Mass Billing: Project Fixed Fee
This screen is designed to mass generate Client Invoices based on a Fixed Fee/Budget amount. Depending upon the search parameters, this screen will display a line for each project with a Billing Method setting of Fixed Fee. In addition,
If the project has no billing schedule, the project will be displayed.
If the project has a billing schedule that falls within the To Bill date, the project will be displayed.
Each Project displays the Variance, Project Budget, Amount Billed, To Bill, % to Bill, and Extra Expenses.
Variance: The Variance amount is calculated as the Budget Amount - (Revenue) Invoiced Amount - To Bill Amount.
Budget: Displays the total of all approved estimates.
Note: If the Expenses are Not Included checkbox is selected; then the Budget displayed is based on Labor only estimate amounts -
Amount Billed: Displays the total amount of all Revenue invoices and does not include Advance bill invoices.
To Bill: If the project has a billing schedule with a % to bill, the system displays the amount to bill based on the percent listed in the billing schedule. If the project has no billing schedule or % to bill, the system displays the remaining budget to bill.
% to Bill: If the project has no billing schedule, the % to Bill will be 100. If the project has a billing schedule that falls within the To Bill date, the % to Bill from the Billing Schedule in the project will be displayed.
Extra Expenses: The Extra Expenses are the total amount of expenses that are not included in the Fixed Fee amount and are available to be billed separately. Note: This is set in the Project Settings > Billing Options>Expenses Not Included checkbox is selected.
Search Options:
This screen allows for more specific search options: By a specific Client, a specific GL Company, if applicable, and the ability to set the Through Date for unbilled approved transactions.
By default, the system displays all projects for all Clients. The Through Date will search for all approved billable transactions through the selected date. This will include expenses that are available to be billed separately. This will also Mark as Billed all unbilled approved transactions upon generation of the Client Invoice.
Note: Based on security rights, the system defaults to display all GL Companies.
Click on the … to select additional search options.
Search by Parent Client, Campaign, Office, Project Status and Project Billing Status.
To mass bill, select the projects to be billed and click $ generate. This will open the Billing Options panel.
Billing Options - allows you to set specific data in the generation of the Client Invoice.
Invoice Date: Invoice Date defaults to Today’s date and can be changed.
Posting Date: Posting Date defaults to Today’s date and can be changed.
Create as Approved: If checked, the Client Invoice will be created as Approved.
Click Generate Invoices to create the Client Invoices. Once generated, the Client Invoices can be viewed in the Invoices Listing: Waiting to be Submitted or Waiting to be Approved. If the Create as Approved was checked in the Billing Options, then the Client Invoices can be viewed in the Invoices to Print or Email Listing. Both listings can be found on the Today Page.
Fixed Fee > Mass Billing - Fixed Fee. Editing the Amount to Bill.
By clicking on the project line, the screen opens the fields To Bill and % to Bill, allowing these to be edited. Tab through to have the system automatically save the changes.
Click on edit details to open the Billing screen for more options.
The Billing screen displays the Invoice By, the % to Bill, Total to Bill, Total with Extras and Through Date and Existing Invoices.
Note: Total with Extras is only displayed if "Expenses Not Included" checkbox in Project Settings is selected.
Billing screen: Select Invoice By and Billing Options.
The options for Invoice By are:
One Amount: Allows you to advance bill a single amount either based on % to Bill or Total to Bill amount. Enter either a percentage or a dollar amount.
% of Task: Views the Budget by Task. Select the Tasks To Bill; enter the % to Bill or Total Amount on each task.
% of Service/Item: Views the Budget by Service/Item. Select the Services/Items To Bill; enter the % to Bill or Total Amount on each line.
% of Billing Item: Views the Budget by Billing Item. Select the Billing Items To Bill; enter the % to Bill or Total Amount on each line.
Note: The % to Bill defaults to 100%. The Total to Bill amount will display the remainder of the Budget, if applicable. If there is no budget, or no remaining budget available, the Total to Bill will display $0.00.
Billing Options.
Click on the …to display the Billing Options.
Estimates: Allows you to select All Approved Estimates or an individual approved Estimate.
% of Total Estimate: Allows you to select to display a percentage of the total approved Estimates.
% of Remaining Estimate: Or, allows you to select to display a percentage of the total remaining To Bill of approved Estimates.
Estimate Total: Displays the total of the Estimate selected. If All Estimates is selected, it displays the total of all Estimates.
