Client setup [in-depth guide]
Guide contents: Create new client | Convert to client | Client details | Billing defaults | Conversations | Connections | Resources
Clients in Workamajig refer to the term of a company record that is also set up as a client, similar to how a company can be a vendor. This allows for the use of projects, client invoices, and processing receipts.
Create new client
There are several ways to create a new client record. Here are a few of the ways:
From Menu > Billing > Clients.
From Menu > Billing > Today billing.
Fill out the form. At a minimum, you will need to populate the client name and client ID fields.
Convert to client
From an existing Menu > Salesperson > Company record.
At a minimum, you will need to populate the client ID field.
Client details
From this part of the setup, you can edit the basic company info, see history & add additional addresses.
The Company info edit screen is broken up into three sections. Contact info, settings, and social media.
For more details regarding the company record, please see the Salesperson > Companies page [guide].
Contact info
Company name - The name of this company/vendor as seen throughout the system.
Client ID - The unique system identifier used throughout the system.
Note: This should be alpha-numeric only. No special characters.
Primary contact - The first contact you add to a company record defaults as the primary contact. The primary contact gets added in by default as the primary contact on projects.
Main phone - Once inputted, this can be tapped from a mobile device to call.
Fax - Does anyone still use this?
Web site - Once inputted, this can be tapped to open up their website.
Account manager - Populates a user by default for new projects.
Project manager - (If enabled) populates a user by default for new projects.
Salesperson - Populates a user by default for opportunities.
Company owner - Populates a user by default for reporting & security settings.
Do not use for projects/project requests - This option prevents the ability for others to create projects or project requests for this client record. Mainly used when you have this client set up as a parent and want users to only create projects for the child clients.
Social media
Twitter ID - Enter the company's Twitter handle to see a stream of their latest tweets on the Today salesperson page.
Project defaults
Here you can see what has been selected already, or click the Pencil icon to edit the project defaults.
Project defaults
Company - (Only if using GL company) Select GL company the project will be associated with.
Office - (Only if using office) Select office the project will be associated with.
Team - (Only if using teams) Select account team that is assigned to this client. Default = blank.
Billing manager - Applies to the use of Billing worksheets only.
- If left blank (default), the billing worksheets would go to anyone with the rights to create invoices for final approval after the projects designated AE completes their review.
- If populated, it will only go to that specific person for final approval.
Project color - This allows you to choose a default color for this client's projects, which then become visible in high-level Gantt views.
Next campaign number - This can dictate the next number for the campaign made for this client. See the Project & campaign numbering methods [in-depth guide] for more info.
Next project number - Can dictate the next number for projects made for this client. See the Project & campaign numbering methods [in-depth guide] for more info.
Default currency - (If multi-currency is enabled) Allows you to choose the default currency for this client's projects & transactions.
Get labor rate from - This allows you to set where the project goes to get labor rates. For more detail on the use of this feature, refer to the Get labor rate from [in-depth guide].
- Lock the get labor rate setting - This checkbox will then lock the 'get labor from' setting on all this client's projects.
- Update - This allows you to update this setting across active or all projects & force a recalculation of labor rates.
Get markup from - This allows you to set where % markup for all project expenses will come from. Default = item. For more use on detail on the use of this feature, refer to the Get markup from [in-depth guide].
- Lock the get markup from setting - This checkbox will then lock the 'get markup from' setting on all this client's projects.
- Update: this allows you to update this setting across active or all projects & force a recalculation of markups.
Prebill insertions at - This allows you to set how to prebill insertion orders. This is generally set at the system level via Transaction preferences. Default = blank.
Prebill broadcast at - This allows you to set how to prebill broadcast orders. This is generally set at the system level via Transaction preferences. Default = blank.
The billing setup is broken up into three sections. Billing details, defaults, and credit cards.
Billing details
Overhead client - Designates company as an overhead client.
Parent company - Designates the company as a parent client.
Parent company - If this is a child company, select a parent company by beginning to type the name in the box. NOTE: Parent-child relationship can only be 1 level deep. A parent can have many children, but a child can have only one parent.
Billing name - This allows you to designate a different company name on estimates & invoices. Default: blank.
Billing address - Select the appropriate address from the drop-down to be used for billing.
Email invoices to - This allows you to choose a contact other than the primary contact to be the one who is used for the purpose of emailing invoices only.
Date converted - Populates with a date when you convert a company to a client. Can also populate manually for reporting purposes.
EIN - Client's EIN number. After its saved, this entry becomes encrypted.
Comments - Open the text entry field to fill in as you need.
Default sales tax 1/2 - Designate the appropriate sales tax rates.
Estimate labor taxable - This allows you to choose if you want to choose tax on labor on the estimate printout or not.
Default sales account - Overrides the GL tracking options for the default sales account to be used for this client's invoices. By default, this is blank and uses the sales account of each service/item.
AR account - Overrides the GL tracking options for default AR account to be used for this client's invoices. By default this is blank.
Estimate templates - This allows you to choose from a list of templates for printing estimates. See the Estimate templates [in-depth guide] for more info.
Invoice templates - This allows you to choose from a list of templates for printing invoices. See the Invoice templates [in-depth guide] guide for more info.
Layouts - Designate a layout to be used for printing client estimates & invoices. For more on this refer to Invoice/estimate layouts [in-depth guide].
NOTE: This will override both the estimate templates & invoice templates for this client.
Billing method - Designate a billing method that will flow to projects.
One invoice per - Select how an invoice is generated. See the Client invoice setup matrix section of the Client invoice overview [in-depth guide] for more info.
One line per - Select how much line detail is to be generated. See the Client invoice setup matrix section of the Client invoice overview [in-depth guide] for more info.
One line per fixed fee - This allows you to choose how fixed fee invoices are created separately from how time & materials invoice. See the Client invoice setup matrix section of the Client invoice overview [in-depth guide] for more info.
Payment terms -Used to indicate the default terms for this client.
Credit card
This is if you bill a client's credit card directly via PayFlowPro, for more on this refer to our Credit card processing [in-depth guide].
Cardholder name - Name as it appears on the card.
Credit card number - Number as it appears on the card.
NOTE: Only the last 4 digits will be visible after the record is saved.
MM - 2-digit expiration month as it appears on the card.
YY - 2-digit expiration year as it appears on the card.
Verification code - 3-digit code on the back of the card.
Anytime this company/client is tagged in a conversation or a conversation is created from this record, it will list here. This is useful for documenting conversations with this client and also can be used as a repository for files by attaching them to the conversation.
From the Clients page, you can access their directly related records, such as contacts, vendor invoices, and payments.
To access the company side of the record, click on company details from the bottom of the connections list. See the Salesperson > Companies page [guide] for more info.
Connections of interest
Contacts - We recommend you add contacts for the client here, as they are created as linked to the record by default. The first contact you add to a company record becomes the primary contact.
Divisions & products - This section is used if you wish to further segment your project-level data for reporting purposes only. These options will appear when creating projects and running reports such as the project profit & loss financial report.
NOTE: The divisions and products you create here are unique to this client only. If you need similar to be available as a mass list for all clients, then this can be done using custom fields. However, custom fields cannot be used in profit & loss reports like divisions and products can.
Get labor rate from [in-depth guide]
Service rate sheets [in-depth guide]
Estimate templates [in-depth guide]
Invoice templates [in-depth guide]
Invoice/estimate layouts [in-depth guide]