Mark as ACH [in-depth guide]
Guide contents: Workflow | Vendor email vs primary contacts email | Example email to vendor | Resources
This process is designed as a way to simplify the payment process in Workamajig for when you are paying your vendors directly from your bank (i.e. ACH). This allows you to generate a unique ACH number without having to manually go into each payment individually & populate the check number.
- The ACH number is a unique number auto-generated by the system. The ACH number is based on the format ACH-XXXX-YYYY. The first payment in the ACH will be generated as ACH-0001-0001 and any additional payments in the batch will be numbered sequentially.
XXXX = Batch of the payment
YYYY = Individual payment in the batch
Checks to print
The Print checks screen allows you to mark payments as 'paid via ACH' when no check is to be printed. After you have created payments from the To pay as of date section on the left-hand side of the Today purchasing page. You will see Checks to print appear under the Payments section.
Cash account
From the Print checks page, choose the Cash account of the payments.
Mark as ACH
Select the payments to be marked as ACH. These are the payments where a check will not be printed and were paid online. Once the payments are selected, two additional options will be displayed: Mark as ACH & post payment and Mark ACH, post & email vendors.
- If Mark as ACH & post payment is selected, the payments will be updated with a unique ACH number that will be retained in the 'check number' field. The payment will then be automatically posted.
- If Mark ACH, post & email vendors is selected, the payments will be updated with a unique ACH number that will be retained in the 'check number' field. The payment will be automatically posted & the vendor will be emailed notifying the contact on the vendor record that the invoice has been paid.
Vendor email vs primary contacts email
ACH payment emails first look for a vendor email address (Vendor record > Purchasing defaults > Payment options > Email ACH info to). If nothing is populated, then the system will look for the email address of the primary contact.
NOTE: If both the vendor details email & primary contact email exist. Then the vendor details email will be used.
Vendor email setup
From the Vendor details, click on Purchasing defaults > Payment options > Check the box ACH enabled> Then populate the email ACH info to.
Primary contact email
Verify who the primary contact is and that they have an email address populated. This can be done from the Vendor details > Contacts.