Employees overview [guide]
To access your employee list, go to Menu > Admin > Employees.
This screen will list all employees entered into the system.
You can filter it to show only current active employees and also modify the list to see what security group they are in, etc., without having to open each record.
You can also update multiple records at once for options such as time zones, minimum hours, time approver, etc.
Employee management guides
New employee setup [in-depth guide]
Step by step on how to add a new employee to the system.
Deactivate an employee [in-depth guide]
Steps on how to properly deactivate an employee so they no longer have access and are no longer a paid user in the system.
Offboarding an employee [in-depth guide]
This feature allows you to transfer a user's assigned responsibilities in Workamajig to other users.
Contractor (freelancer with paid access) setup [in-depth guide]
This option allows a contractor/freelancer to act as a full user in the system yet allows you to back-fill the cost from the vendor invoice to their matching time entries.
Employee costs/labor net [in-depth guide]
A detailed guide on the visibility of employee costs in the system and how to hide them from other users in the system.
Notifications tab [in-depth guide]
A detailed description of the setup and use of these per-user notifications.
Converting employees to/from contacts [in-depth guide]
Step-by-step guide on the process of converting employees to contacts and vice versa.
Backup approver [in-depth guide]
A detailed discussion regarding the back approver option.