Estimate Remaining to Bill: Displays the total of the Estimate remaining To Bill. If All Estimates is selected, it displays the total remaining of all Estimates To Bill.
Mark all Transactions as Billed: For all approved unbilled transactions for the Through Date listed will be marked as billed. Note: This applies to Revenue invoices only, not Advance bill invoices.
Extra Expenses- Viewing and Editing:
If there are Extra Expenses available To Bill, when you click on Edit Details, the Expenses will be displayed and be automatically checked to be included to be billed.
Based on the Invoice By selected, the Extra Expenses may appear as a separate tab. On this screen, the expense can either be selected to be included in the expenses to be billed or unselect the expense to be excluded.
In order to edit the expense transactions, click on the Bill Actuals. Then click on the expense transaction line to edit the Gross amount.
By Default, the unbilled approved expense transactions will be displayed. The date range defaults to All and the transactions are Grouped by Task or by Item. The Transactions can be viewed in Transactions or Summary format.
Transactions format: By Default, the screen displays Transaction Date, Vendor/Person, Quantity, Hours, Gross, WIP in Batch, grouped by Task or Item.
Summary format: By Default, the screen displays 2 sections: Unbilled Amounts and Budget Comparison, grouped by Task or Item.
Unbilled Amounts section includes: Actual Hours/Quantity, Amount to Bill and Selected to Bill, grouped by Task, or Item.
Budget Comparison section includes Budgeted Hours (when grouped by Task), Billed (TM), Budget, Remaining, Gross Remaining.
Note: Click on ...more to Refresh the screen or to set the Transactions Grid Settings. This allows you to edit the Project Billing Details Settings and edit the fields displayed under each of the categories.
The screen defaults to display the Unbilled Approved transactions. Click on Unbilled and a menu of categories displays and allows you to toggle between the other transactions on the project.
Unbilled: Displays all unbilled approved transactions.
Unapproved: Displays all unapproved transactions.
Invoiced: Displays all transactions previously invoiced, including the Invoice number.
Marked As Billed: Displays all transactions Marked as Billed.
Write-Offs: Displays all transactions that have been written off.
On Hold: Displays all transactions that have been placed On Hold.
Transferred: Displays all transactions that been transferred out of the project.
Adjusted: Displays all transactions that were adjusted in the billing worksheet.
Each view allows transactions to be selected and the status to be updated/changed:
Unbilled Transactions: Select transactions and apply billing actions: Bill, Mark as Billed, Write off, Transfer or Hold.
Unapproved Transactions: This screen allows you to Transfer the selected unapproved transactions.
Invoiced Transactions: This is a view only screen displaying all previously invoiced transactions, including the Invoice number. No additional processing allowed.
Mark as Billed Transactions: This screen displays all transactions currently Marked as Billed. Allows you to mark the transactions as billable.
Write off Transactions: This screen displays all transactions that have been previously written off. Allows you to undo the write-off.
On Hold Transactions: This screen displays all transactions that have been placed On Hold. Allows you to remove the On Hold and returns the transaction to the Unbilled transactions.
Transferred Transactions: This screen displays all transactions that have been transferred out of this project and/or task. Allows you to edit the Transfer date.
Click on ...more to Refresh the screen or to set the Invoice Settings.
The Invoice Settings include the options:
Add top Project Line: Only valid if Invoice By = Percentage of Service / Item or Billing Item. If this is checked, a summary line with the project name will be inserted at the top.
Include service and item details under each task: Only valid if Invoice By = Percentage of Task. If this is checked, the system will create under each task, invoice lines corresponding to services or items on estimates.
Include all selected lines even if 0 dollars: If this option is checked, checked zero lines will be created. If this option is not checked, checked zero lines will not be created.
Group by Billing Item: Only valid if Invoice By = Percentage of Service / Item. Similar to the TM option: One Line Per Billing Item and Item. When creating the invoice lines, expense items are grouped by billing item.
To generate the Client Invoice, click on $ create invoice. There will be the option to generate a Revenue Invoice or an Advance Bill invoice.
Whether you generate a Revenue invoice or an Advance bill invoice, the system will open the invoice screen. The invoice screen will display with the ability to review, edit and approve the invoice.
View Existing Invoices. Click on the Existing Invoices in order to view the list of Client Invoices previously billed. The screen displays a listing of all client invoices, grouped by Advance Invoices (invoices marked as an Advance Bill invoice) and Revenue Invoices.
Click on the >Invoice to view the invoice lines.
Click on any individual invoice line to open and view the actual invoice.