Project Billing
Billing Method | Time & Materials Billing | Fixed Fee Billing | Advance Billing | Editing Transactions | Security Rights | Resources
The Project Billing screen is designed to allow your team to create a Client Invoice directly form the project. This can be based on the project's Transactions (Time and Materials billing method) associated with the project, or based on the approved project's budget (s) amount (Fixed Fee Billing method). You can also generate an Advance Bill Invoice for the project as well.
- While you can view/edit the projects Transactions from this screen, there is also a Transactions report screen. This allows you to give users access to view and make limited edits so you don't have to give them rights to creating client invoices.
- Keep in mind this is not the way you have to do billing in Workamajig. This process is better suited for smaller agencies, or where there are less projects to bill each month.
- Most agencies would prefer using an overall billing workflow for the agency that is outlined in our Billing Worksheets, Mass Billing and Retainer guides that are accessed via the Today Billing screen.
- Based on the Billing Method established in the Projects > Project Settings > Billing Options section, when you click on Billing, it will open to either T&M Billing or Fixed Fee Billing.
- In order to Close a project, all transactions will need to be flagged as Billed, Marked As Billed, or Written Off. Any other transaction status will prevent the project from being closed.
Billing Method
You can establish the Default Billing Method in each Clients Setup. However, you can also adjust the Billing Method per project.
Client Setup
From the Client Details, click on Billing, then click on the Edit Icon next to Defaults. Look down to the Billing Method drop-down.
Project Setup
Once a project has been created, it can have its Billing Method changed from the initial Client default. To access, go to the Project Settings, then click on Billing Options. In here is the Billing Method drop-down.
Time & Materials Billing
When you first open this screen, it will show you all the Unbilled transactions.
From there you have the choice of what to Bill or Not Bill.
Edit Individual Transactions
The system allows you to edit specific transactions associated with the project. It does not matter if the transaction is approved or not. However, you may want to make the change on the actual transaction rather than editing it in the project.
1) Select a Grouping Line>>this will cause the details to display in the bottom frame.
2) Click the row associated with the transaction.
Labor: Edit Labor >you can adjust the Service, Rate, Hours, Total, and enter/edit Billing Comments.
NOTE: In order to keep the time sheet entry and project billing hours correct, we suggest that you do NOT edit the Hours field.
Partial Write Off: Allows you to write of a portion of the hours.
NOTE: The system will create 2 time entries: One entry will be marked as Write Off and the other will remain as Billable. The system will auto-update the time sheet with the 2 entries.
Because most expenses are connected to Orders, Misc Costs, and Vouchers, you are only able to edit the Gross amount. The source transactions will not be updated. This is only at a project level.
Edit Multiple Transactions
Editing of the transactions can be done at the summary level or at the detail level by clicking the located along the left side of the 2 areas.
1) Select a Grouping line>>this will cause the details to display in the bottom frame.
2) Check the box associated with:
Grouping Line: This will auto select all transactions associated with the line and perform the same action.
Detail Line: This will select only the specific transaction and perform the selected action.
3) Click the appropriate.
4) Select the appropriate action to perform.
Bill All Selected Items: This will generate an invoice. see below.
Mark All Selected Items As Billed: This will mark transactions as Billed. This is used when you have billed via Fixed-Fee or have billed the client in another manner. If Posting WIP, these transactions will be posted out of WIP according to the date Marked as Billed
Write Off All Selected Items: This will mark transactions as Write Off. This does not affect the GL and only reduces Project Profitability. If Posting WIP, these transactions will be posted out of WIP according to the date Marked as Write Off.
Transfer Costs For All Selected Items: This will transfer transactions to the selected project and task.
NOTE: If Posting WIP, the date transferred is very important. See Posting WIP to the GL.
Billing the transactions can be done at the summary level or at the detail level by clicking the located along the left side of the 2 areas.
1) Select a Grouping line>>this will cause the details to display in the bottom frame.
2) Check the box associated with:
Grouping Line: This will auto-select all transactions associated with the line and perform the same action.
Detail Line: This will select only the specific transaction and perform the selected action.
3) Click the appropriate.
4) Select the Bill All Selected Items.
5) Select the appropriate Line Item Format.
One Per Billing Item and Item: Set by default, will generate one line per billing item and breakout Expenses into individual lines.
