FastPay [in-depth guide]
Guide contents: Setting up FastPay | Workflow to create payments | Payment to FastPay | Import credit card charges | Resources
Looking for a quick, easy way to pay vendors & track card payments? Look no further!
FastPay is a service that helps you manage vendor payments. The best part about it? It is fully integrated with Workamajig, so you can get payments sorted under the same roof as every other part of your project management.
There are two separate integrations used by FastPay:
1. Pay vendors using FastPay payment methods
2. Track FastPay credit card payments
For FastPay-related setup & troubleshooting, please contact your FastPay representative at
For Workamajig-related setup, please reach out to support at
In addition to the text instructions below, you can also watch our Webinar on how to set up FastPay within Workamajig.
Setting up FastPay
Setup integration between Workamajig and ePay requires the following:
- Setup an API connection to FastPay
- Import a report used by the API
- Add a FastPay GL account in the Workamajig chart of accounts. (optional)
NOTE: If you are using a local-hosted Workamajig server, you must have a valid 3rd-Party SSL certificate associated with the Workamajig URL for the FastPay to work.
Below are the step-by-step instructions to set up a connection to FastPay in Workamajig.
Setup FastPay bank account
FastPay processes payments in a couple of ways:
- When making payments using the card or ACH function, the funds will be pulled from your bank account in one total payment.
- Payments made via check will act as a normal check and are deducted from your bank account as they are deposited/cashed by the vendors.
Due to this, there are 2 ways to set up your bank accounts:
- Use current account
- Create FastPay account
Use current account
No further setup is needed. However, if you are still using your current check stock, during the create payments step, you will need to adjust the 'next check number' to the "next" FastPay check number. If you will only be using FastPay, then adjust the 'next check number' on the GL account.
NOTE: the report that will be used for the integration is preset to look for check numbers beginning with 100000.
Use FastPay account
Create a new GL account with your Account type set to 'bank'. Menu > Admin/manager > System setups > GL settings > GL accounts
1. Click into current bank account name
2. Click on blue ... icon just to the right > Insert an account below
3. Click into the new account's Account name > change name to 'FastPay checking'
4. SAVE > under account details: Next check number: enter 100000
NOTE: the report that will be used for the integration is preset to look for check numbers beginning with 100000.
Setup API access
1. Setup company & User API access tokens
Menu > Admin/manager > System setup > Account information > Connections > API
If no tokens exist, please click Generate new company token & Generate system-wide user
Refresh the browser tab to view the API user token
Import FastPay report for API
The API will use a pre-designed custom report to export information from Workamajig to FastPay.
2. Download FastPay payment detail (HERE)
3. Import downloaded file into Workamajig:
Menu > Admin/manager > Import data > select VIEWS > Select file > click Import selected
NOTE: Do not edit the file provided in any way prior to import
4. Open Report: Menu > Everyone > Report center > Other > FastPay payment detail
5. Click Edit at top of report > Filters > you will see a filter Cash account number > select > uncheck Prompt > in VALUE select the FastPay checking account number you created in the first step from the dropdown list.
6. Click SETTINGS Tab > API access key: copy api key.
You can also change the access to the report by unchecking 'private' and adding security group access to the report.
7. Click Apply changes at top of the screen
8. Click Memorize at top of the screen
Send information to FastPay
Send the following to your FastPay representative to complete the setup:
- Company API access token
- User API access token
- FastPay payment detail report API access token
- URL used to access Workamajig. Example:
Workflow to create payments
1. Follow the normal Pay vendor invoices workflow outlined here: When you click the Pay button, make sure you select the Standard or FastPay checking account prior to generating payments
2. Follow the normal Print checks workflow outlined here: Select the standard or FastPay checking account, select 'all checks' and Print > Confirm printing. This will set the check number so your payments can be pulled into FastPay and sent to your vendors.
Payment to FastPay
Current Bank Account Setup
The ACH and Card Payments will be deducted from the account as a single withdrawal. Checks will be withdrawn as the vendor deposits the payment. Plan your bank reconciliation accordingly.
FastPay account setup
FastPay will deduct money from your "Main" bank account via an ACH transaction or as checks are deposited by the vendors. You will need to account for this within Workamajig.
Create a journal entry that credits: "Main" checking/debits: FastPay checking. You can edit the journal entry number or add a comment to designate it as a FastPay transaction.
For the individual checks that were deposited by vendors, create a journal entry for the total value of all cleared checks in the period.
This will fund the FastPay checking account.
The checks you created to pay vendors in Workamajig > Credit: FastPay checking / Debit: AP
Import credit card charges
Fastpay allows you to download credit card charges tracked and paid via Fastpay
1. Create a GL account:
Menu > Admin/manager > System settings > GL settings > GL accounts > Create new GL account: Account type = Credit card:
2. Once created setup Vendor = FastPay and Users that will have access to the "card" to process charges. See credit card setup
3. In FastPay, you will need to set up a few custom fields. Talk with your FastPay representative on how to set these up
4. Download credit card transactions file from FastPay. This is a pre-designed csv file. You will only need to download & import it into the Connector screen.
5. Open Connector screen > Menu > Purchasing > Today purchasing > Incoming charges: Open the Credit card connector
6. Click ...More > Import CSV
7. select a file to import > Display file > Once displayed, click Import selected
8. Click Refresh.
You are now able to map the credit card charges within the connector screen to the proper item/project, etc.
As FastPay is set up as the vendor for the credit card, you will be able to "pay" the charges in Workamajig to reflect the ACH transfer of funds between your company and FastPay.
Learn more about FastPay here.
System setup: GL accounts [in-depth guide]
Credit card connector [in-depth guide]