Setup for conversations [in-depth guide]
Security rights | Today pages | System setup | Resources
Security rights
Menu > Admin/Manager > System Setup > Account Information > Project Administration
There are several security group rights that control which security groups can view and/or edit conversations for themselves or others. (NOTE: conversations are called diary in security settings).
Security Rights group > Contact Management
FOLDERS: When / if needed, Folders allow you to make conversations visible or private to other users beyond security rights.
ACTIVITIES: A conversation can be a NOTE &/or a formal email. But a conversation becomes an "Activity" if there is a date scheduled into the future to follow up on. Proper security rights are needed in order to access the Activity feature found via Security Rights> Contact Management (see screenshot example below).
Here is a list of the security rights available in Contact Management, customizable to each security group in order to access Activity options in Workamajig:

Today pages
Each "Today" page has a tab for conversations. This will allow you to see all conversations you are part of. Open conversations will show under 1 or more tabs: Projects / Open / Today / This Week / Unread / Favorites.
System setup
CONVERSATION TYPES: An option can be enabled that will give a predefined list that users can choose from to identify what type of conversation is being created. Conversation types help to define what type of activity is set up and give an easy grouping & filter option for future reporting needs.
Additional setup needed found via Menu > Admin > System Setup > Contact Management > Conversation Types. If you don't use conversation types, it is recommended that your company defines a few subjects related to project and sales conversations in order to ease the search for conversations and activities across the system. Ex. A project subject may be "Sent Proposal, Follow up", Etc.
INCOMING EMAIL SETTINGS: Conversations that are emailed can be replied to like any regular email. But if you want those replies to route back into Workamajig and into the original conversation then additional setup needs to be done.
NOTE: Important system setup needs to be done for replies to route back into Workamajig properly. Further details can be found in the Connections Doc > Incoming Emails doc