on how your media department or person places orders and how you want to track them in Workamajig.
Using media estimate
Using the media estimate link allows you to easily create an estimate for a particular client, create orders associated with the estimate, and sync to Workamajig for vendor payment & client invoicing purposes. All costs are tracked to the client but are not associated with any client project. This is generally used when your media buy is a pass-through cost, so there is no need to track it at the project level.
However, due to a lack of project control, media buys could be placed and billed without possible input from the creative/production side of the agency.
No further setup is required if Workamajig is configured to link to the client using media estimates.
Using project link
This is the recommended method for syncing with Workamajig.
Using the project link allows you to create an SBMS estimate and track it to a client project in Workamajig. This will enable you to incorporate all the controls and reporting functionality surrounding a project for your media buys. This includes tracking time taken for traffic, control of who can enter orders, and more precise client P&L information. It also allows your media & production teams to see when buys are being run and match production deadlines accordingly. We recommend you create a task with a TaskID = Media. This allows you to simply provide the Workamajig project number to your media buyer, as the TaskID will be consistent across all projects. Due to the length of the media run, you may create a specific media project with a media task for tracking media orders and a traffic task for tracking time for the client.
In general, most will use a single project to track all media purchasing for the year. Because the orders will all be coded to a particular Workamajig media estimate, as well as a particular media item and an insertion/broadcast date, you can use the Workamajig reporting functions to provide a split-up of media buys. If your team prefers a more "campaign" granularity, you can create a single project per campaign. You can also look at the Workamajig campaign feature to see all your projects in one location.
If Workamajig is configured to use projects to link to clients, the estimate job # (estimate billing code, in SBMS.Net version) field must be entered in the following defined order:
Project number;Task ID;Class
NOTE: If you aren't using any of the entries, you still need to include the surrounding semi-colon with no space in between. The GL company and office settings will be predefined by the project you have selected. Just so you know, there is no additional setup needed for these.
Project number only:
If Workamajig is configured to require tasks on expenses:
If Workamajig is configured to require Task & Class:
If Workamajig requires Class only:
NOTE: Remember the surrounding semi-colons for unused entries!
SBMS estimate
1. Open the Estimate information screen
2. In the Estimate billing code field, enter the appropriate Workamajig formatted project number (see above)
SBMS broadcast orders
After all of the setup files have been successfully synced, orders can be synced. Only two criteria have to be met for the order to be synced:
1. Buy lines must be in a (B)illed status. NOTE: If revisions are made to the order, SBMS resets the status. You must reset the status to (B)illed to sync.
2. The flight week must fall within the date range specified in the broadcast date range.
1. From the Main menu, select the appropriate section: Spot
2. Select Buying options > Schedule status
3) Select the order lines and click "Bill" located along the bottom of the screen.
These order lines are now available to sync to Workamajig.
SBMS vendor invoices
After orders have been synced, invoices can be synced. Only two criteria have to be met for the invoice to be synced.
1. The invoice must be reconciled and in a (C)leared for payment status.
2. The invoice date must fall within the date range specified in the broadcast date range.
1. From the SBMS Invoice status screen, select 'broadcast'
2. Select the invoice lines you want to sync
3. Click the "Clear for payment" button located along the bottom of the screen.
The selected vendor invoices are now ready to be synced to Workamajig.
SBMS insertion orders
After all of the setup files have been successfully synced, orders can be synced. Only two criteria have to be met for the order to be synced:
1. Buy lines must be in a (B)illed status. NOTE: If revisions are made to the order, SBMS resets the status. You must reset the status to (B)illed to sync.
2. The insertion date must fall within the date range specified in the insertion date range.
NOTE: StrataLink syncs the SBMS space closing date to the WORKAMAJIG user defined 1 date and the SBMS materials close date to the WORKAMAJIG user defined 2 date. In order for these dates to appear on the WORKAMAJIG insertion order line item form, you will need to set up the fields in Workamajig via Menu> Admin > System setup > Global options: Customize terms > under Publication dates section enter Space close for user defined 1 and Space close for user defined 2. This may already be set up by default.
For example, to bill the two insertions in this flight, you would enter 05/01/2006 through 05/01/2006 as the insertion date range. Any lines that need to be synced must be in a status of (B)illed.
