ACH Setup and Download ACH File [in-depth guide]
This guide goes over the setup and workflow for generating an ACH File to send to your bank for processing vendor payments.
Guide contents: System ACH Setup | Vendor ACH Setup | Download ACH File | Example ACH File | Mark As ACH | Resources
This feature leads to the generation of an industry-standard banking ACH (also known as NACHA) file for transferring data from Workamajig to your financial institution.
- This feature generates a formatted file based on the system setup and advanced options. If your bank has additional requirements that go beyond what is currently generated. Please send your banks requirements documentation to
- Alternatively, there is a way to create a custom formatted payment file using the Positive Pay layouts and generating the file from your Payments view. Which features a header, body and footer sections.
- The Payment Date will be set to Today's Date when generating the file to download. So if you bank has a cutoff for when that days ACH payments can be uploaded. Then be sure to generate and upload the file before that time of day.
System ACH Setup
First thing is to enable Use ACH.
- To do this, navigate to your the Today Purchasing screen. Then click on More > Print Check Settings.
- From the Print Check Settings screen, click on Use ACH and SAVE.
- Alternatively, you can also access this setting from the Print Checks screen, so long as you have checks to Print.
Next you will need to add your banks ACH Settings.
- Form the Print Checks screen, click on Settings next to Use ACH.
- Then update it with your banks required details.
ACH Company ID - Limited to 10 Characters. This is a unique identifier with your bank. Most banks will define this for you. Bank Name - The name of your bank as it needs to appear in the file. Bank Account Number - Your account number with your bank. Bank Routing Number - Requires a minimum of 9 characters. Your routing number with your bank. Show Advanced Options - Opens to show more options your bank may require. |
Show Advanced Options
NOTE: Only use these options with the advice of your financial institution.
Send data in ALL CAPS - Transposes all characters to uppercase. Do not send a balance record - Many institutions require the file to have balanced transactions, but some institutions do not accept the balance transaction in the file. Do not use unique file names - Create all ACH files with the file name of ACH_File.ach. Use ACH company ID as File origin - Replaces some sections of the file with the ACH Company ID. Do not use File reference - Do not populate the File Reference field of the File Header record. Financial institution open on Saturday - Use if your bank processes transactions on Saturdays. Alternate Payer Name - Replaces the Company Name in System Setup > Account Information or the GL Company Name with this label instead in the file. Alternate File Origin ID - Replaces some sections of the file where the Bank Routing Number might be used instead. Company Discretionary Data - This value will go in the Company Discretionary Data field in the Batch Header record. |
Vendor ACH setup
From the Vendor record, go to Purchasing defaults > Payment options.
Then populate the bank account number, bank routing number, and name on bank account fields.
The key fields for setting up the vendor ACH are as follows.
Bank Account Type - Required.
Bank account number - Required. Typically all numbers. Provided by your vendor.
Bank routing number - Required. Minimum of 9 characters. Must be all numbers. If you have less than that, then typically you can add a 0 to the front of the sequence. Provided by your vendor.
Name on bank account - Required. Can be text or numbers. Provided by your vendor. NOTE: The ACH file will use the Company Name (or DBA if populated) field in the file for the name. This field is used for BACS files specifically. But for ACH purposes, its just a reference field.
ACH Enabled - Checking this is mainly used so vendor invoices can be filtered in the Select Invoices To Pay screen.
Email ACH Info To - Optional. If you plan on using the to use the Mark As ACH, Post and Email Vendors button, then be sure to populate this with the correct email address you want to send too. If this is not populated then an email is sent to Vendors > Primary Contact.
Download ACH File
- Go to the Print checks screen.
- Select the Cash Account, if different than your default.
- Check the box for Use ACH.
- Check/Uncheck the boxes next to the payments you want to include in your ACH File.
- Click Download ACH file.
- A file should be added to your browsers Downloads folder.
- Access your bank's website & upload the file according to their instructions.
Example ACH File
Here is an example of a system generated ACH file with none of the Advanced options enabled.
101 098765432 0987654322309211326A094101Your banks name Workology W - Room C 1401
5200Workology W - Ro YourBankIDCCDACH Paymen230921230922 1098765430000001
6226666666665555555555 0000005500000000000002377Dunder Miffland 0098765430000001
6222222222221111111111 0000011100000000000002186SpongeBob SquarePants 0098765430000002
622444444444333333333 0000050000000000000002286Benjamin Franklin 0098765430000003
6270987654321234567890 0000066600000000000001980Workology W - Room C 0098765430000004
82000000040143209875000000066600000000066600YourBankID 098765430000001
Mark As ACH
You have two options to complete the transactions once you have successfully uploaded the file to your bank.
Mark As ACH and Post Payment
This is the same as checking Post Checks and clicking on Confirm Download. The system will assign a unique ACH Number to the Check Number, and Post the Payment(s) to the GL.
Mark As ACH, Post and Email Vendors
This will do the above, but also send an email to the email address inputted in the Email ACH Info To from the Vendors > Payment Options, or to the Vendors > Primary Contact.
Example of Check Number field populated with the system assigned ACH Number
For more info on this process, please refer to the Mark as ACH guide.
Select invoices to pay [in-depth guide]
Positive Pay layouts [in-depth guide]