Billing > Today billing page [guide]
Guide contents: Navigation | Navigating your Today page | Conversations | Billing worksheets | To bill as of (mass billing) | Invoices | Views | Resources
By default, your current view is today’s date. The Today page is where all billing functions can be performed, transactions can be reviewed, amounts to be billed reviewed, billing worksheets generated & reviewed, and invoices can be created, viewed & printed/emailed.
Navigating your Today page
Adjusting the date will provide the daily feed for the date selected.
Click the + to quickly add new billing functions.
Click More > System settings, to set the Billing settings. NOTE: This is based on security rights.
The conversations section will show a list of open conversations that need to be taken care of during your day.
- Open: all open conversations.
- Today: all conversations that have a due date set to 'today'
- This week: all conversations that have a due date within the current week
- Unread: all conversations that have not been read. Once opened they will drop off this list
- Favorites: all open conversations that have been marked as 'favorite'.
Once a conversation has been marked completed, it will be removed from all lists on this screen. Past conversations can be accessed via the ...More > Conversations
Billing worksheets
The billing worksheets section will display the current number of "open" worksheets within the current approval status:
- Worksheets in review: worksheets that have been generated & are awaiting approval by the designated account manager on the project/ client record (for master worksheets)
- Worksheets to approve: worksheets that have been submitted for final approval by the designated account manager.
- Ready to create invoices: worksheets that have been approved by the AR manager or other management position and thus ready to create the client invoice.
Click + Generate to generate new billing worksheets.
Click each approval status category to display the billing worksheets. In each category, the AR manager can review, edit, approve or reject the individual worksheets.
NOTE: Worksheets listed as 'worksheets in review' cannot be rejected.
For further information on processing billing worksheets:
To bill as of (mass billing)
The To bill section of the Today page provides the ability to review the projects to be billed and the ability to mass bill your clients.
The to-bill date provides the amount available to be billed as of that date. Edit the to-bill date and the values will be updated to reflect the amount available to be billed as of that date.
- Time & material - Displays all projects with a time & material billing method that have approved transactions that are available to be billed as of the date.
NOTE: Select multiple projects for mass billing or click on a specific project to further review & edit the transactions that are available to be billed and review all transactions within the project. - Fixed fee - Displays all projects with a fixed fee billing method, with either a billing schedule that falls within the as-of-date or projects with no billing method.
NOTE: Select multiple projects for mass billing or click on a specific project to further edit the amount to be billed. - Retainer - Displays a grid of all retainers that are available to be billed within the as-of-date.
NOTE: Select a single retainer or multiple retainers for mass billing. - Media - Displays a grid of all media estimates or media projects that are available to be billed within the as-of-date.
Media will show separately if mass bill settings are set to 'bill media separately'. Otherwise, media orders will be included in time & material billing. This is set in Mass billing media > Settings. (Media >.....More > Mass billing settings).
NOTE: Select a single line to be billed or click on multiple lines for mass billing. Views available on this screen are Summary or Detail views of the orders. - Fixed fee campaign -Displays all of the campaigns that are set to 'bill by campaign, fixed fee' using the campaign budget.
For further information on mass billing:
The Invoices section of the today page provides you with a view of all Invoices waiting to be submitted, waiting for approval, invoices to be printed or emailed and scheduled invoices.
Click + to generate new invoices.
- Waiting to be submitted - this will display a grid of all client invoices waiting to be submitted, and display who the approver is.
NOTE: You can select multiple lines and mass submit the invoices or click on the Client invoice line, then the system will display the individual invoice. - Waiting for approval - this will display a grid of all client invoices that have been submitted and are waiting for approval.
NOTE: You can select multiple lines and mass approve the invoices or click on the Client invoice line, then the system will display the individual invoice. - Invoices to print or email - this will display a grid of all client invoices that have been approved and are waiting to be emailed or printed. On this screen, you will be able to select multiple invoices. There is an option to print or email.
- Scheduled invoices - this will display a grid of all scheduled transactions that are ready to be generated into client invoices. The system will display scheduled transactions where the next date + days in advance applies based on the current date.
NOTE: The recurring transaction must have 'show reminder' set on the scheduled transaction and the employee must be listed to be notified in order to be displayed on their today page.
The Views section of the Today page provides various listing screens including modified/customized lists such as client invoices, retainers, receipts & transactions.
- Client invoices: Allows access to the Client invoice listing screens & any custom listing screens.
- Retainers: Allows access to the Retainer listing screen & any custom listing screens.
- Receipts: Allows access to the Receipts listing screen & any custom listing screens. Allows for the ability to add new receipts.
- Deposits: Allows access to the Deposits listing screens & any custom listing screens.
- Billing worksheets: Allows access to the Billing worksheets listing screens & any custom listing screens.
- Transactions: Allows access to the Transactions listing screen. Search for transactions across projects.
- Open activities: Conversations you were assigned to but have not marked as completed will show up here.
- Conversations: Listing screens of all conversations in the system that can be displayed in various ways.