1. From the Main menu, select the appropriate section: Print/outdoor
2. Select Buying options > Schedule status
3. Select the orders lines you want to sync to Workamajig
4. Click the "Bill" button located along the bottom of the screen
This will now allow these order lines to sync to Workamajig. NOTE: Any changes you make to these lines will place the line in a revision status. In order to sync the changes, you must select the lines and "Bill" them again.
SBMS insertion invoices
After orders have been synced, invoices can be synced. Only two criteria have to be met for the invoice to be synced:
1. The invoice date must fall within the date range specified in the insertion date range.
2. The invoice must be reconciled and in a (C)leared status.
1. From the SBMS Invoice status screen, select Print/outdoor
2. Select the invoice lines you want to sync
3. Click the "Clear for payment" button located along the bottom of the screen.
The selected vendor invoices are now ready to be synced to Workamajig.
Interactive & outdoor orders & invoices
Workamajig does not have an interactive/outdoor section at this time. Interactive & outdoor orders are treated the same as insertion orders.
NOTE: Strata has recently changed its Outdoor module. They now allow you to create "date range" invoices. Since you can select a date range the invoice may cross/overlap cycles or months. Workamajig does not support this feature. For billing purposes, we use the line "insertion date" to connect orders to billing.
Configuring Workamajig
Certain settings in Workamajig impact how the sync tool handles the imported transactions from SBMS.
Workamajig system setup
Menu > Admin/manager > System setup
Two sections in the Workamajig system setup area will impact how transactions are imported using the StrataLink tool:
> Account information > Transaction preferences > click Show advanced options >
Media > check Using media
Strata Tab:
Auto-approve external orders: If this setting is selected, synced orders will automatically be marked as 'approved'. As orders placed via SBMS have already been approved, we recommend you check this, since adding an additional approval step at this stage isn't necessary.
If the setting is unchecked, synched orders must be approved to be available for client invoicing.
Auto-approve external invoices: Synced vendor invoices will automatically be marked as 'approved' if this setting is selected. As vendor invoices received via SBMS have already been approved, we recommend you check this, since adding an additional approval step at this stage is unnecessary. You will still need to post these invoices to the general ledger to impact your financial reporting.
If this setting is unchecked, synched vendor invoices must be approved to be available for client invoicing.
Posting date of vendor invoices: (Strata only): You have several options for timing the synced vendor invoices. Use invoice Date, Use clear date, or Use invoice month.
The date used will depend on the transaction:
Digital: Update the date on the Invoice status screen. This date also populates with status changes, not just cleared.
Print/outdoor: Status date on the Invoice status screen. This date populates with any status change for the invoice, not just cleared.
Spot: Clr Date on invoice status
Close bottom line invoices: If this option is checked, synced Strata invoices will balance the purchase order to the invoice.
> Insertion order tab/Broadcast order tab
NOTE: If you are using SBMS for both insertion & broadcast orders, we recommend that both sections in Workamajig be set up in an identical fashion to prevent misunderstandings and issues with the import process.
The main settings we require in this section are below:
Required link to client: This setting indicates how orders are associated with clients: Using media estimate or project link. Preferred: Through project > this allows the greatest flexibility for reporting: budget vs. actuals, etc.
Media estimate has no reporting or budgets associated, so reporting is limited to order and vendor invoice transactions at the client level.
Allow changes after order is billed: Do NOT check. (legacy item)
Auto-generate revisions for prebilled lines: Preferred: Checked > Workamajig will auto-generate a positive or negative revision line connected to a prebilled line as part of the sync process with SBMS.
Show order adjustments as a single line: Preferred: Checked > When a revision line is created, a single line will be added to track the change. If unchecked, the system will create 2 revision lines; Revision line 1 > will reverse out the full amount of the original line. Revision line 2 >enters the new order line amount.
Auto-generate order lines for invoices: (broadcast orders only): Bottom line invoice only: when checked, Workamajig will add lines to an BO to enable it to match the vendor invoice and to be able to close the order, thus matching the order and the vendor invoices
Optional settings:
Client commission client costing/client gross
Use SBMS client net (StrataLink only): when selected, Workamajig will use the Client commission & Client costing/Client gross feature from Strata to calculate the 'gross' that is synced over to Workamajig. NOTE: If selected, the Workamajig client record: Client setup > Project defaults > Prebill insertion orders/Prebill broadcast orders MUST be set to GROSS.