One Per Billing Item: This will generate one line per billing item, no Expenses breakout.
One Per Task: This will generate one line per Project Task, no Labor or Expense breakout.
One Per Service: This will generate one line per Service/Role, no Expense breakout.
One Line Item: This will generate a single invoice line, not Labor or Expense breakout.
6) Click Create Invoice.
Use the Display All Detail Transactions setting to view all transactions within the selected tab, Unbilled, Unapproved, Invoiced, etc.
NOTE: This setting will disregard the Group By setting, but will adhere to the Date Range selection.
Fixed Fee Billing
The Fixed Fee Billing screen allows you to view Estimate vs Actual vs Billed amounts, and also allows you to create an invoice based upon approved project estimate(s). This is also the location you will create an Advanced Billing/Deposit invoice.
The Existing Invoices tab will allow you to see all past invoices created for the project.
Estimate: Dropdown allows you to select All approved estimates or a specific estimate. The Estimate details displayed in the lower part of the screen will reflect the selection made.
1) Make the appropriate selections:
Invoice By: This allows you to generate an invoice in a more detailed way.
Percentage of Estimate: Creates a single lined invoice based upon the amount entered under Total to Bill.
Percentage of Task: Creates one line per selected task based upon the Bill amount entered on the individual tasks.
Percentage of Service/Item: Creates a one line per selected service and expense item based upon the Bill amount entered.
Percentage of Billing Item: Creates one line per selected billing item based upon the Bill amount entered.
Bill As: Dropdown allows you to set how to look at the Estimate total for billing purposes.
Percentage of Remaining: This will take into account past billing to provide the Amount to Bill total.
Percentage of Estimate: This will look at the total estimate amount.
Percentage: This allows you to enter a percentage amount of the estimate to the bill.
Total to Bill: The amount that will be the total on the invoice.
2) Click Create Invoice.
3) If an Advance Bill, check the This is an Advance Bill.
4) Click Create Invoice.
Advance Billing
When generating an invoice from the Fixed Fee screen, you can choose to create an Advance Bill vs Revenue Invoice at that time.
Editing Transactions
The Transaction area allows you to view all project transactions in a number of ways. The screen functions as a report/listing screen allowing you to create custom layouts to display the project transactions in a way that is appropriate to your agency. See Create Custom Listings.
Security Rights
These are the related security rights that give access to all or part of the project's Billing screen.
For more info on Security Group Rights, please refer to the Security Group Rights guide.
Project Administration
View Project Transactions
Enables access to the Project>Billing: Transactions. The Transaction Screen is a report screen that can be modified to fit your needs. No editing of transactions is available from this screen.
NOTE: Further security settings are necessary to view T&M Billing and Fixed Fee Billing in this location.
View Project Adjusted Transactions
This allows a view of the adjusted transactions within the read-only Transaction tab. Adjustments include transfers, transactions edited after posting to WIP, write-offs undone after posting out of WIP. Without this right, users will only see the most current iteration of the transaction, i.e. no original or reversed transactions.
Add and Edit Client Invoices and Credits
This grants the right to create client invoices using the T&M Billing or Fixed Fee Billing screens in the Project.
NOTE: The security rights "Edit Transactions on Projects" and "View Project Transactions" must also be selected.
Be aware that this setting also allows access to Billing > Client Invoices to view existing invoices and create new, and allows the user access to electronic Billing Worksheets to Generate, Reassign, Approve, and Create Invoices from the billing worksheet. Users can also do Fixed Fee Billing and Mass Billing for Production, Media, and Retainers.
Edit Transactions on Projects
Gives access to Billing > T & M Billing. With only this selected, the user will only have the right to "Mark Transaction On Hold" and "Mark Transaction As Billed".
NOTE: This must be selected in order to "Add and Edit Client Invoices and Credits".
Transfer Transaction to other Projects
Allows the user to transfer costs to other projects.
NOTE: Must have "Edit Transactions On Projects" selected.
Write Off Transactions
Allows the user to Write Off transactions at the project level.
NOTE: Must have "Edit Transactions On Projects" selected.
Unwrite Off Transactions
Allows the user to undo a Write Off to a Transaction at the project level.
NOTE: Must have "Edit Transactions On Projects" selected.