Mass Billing - Campaign Fixed Fee
This screen is designed to mass generate Client Invoices based on a Campaign Fixed Fee amount. In order for the system to recognize this method the campaign must be set with the Bill By = Campaign and the Bill Campaign Budget selected.
Based upon the search parameters, the screen will display a line for each Campaign with a Fixed Fee billing method.
- If the campaign has no billing schedule, the campaign will be displayed.
- If the campaign has a billing schedule that falls within the To Bill date, the campaign will be displayed.
Each Campaign displays the Campaign Budget, Total Billed, Remaining Budget, Bill as % of, % to Bill, Created as Advanced, Advanced, Extra Expenses, Total with Extras, Expenses not Included, Segments.
- Comments: Displays the comment listed within the billing schedule for that period.
- Budget: Displays the total of all approved estimates. Note: If the Expenses are Not Included checkbox is selected; then the Budget displayed is based on Labor only estimate amounts.
- Total Billed: Displays the total amount of all Revenue invoices and does not include Advance bill invoices.
- Remaining Budget: The Campaign Budget - The Total Billed
- Bill as % of: Display either Total (Budget) or Percentage of Remaining (Budget)
- % to Bill: If the Campaign has no billing schedule, the % to Bill will be 100%. If the Campaign has a billing schedule that falls within the To Bill date, the % to Bill from the Billing schedule of the Campaign will be displayed.
- To Bill: If the Campaign has a billing schedule with a % to bill, the system displays the amount to bill based on the percent listed in the billing schedule. If the Campaign has no billing schedule or % to bill, the system displays the remaining budget amount.
- Create as Advance: If you would like to create the amount to bill as an Advanced Bill then you would check the box or if the Campaign billing schedule was already set to create an Advanced bill it will already be checked.
- Extra Expenses: The Extra Expenses are the total amount of expenses that are not included in the Fixed Fee amount and are available to be billed separately. NOTE: This is set in the Campaign Settings when the Expenses are Not Included option is selected.
Total With Extras: The total amount of all Extra Expenses to be billed in this period.
Expenses Not Included: Yes or No depending on the selection from the Campaign Settings - Segments: If Campaign segments were created on the Campaign then it will show YES.
Search Options:
This screen allows for more specific search options: By a specific Client, a specific GL Company, if applicable, and the ability to set the Through Date for unbilled approved transactions. The Campaign Segments allows you to separate when billing Campaigns with Segments so that you have the option to create invoices with the Segments displayed.
By default, the system displays all applicable campaigns for all Clients. The Through Date will search for all billing schedules prior to that date and all approved billable transactions through the selected date. This will include expenses that are available to be billed separately. This will also Mark as Billed all unbilled approved transactions upon generation of the Client Invoice.
NOTE: Based on security rights, the system defaults to display all GL Companies.
Click on the to select additional search options. Search by Parent Client, Account Manager, Project Manager and Campaign.
Extra Expenses: Define the filter for the expenses that can be billed.
- Open Orders Only - Include only open orders to be prebilled. This will exclude Closed Orders.
- Expenses - Includes misc costs, vendor invoices and expenses on credit card charges
- Expense Reports - Include Expense reports that have not been converted to a Vendor Invoice.
- Purchase Orders - Includes approved purchase orders to be prebilled.
Editing the Amount to Bill
By clicking on the campaign line, the screen opens the fields To Bill and % to Bill, allowing these to be edited. Tab through to have the system automatically save the changes.
Click on edit details to open an individualized Campaign Billing screen. See Edit Details for further details.
NOTE: If you click to Edit Details, the system will display the selected Campaign's Billing screen. Any changes made to this screen will not be reflected in the Mass Billing Campaigns.
Mass Billing: Select the campaigns to be billed and click $ generate. This will open the Billing Options panel.
Billing Options: allows you to set specific data in the generation of the Client Invoice.
- Invoice Date: Invoice Date defaults to Today’s date and can be changed.
- Posting Date: Posting Date defaults to Today’s date and can be changed.
- Create as Approved: If checked, the Client Invoice will be created as Approved.
- One Invoice Per Campaign: There is No option to combine multiple campaigns on the same invoice. The system will always generate one invoice per Campaign.
Invoice By: Options are One Line, Service/Item and Segment
- One Line - Generates a single Campaign line on the invoice.
- Service/Item - Generates one line for each Service and Item from the Estimate.
- Segment - Generates one line per Campaign segment
- Add Top Line (Service/Item Only): This creates a Top line on the Invoice listing the Campaign with the Service/Items as sublines.
- Mark all Transactions as billed: Applies to Revenue invoices only. If this is checked, transactions left unbilled will be marked as billed. This can only be reversed on the project billing tab.
Click Generate Invoices to create the Client Invoices. Once generated, the Client Invoices can be viewed in the Invoices Listing: Waiting to be Submitted, Waiting to be Approved or Invoices to Print or Email. If the Create as Approved was checked in the Billing Options, then the Client Invoices can be viewed in the Invoices to Print or Email Listing.
Edit Details
NOTE: By clicking EDIT DETAILS, the system will open the billing screen of the selected campaign. This is no longer part of the mass billing workflow and becomes a single campaign fixed fee billing workflow. Any edits made only pertain to this screen and will not "feed back" into the main Mass Billing screen. The Create Invoice step should be completed from this location.
Click on edit details to open the Billing screen
The Billing screen displays the Invoice By, the % to Bill, Total to Bill, Total with Extras and Through Date and Existing Invoices.
NOTE: Total with Extras is only displayed if there are extra expenses available To Bill.
Billing screen: Billing Options
The options for Billing are:
- Estimates: Defaults to display the amount for All Estimates.
- Estimate Total: Displays the total amount of all approved Estimates.
- Estimate Remaining to Bill: Displays the remaining amount to bill.
- Mark All Transactions as Billed: Applies to Revenue invoices only. If this is checked, transactions left unbilled will be marked as billed. This can only be reversed on the project billing tab.
- Add Project Description: If this is checked, the project description will be added to the top project invoice lines.
Generate the Invoice. Click Create Invoice.
Select to generate a Revenue Invoice or an Advance Bill Invoice.
When you generate the invoice, the system opens the Invoice for review. Approve and post the Invoice.