PLEASE NOTE: There are 3-4 different ways to set the client gross % (STN_CLT_WEIGHT is the field in the database) for broadcast. STRATA provides help documentation on client costing in their knowledge base that goes into the details of client costing.
The Workamajig Stratalink Tool uses the client net cost in SBMS when the Client costing option is enabled in Workamajig under System setup > Global options > Transaction preferences. For more information on client costing, please contact your STRATA representative.
I selected Link to client = Through project
NOTE: The following setting is only for those using the Require link to client= Through project
Menu > System setup > GL settings > GL tracking options > select Show tasks on expenses. This will refresh the screen for the selection of Require tasks on expenses
This box is checked by default.
Workamajig StrataLink tool
The StrataLink Tool will be one of the apps available via your Strata/Freewheel login
The Workamajig StrataLink tool allows you to sync clients, vendors, stations, publications, broadcast orders, insertion orders, and vendor invoices into Workamajig. The orders and invoices can then be tracked to specific client projects and ultimately used for billing & tracking costs related to the client.
StrataLink tool setup - Freewheel/SBMS online version
Contact your Strata rep to add the StrataLink tool to your Citrix main page
1. Open StrataLink tool
2. Go to Settings tab
3. In the Workamajig login section, enter the User ID, Password, and website address you use to access Workamajig (ex.
NOTE: If you use a Workamajig server, DO NOT add /platinum to the URL. Ex.: USE>> NOT
4. Click Connect to confirm that StrataLink tool can connect to Workamajig
5. In the Strata SQL database Connection parameters section, enter the server location, database name, user ID, and password. If you do not know this information, please contact your SBMS representative.
6. Click Test connection to confirm that StrataLink can connect to the SBMS database.
7. Click on Modules tab
NOTE: It is important that you run the sync process in the following order to ensure that no errors are encountered.
8. Uncheck all boxes on the screen
9. Check Markets, Clients + Add Only, Broadcast Vendors + Add Only, Print Publication Vendors + Add Only, and Interactive Vendors + Add Only
10. Click Sync. The screen will auto-jump to the Sync results tab.
11. Open/login to Workamajig to confirm that everything has been imported correctly.
12. Return to StrataLink tool. Return to the Modules tab, uncheck all boxes.
12. Check Broadcast items, Print items, and Interactive items
13. Click Sync. The screen will auto-jump to the Sync results tab.
14. Open Workamajig to confirm that everything has been imported correctly.
You are now ready to follow the instructions below to test the sync of an order and vendor invoice.
Using Workamajig StrataLink tool: sync orders & invoices -first time
The setup of Workamajig and SBMS is now complete, and you are ready to begin syncing orders & invoices between the two systems. The following is an outline of procedures that should be taken to sync transactions from SBMS to Workamajig. If you have questions regarding SBMS, please contact your SBMS representative.
Following the initial setup, the boxes on the left side of the Module screen can be left unchecked.
We recommend that you perform the sync in 2 steps: 1) Orders; then 2) Invoices
This will ensure that all orders are accounted for in Workamajig before bringing in matching invoices. This 2 step process will also allow you to confirm that the sync process is working correctly.
NOTE: If you are not using vendor invoices in SBMS, you need only sync orders to Workamajig. When you enter the vendor invoice in Workamajig, make sure you match the order to the invoice. If there is a difference between the order and the invoice, you must create revision line(s) in the order in SBMS, and then sync the order to Workamajig again before entering the Invoice.
Sync orders
You will need to test the sync of each order type to confirm that the information that is being added to Workamajig is correct.
1. Uncheck all boxes
2. From Sync orders for, select one Client from the dropdown list and enter one Strata estimate number in the Sync a specific estimate field
3. Check the appropriate box that corresponds to the selected estimate: Broadcast orders, Print orders, and Interactive orders
4. Set the beginning date and through dates
NOTE: Typically, the begin date is set to the beginning of time, to ensure all prior orders are being synced, and the through date is set to the future 1-3 months, to allow you to pre-bill the client for future placements.
5. Click Sync. The screen will auto-jump to the Sync results tab
6. Open/login to Workamajig. Confirm the order(s) were synced correctly.
This would include:
- Did the Media estimate sync into Workamajig with the correct number and number of vendor orders connected to it? Typically, one estimate line in Strata equals an order in Workamajig
- Did the Order sync? Are the Vendor, Station/Publication, Market, Order dates, and Gross & net amounts correct on the order
NOTE: The Order in Workamajig will display a Link ID number on the General tab. This confirms that the order came from Strata.
