Assignments view [in-depth guide]
Guide contents: Default views | Updating assignments | Search options | Resources
This traffic report screen focuses on the assignments themselves. While you have the ability to customize & group by task & project, the data that is retrieved is done so at the user & service level of the task assignments.
Default views
All assignments
- Used to see all assignments for all active projects.
- A good starting place if you are going to make a custom listing.
Current worklist
- Only the current task(s) within a schedule (based on predecessors) that have not been completed will be displayed.
- This is good if you want to focus on the current task assignment yet to compete for all current active projects.
Due but not done
- All tasks assignments that are not complete & due as of or before today.
- This listing by default, filters to show you all assignments still open on projects & tasks that are past due. So if the project is in an active status and the task is not 100% done, then any assignment on that task will show in the list. From experience you want this report to be no longer than a page or two.
Make your own custom view...
While we have several pre-built listings out of the box. You can freely customize these listings, or create your own by way of the 'modify' and 'memorize' buttons.
Updating assignments
From the Assignments view, there will be a checkbox along the left side of each row. Checking the box will allow you to update the selected tasks in the following ways:
This will allow the reassignment or added assignment to all selected tasks to the person selected from the dropdown list.
- Reassign selected tasks to: select a name from the drop-down list. This list is filtered to only show active employees.
- Remove from project: if selected, will remove the replaced person from the tasks & project teams.
- Send notification: if selected, will send a notification to the reassigned person. The replaced person will only see the task is no longer on their list of tasks.
- Reassign: reassigns tasks to the selected person
- Add to task: Adds the selected person to all selected tasks
Following selection, click 'update'.
This allows the update of a number of task settings. One or more items can be selected at the same time.
- Assignment status: allows an update of assignment status to be selected. Must be using assignment status
- Task name: update the task name to the entered value
- Set complete date To: updates the assignment complete date to the selected date (today; same as plan complete; specific date). This will also mark assignments complete. If all assignments for the task are marked complete, the task will also be marked complete.
NOTE: If multiple assignments are on the task & are not completed, those assignments & tasks will remain incomplete. - Service: updates the assigned service to the selected value.
- Description of assignment: updates traffic comments on assignments. Changes are visible via the Project schedule>Assignments detail: assignment>Traffic comments for the assigned person & the Assignment card on Today-Creative.
following selection(s), click 'update'
Search options
The default search option allows you to filter by 'office', 'department' and 'person'. For more options, you will need to do this by way of the 'modify' and 'memorize' buttons.
Show timeline
From the search option, you can enable the timeline feature, which is also visible from the Projects listing screen. This however is showing the timeline segments broken up by assignment.