Platinum tips [guide]
This guide goes over some useful tips on how our interface can be used. From things that can speed up your process. To ways that can offer better results overall.
Onboarding | Open link as new tab | Default page | Bookmark favorites | Keyboard shortcuts | Copy/paste formatting | Restore tab | Set browser start page | Shortcut app smartphone | Safari tab key | Zoom text | Resize columns | Multi-sort columns | Private browsing | Custom reports search fields | Printing | Color status definition | Conversations note vs. email
Platinum introduces a feature with interactive walk-through guides on how to perform typical processes.
To open the walk-through guides, click on the blue "i" in the upper right corner, next to your name and avatar.
A menu will appear at the bottom of your page, with guides listed by role.
Feel free to explore the role-specific guide that can walk you through the process of adding a new contact, or Adding a new project.
Open link or record in a new browser tab
This is perfect if you want to have multiple projects, invoices, or even different today pages open at the same time. Then you can click on your browser tabs to switch between open records.
In most browsers, you can hold the Control key (Command key on a Mac) and then mouse click on the record link to open it in a new browser tab.
Additionally, if you already have the record open, then you can hold the Control key (Command key on a Mac) and then hover your mouse over the X in the upper right. You should notice the icon change.
While still holding the Control key (Command key on a Mac), then mouse click on the new icon. It will open that record in a new browser tab and close it on the current tab.
NOTE: You will lose any changes on that record if you have not already Saved it.
Set your default Page
You can change the page that loads when you log in. The default page for all users is the today creatives page.
From your My Settings, you can change the Default Page to any page you have access to.
Bookmark/favorite pages and reports
Beyond setting a default page, you can use your browser's built-in features to create custom bookmarks/favorites of your commonly used pages and reports.
NOTE: Chrome is shown in the following examples. However, each browser is unique in how this is managed.
Additionally, you can set multiple browser tabs to open on startup.
Keyboard shortcuts
You can press "Control + Shift + ?" (Windows), or "Command + Option + Shift + ?" (Mac), to open the Keyboard Shortcuts menu from any screen in Workamajig. However, some pages have built-in shortcuts that only function while on that page.
For more info, please see the Keyboard shortcuts guide.
Copy/paste without formatting
If you encounter issues with Copying and Pasting text into forms of Workamajig (Conversations, Data Entry fields, Etc), from other sources (Word, Websites, Etc). Then we suggest you remove the formatting associated with what was copied to your clipboard.
Windows - You can use the keyboard shortcut of "Control + Shift + V" to paste it as plain text without formatting.
Mac - You can use the keyboard shortcut of "Shift + Option + Command + V" to paste it as plain text without formatting.
Additionally, if using the Chrome browser, you can Right-Click your mouse and choose the option to "Paste as plain text".
Restore tab
If you accidentally close a tab, you can recover the tab using the following keyboard shortcut.
Mac: command+shift+T
Win: ctrl+shift+T
This works in the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox
Setting Platinum to be your browser's starting home page
In Chrome, click the icon in the upper right with the three horizontal bars and choose "Settings." In the left column, choose "Settings", then look under "On Startup". This will be to the right.
Set it to "Open a specific page or set of pages" and then click the "Set pages" link. Type in one or more Web addresses and click OK. The page or pages will load up when Chrome starts.
In Firefox, click the icon in the upper right with the three horizontal bars and choose "Options". On the General tab, set "When Firefox starts" to "Show my homepage". Under that, type in the address you want for your home page. Click OK.
If you want to load multiple pages on startup, load them up in tabs first, then click the "Use Current Page" button. Or you can click "Use Bookmark..." and select a folder of bookmarks.
Creating a shortcut/app to Platinum from your smartphone
On your smartphone, you can open the phone's browser and go then go to your main platinum login screen. From here add a bookmark that you can place on the home screen so it looks like an app.
See the Platinum mobile interface guide for detailed steps on how to do this.
Safari browser and pressing tab on the keyboard
In a recent update from Apple of their Safari browser, the tab key now works differently by default in their browser only.
So if you are experiencing issues in Safari when pressing the tab to go to the next field or row, go to the Advanced browser settings and check "Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage".
Zoom text
You can use your browser's Zoom feature to make the text/app appear larger on your screen without having to adjust your computer's display settings. From your browser menu, look for the Zoom options. Each browser looks slightly different.
Via Mouse and Keyboard:
If you don't want to take your hand off the mouse, you can hold down the CTRL key and spin your mouse scroll wheel. This will zoom in/out of the page and increase/decrease the text and image sizes.
Keyboard only:
Have you ever visited a page with text that was too small to read comfortably? If you've ever found yourself leaning too close to a computer monitor, you need to know this.
To zoom in the text - and images - in any browser, just hold CTRL and press the plus key to zoom in. Hit plus a few times to zoom in even further. Too far? Hold CTRL and press the minus key to zoom back out. CTRL and the zero key resets the zoom level.
Hint: Use the plus, minus, and zero keys over on the far right of the keyboard. The ones near the Backspace key work for most browsers, but not for all of them.
For OSX Chrome users, this can be done by using the Command key (not the Control key) and only with plus and minus keys on the far right side on an extended keyboard.
Resize columns
Move the mouse cursor between the columns until the cursor changes to double-arrows. Now press and hold (for a second or two) your mouse button and continue to hold the mouse button while dragging to widen the column width.
Multi-sort columns
You can sort by a single column by simply clicking on the column header with your mouse. However, if you want to add a secondary sort without having to modify the report, you can hold the control key on your keyboard and then the next column(s) header you click on will do a secondary sort of the data.
Private browsing and no history
You can not use Workamajig Platinum in private browsing mode or when you turn off history. Platinum uses your browser's cache to improve performance. When this is turned off, you will get a white loading screen and the application will not work.
Custom reports now allow you to search the available fields
When you add a column to a custom report, you can type over the displayed field name to then do a search for all matching available fields.
For example, in the screenshot below, we used the word "date" to find all available fields that contain the word date in them.
When printing PDFs, your print options will allow you to print multiple copies and page ranges. For example, you can choose 2 copies using the page range of 12,23,34-36 to print 2 copies of page 12, page 23, and pages 34 through 36. This may be handy if you need to re-print just certain pages of 1099 Forms, for example.
Also, see the Printing to PDF guide for additional info.
Color status/definition
For the status of items needing review, we have color-coded the levels of the current status. They are as follows:
Green = approved, on-time
Blue = submitted
Red = rejected, overdue
You may see a lighter blue color of text, this is a hyperlink to another part of the system. Such as opening a linked record from another record.
Conversations note vs. email
Using the email tab instead of the note tab in a conversation will allow you to send a stripped-down footer in the email that's used for a reply by email threading, that goes out to your clients. This way they don't have an active hyperlink to open the conversation in Workamajig.
If you have a useful tip that should be listed here, please let us know by submitting feedback about this page below.