7. If correct, return to Step 2. Change the Sync to a Specific estimate and client ID and check the appropriate order type >> Click Sync. Repeat this step for each order type.
Sync invoices
1. Uncheck all boxes. Pick one Client
2. Check Broadcast invoices, Print invoices, and Interactive invoices.
NOTE: If you use Bottom line invoicing, make sure to check the Include bottom line invoices.
- BOTTOM LINE INVOICES: Bottom-line vendor invoices MUST NOT cross broadcast months for the revision lines to be created properly during the sync. If you wish to ignore these settings, see below.
- Ignore Dates for Bottomline Invoices: When checked, this will support the sync of bottom-line vendor invoices across multiple months. This does not need to be checked if the bottom line invoice being cleared is for a single broadcast month.
3. Set the beginning date and through dates
NOTE: Typically, the beginning date is set to the beginning of time, to ensure all prior invoices are synced, and the through date is set to the end of this billing period. 4. Click Sync. The screen will auto-jump to the Sync results tab.
5. Open/login to Workamajig. Confirm the vendor invoice(s) were synced correctly.
NOTE: The invoice in Workamajig will display a link ID number on the General tab. This confirms the invoice came from Strata.
After you have completed this test cycle, open Delete the vendor invoices, then delete the orders. You have now completed the setup.
If you have any error messages or have questions about this process, please do not hesitate to contact your Workamajig Account Manager at
Let's test your workflow
Before using the StrataLink tool in a production setting, we recommend you conduct the following test:
- Check your client ID setup in Workamajig and set that in the Billing code field for each client record in SBMS.
- Check your vendor ID setup in Workamajig and set that in the Billing code field for each station/publication record in SBMS. Remember, Workamajig allows a separation between vendor and station/pub. You will need to set the billing code to have: vendorID;stationID (there's a semi-colon needed between the vendor ID and Station ID). You can just make up a station/pub ID that will be synced over to Workamajig as a station or pub.
- Run the StrataLink tool and make sure no orders or invoice options are checked on the right-hand side of the Modules tab, but keep everything checked on the left-hand side. Now run the sync to add the items & stations, etc. over to Workamajig.
- Have someone in accounting double-check the broadcast item & print items in System setup > Media menu to make sure they're linked to the correct sales & cost accounts.
- Now, create a test media estimate in SBMS, and in the Estimate billing code field, make sure that you enter Workamajig's project#;TaskID (i.e.. 12-abc-1234;media). Make sure that you Bill the schedule so that the orders are visible to the StrataLink tool.
- Now, set the estimate number in the Modules tab of the Stratalink tool and enable the broadcast orders to sync just the orders for that estimate. Make sure the date range is wide enough to include the spots you want to sync over.
- You can now go to Media > Media estimates menu to look up all the orders that just got synced over to make sure that the net & gross is correct.
You can go further if you want and bill those orders in Billing > Mass billing > Media, and adjust your invoice layout settings.
Once you're done, you can delete the client invoice, delete the orders in Workamajig, and cancel/delete the media estimate in SBMS.
That completes the testing. You are all set to begin using StrataLink to sync real media estimates into Workamajig.
Ready for production
The setup & testing in SBMS and Workamajig are now complete. You have synced over all of your clients, vendors, items, orders, and invoices. Now, it is time to put this into your agency workflow.
The timing of the sync is left up to you. We usually recommend that it coincide with your normal billing routine to ensure all billable transactions from SBMS are available for client invoicing. However, due to the nature of the sync process, you can run the StrataLink tool at any time.
Here are typical workflows that have provided the best success:
We prebill orders
This method is always billing order lines. A vendor invoice line is seldom/never used in billing.
- From StrataLink tool, check the box Orders only. Set the first date field to blank and the second date field well into the future, ex. Year: 2047. This is to ensure that all new & adjusted order lines are being brought into Workamajig.
- Create client invoices: The billing should pull in all order lines through your selected date. This will include new prebill lines & any adjusted order lines from the previous period.
- After the billing cycle is complete, from the sync tool, check the box Vendor invoices. This will allow Workamajig to match vendor invoices to the correct order & revision lines, and close these lines.
