Closing projects [in-depth guide]
Guide contents: Complete all tasks | Change project's status | Clear all open project transactions | Archive files (optional) | Close the project | Mass closing projects | Reporting | Resources
The following steps should be carried out to fully complete your projects and to get accurate information using the Project summary scoreboard report.
- All tasks should be 100% completed.
- The project must be set to an inactive project status code that does not allow time or expense entries.
- All-time entries must be billed on an invoice, marked as billed or written off. Not on-hold.
- All related billing worksheets must be in the billed state.
- All orders (PO, IO, BO) must be closed.
- All vendor invoices & client invoices must be entered for the project prior.
- Click and save the closed checkbox from Project settings > Accounting.
Complete all tasks
Assigned users should be marking task assignments 100% done via the Today - Creatives page.
Alternatively, you can mark assignments/tasks 100% complete from the project schedule or various traffic screens.
If you are trying to catch up on the lack of progress on the above fronts, you can use the Assignments view, then filter by task date: older than, and view the data. Click the top checkbox for all assignments, and then click Update multiple. From here choose Plan complete date, and then Go. This will mark all assignments/tasks done prior to that date.
Change the project's status
Use a project status code that is not set as an inactive status, such as the default final billed status. Some users go through the effort of creating new status codes and label them "closed" or "archived" for this purpose. Just make sure the status code is not active, nor allow time & expense entries, and for good measure check Lock Status.
Change the project's status
The daily feed will record this action
Clear all open project transactions
Typically all time and expenses on a project would be cleared (billed on an invoice, marked as billed or written off) via your billing Worksheets or mass billing process.
However, if you still have open transactions on the project, you will need to clear them. One way would be to edit the transactions manually, to do this go to Project > Billing > Bill actuals, then review the unbilled, unapproved, and on-hold, selections to be sure nothing is there.
If something is there, then you can try the following.
If unbilled, then check the transactions and click bill (create an invoice), mark as billed, write off, or transfer.
If unapproved, then you will need to track down who can approve the shown transactions to then run through the unbilled process above.
If on hold, then you will need to change them to unbilled.
Archived files (optional)
There is no need to do anything with the project files, as the files are accessed from the project. So you can report on projects that are closed if you need to refine a search.
If you host your own file server, you can technically back up the files somewhere, then delete the files from your server. And if you want to restore them, be sure the files are put back exactly where they were originally located.
Close the project
Last but not least, to officially close a project, go to Project settings > Accounting, click the Closed checkbox and Save. Make sure the project status is set to make the project inactive first before you close the project.
You can also click on Mark unbilled transaction as billed, as a way to simplify this process. But if transactions are unapproved or on hold, you will need to go to the Billing page to resolve those.
Once closed, a date of when this was saved will appear. And only certain users can unclose a project.
The daily feed will also log when this action is done.
Mass closing projects
From the Projects view, you can close multiple projects at one time. You can even mark all transactions as billed during this mass update process.
NOTE: Some projects might not be able to be updated in this way. If that occurs, please refer to the above steps on how to close a single project.
If you need to exclude closed projects from certain reports, you can add a filter for Closed project > Equal to > No.