- Pay vendor invoices as per your normal payment cycle
Why do I wait to sync vendor invoices? As part of the sync process, Workamajig is looking at the previously synced order lines in the system and comparing them to what is being added/changed during the current sync cycle. In Strata, you will be adjusting future order lines, adding new order lines and you will match current vendor invoices to your order lines. When you match the vendor invoice to your order lines in Strata, this will automatically update the actual order lines in Strata. You want to ensure that these "adjusted" or revision order lines are synced to Workamajig. Billing the revision lines before syncing the vendor invoice designates these revision lines as being billed. This is very helpful, as when you sync the vendor invoice from Strata, Workamajig will see the connection between the original line and the revision line on the order, connect both of them to the single vendor invoice line, and close out both order lines automatically.
You can sync over the vendor invoices without first billing the adjusted order line. However, Workamajig cannot connect the revision line to the vendor invoice, so you will need to bill the revision line and then manually close the order line.
We do not prebill orders/we only bill vendor invoices
This method is always billing the vendor invoice.
- From the sync tool, check the box Orders and vendor invoice. Set the first date field to blank and the second date field well into the future, ex. Year: 2047. This is to ensure that all new order lines are being brought into Workamajig.
- Create client invoices: The billing should pull only vendor invoices through your selected date.
- Pay vendor invoices as per your normal payment cycle
Since the orders do not come into play with this method, when you connect the vendor invoice to the order line in Strata and sync, Workamajig will first update the order line then bring in the vendor invoice. This will connect the vendor invoice to the order line and close the order line automatically. No revision lines will be created on the order because there is no billing connected with the order.
Confirming transactions
Following the sync process and/or following your billing process, we recommend that you run the Menu > Reports > Media report > Media discrepancy report, to review the orders, vendor invoices & client invoices associated with your media estimates or media orders. This report can also be used for purchase orders.
How the sync process works
When you run the StrataLink tool, it will try to confirm and sync information in the following order:
1. Items
2. Markets
3. Clients
4. Vendors
5. Orders
6. Invoices
WARNING: Once you begin using the StrataLink tool and sync between Strata & Workamajig, you must NEVER delete spots or lines in SBMS. You must zero out or cancel the spots and lines, instead. If you delete a spot/line, it will cause major issues to the sync process and may also cause issues with the information in Workamajig.
1. Items: The system will first sync print items, broadcast items, and interactive items. As these seldom change, these can remain unchecked to speed up the sync process.
NOTE: If an item ID is not found in Workamajig it will cause an error.
2. Markets: Markets are not required to sync broadcast or insertion orders but can be used in Workamajig to group stations & publications in listings, media mass billing, and on client invoices. As these seldom change, this can remain unchecked to speed up the sync process.
3. Clients: Additional setup is required to enable the link tool to associate an SBMS client with a Workamajig client. Clients must exist in Workamajig before orders can be successfully synced. See SBMS clients for details on setting up SBMS clients to be synced. As these seldom change, this can remain unchecked to speed up the sync process.
NOTE: Clients do not have to be synced from SBMS to Workamajig to sync orders successfully. As long as the SBMS client billing code matches the Workamajig client ID, the orders will sync properly.
ADD ONLY setting: by checking this setting along with the Clients checkbox, it will only add clients to Workamajig that do not exist already. Any clients that already exist in Workamajig will not be updated.
WARNING: If you select 'clients' and do NOT select 'add only', the sync process will overwrite any information in Workamajig with the new information from SBMS. For example, if the client address is blank in SBMS, following the sync, the address in Workamajig will also be blank.
We recommend that you always check the 'add only' box if you are syncing clients, as most accounting departments will set up billing information in Workamajig for clients, so there is no need to sync information from SBMS.
Client divisions (if they exist) and products will be synced automatically after clients are synced.
4. Vendors: Additional setup is required to enable the link tool to associate SBMS vendors (see above) and media information with Workamajig.
Vendors must exist in Workamajig before orders can be successfully synced.
As these seldom change, this can remain unchecked to speed up the sync process.
Vendors do not have to be synced from SBMS to Workamajig to sync orders successfully. As long as the SBMS vendor's billing code matches the Workamajig client ID, the orders will sync properly.
ADD ONLY setting by checking this setting along with the vendors checkbox, it will only add vendors to Workamajig that do not exist already. Any vendors that already exist in Workamajig will not be updated.
WARNING: If you select 'vendors' and do NOT select 'add only', the sync process will overwrite any information in Workamajig with the new information from SBMS. For example, if the vendor address is blank in SBMS, following the sync, the address in Workamajig will also be blank.
We recommend that you always check the 'add only' box, as most accounting departments will set up payment information in Workamajig for vendors, so there is no need to sync information from SBMS.
5. Orders:StrataLink allows you to set the date range for syncing broadcast orders, insertion orders and interactive orders from SBMS. Insertion orders & interactive orders will be synced into Workamajig as print orders.
NOTE: For order lines to sync to Workamajig, they MUST be marked as (B)illed or Cancelled (B) status in Strata.
You can check the 'orders' and 'invoice' boxes in the same sync. The system will first sync orders then invoices. However, many will run the sync for orders only several times during the billing period to ensure billing availability and accuracy of project costs. This also will speed up the sync process.
How the orders are synced is based on settings in SBMS:
Broadcast orders - Broadcast orders are synced at the buy line/flight period level. Each buy line in SBMS becomes a broadcast order line in Workamajig. All of the individual spot counts for each flight period on a buy line can be individually synced and updated. NOTE: The buy line must be marked as (B)illed or Cancelled (B) for the individual flight periods to be synced. If you create a revision or change the line, you must re-mark as (B)illed.
The date range entered in the Broadcast date fields determines which of the buy lines flight periods are synced. For example, if an estimated flight was from January 02, 2006 through June 02, 2006, the first 4 weeks of the flight could be synced by entering the date range 01-02-2006 through 01-29-2006.
A flight period can be synced an unlimited number of times which keeps it in sync with SBMS. NOTE: The Workamajig System transaction preferences 'allow changes after client invoices'impact how the sync handles pre-billed flight periods. This option must be set to allow changes to occur to a flight period after it has been added to a client invoice. If it is not enabled, an error will be reported when an attempt is made to update a previously billed line.
Print/interactive orders: Print/interactive orders are synced at the buy line level based on the SBMS insertion date. Each buy line in SBMS becomes an insertion order line in Workamajig. All of the buy lines for each flight can be individually synced and updated. NOTE: The buy line must be marked as (B)illed or Cancelled (B) to be synced. If you create a revision or change the line, you must re-mark as (B)illed.
The date range entered in the Insertion date fields determines which buy lines are synced. For example, if an estimate's flight was from January 02, 2006, through June 02, 2006, the first 4 weeks of the flight could be synced by entering the date range 01-02-2006 through 01-29-2006. A buy line with an insertion date in this range will be synced as long as they are in a 'billed' status.
A flight period can be synced an unlimited number of times which keeps it in sync with SBMS. NOTE: The Workamajig System transaction preferences 'allow changes after client invoices' impact how the sync handles pre-billed flight periods. This option must be set to allow changes to occur to a flight period after it has been added to a client invoice. If it is not enabled, an error will be reported when an attempt is made to update a previously billed line.
6. Invoices: StrataLink allows you to select the date range for syncing vendor invoices from SBMS to Workamajig. Three criteria must be met for an invoice to sync successfully: 1) The invoice must be reconciled and in a cleared for Payment status; 2) The invoice date must fall within the specified date range, and; 3) The order that the invoice is tied to must exist in Workamajig for the sync to be successful.
NOTE: Bottom-line invoices: Bottom-line vendor invoices MUST NOT cross broadcast months for the revision lines to be created properly during the sync.
BE AWARE: When you match the vendor invoice to the order lines in Strata, Strata automatically updates the order lines. Because orders lines are always synced over before vendor invoices, Workamajig will sync over the changes and create a revision line or update the current line, depending on if the order line was prebilled or not.
Things to never do!
Once you begin using the Workamajig link for processing buys from Strata, there are a number of things you should NEVER do after you have actually synced the estimate/buys to Workamajig.
1) Adjust estimate flight dates: If you adjust flight dates after the buy has already been synced, the order buy lines will be given a new line order number. Because of this, Workamajig will see them as brand new lines and thus create new order lines in Workamajig. The original lines will become orphaned and we will no longer see a connection between Strata and Workamajig.
a) zero the buys in the date range that you will no longer be ordering for, or
b) delete the orders and estimate in Workamajig, after adjusting, resync the estimate.
2) Delete order lines: if you delete the order line in Strata, there is no further communication with Workamajig for this order line, so it will be orphaned.
a) zero the buys on the dates you will no longer be ordering.