Client invoices > Allow client to pay online by CC and/or by ACH [in-depth guide]
Guide contents: Workflows | Workamajig setup & use | setup | setup Multi-Currency (BETA) | PayPal setup | Client process | Workamajig process | Manually process single receipt | Manually process multiple receipts | Troubleshooting | Resources
Workamajig has created a connection to allow your clients to pay online when your agency is setup with an or PayPal/Payflow Pro account.
Depending on the account you have chosen, your Billing Team will email invoices to the client. The email will have a link that will allow them to select invoices to pay. allows for credit card or ACH payment
PayPal/PayFlow Pro allows for credit card payment
- You will need to be a Payflow Pro (PayPal) or account to proceed with this feature.
- When using multiple GL companies - automatically uses invoice header GL Co. to process client receipts to each GL company.
- If Credit Card or ACH information is entered, the information will be encrypted and displayed with #s after saving.
Pay by credit card workflow: and PayPal/Payflow Pro
- Create GL bank/holding account for credit card charge receipts, with PayPal/Payflow Pro or Authorize unless the funds received by PayPal or Authorize flow directly to your bank account.
- Optional: Create payment method labeled 'credit card' in System setup > Billing options > Payment methods. This will default to receipts processed via a client credit card.
- In System setup > Account Information>Connections > Banking > Credit Card Client Billing, use the drop-down menu to select Payflow Pro or Authorize.Net, select which GL account - holding or bank - to use for processed charges/receipts.
- From Client details > Billing > Credit card, check 'Allow Credit Card Payments Online' to enabled this feature.
NOTE: Entering the credit card information is not necessary. If it is entered it will prefill the information when the client follows the emailed link. If left blank, the "payment" screen will allow them to enter their credit card information and decide whether to allow that information to be saved for future use by or PayPal. - Email invoices to the primary contact or the ''email invoices to'' contact for open invoices including credits to process a refund. If the client records are enabled they will receive a link to pay by credit card.
- Billing today > Invoices to print/email, 'email selected invoices'.
- Billing dashboard ‘email aging’ invoices work the same as from Billing today.
- Views > Client invoices > Open invoices, select invoices to email, sends the same as above.
- Email with a link to pay via CC will also include the invoice attachment to download.
- NOTE: The email link currently expires after 5 days. You will need to re-email invoices or email a current invoice to create a new active link if it has expired.
- Client clicks email link to pay by CC.
- Client has option to edit ‘amount to pay’.
- Client has option to print invoice.
- Client processes the CC charge after any edits to amount to pay, etc.
- Credit Card charge linked to invoice appears in Workamajig and will use the default bank account in connection setup to the Holding or bank GL Account.
- Accounting Today: Charges appear in ‘unposted receipts’ to batch post.
Pay by ACH workflow: Only
- Create GL Bank/holding Account for ACH receipts unless funds received in Authorize flow directly to your bank account.
- Optional: Create payment method 'ACH' System Setup>Billing Options>Payment Methods. This will default to receipts processed via client ACH.
- System Setup>Account Information>Connections>Banking>ACH Client Billing - Drop-down menu: Authorize.Net; select which GL Account - holding or bank - to use for processed ACH/receipts.
- Client Details>Billing>ACH: Check to "Allow ACH Payments Online" to enabled; client can enter when receive and pay online and select whether or not to save.
NOTE: If client saves ACH account information when paying online, it saves in the Workamajig Client record. - Email invoices to Client - to primary or ‘email invoices to’ for open invoices including credits to process refund. Client records enabled will receive a link to pay by ACH.
- Billing Today>Invoices to Print/Email: Email selected invoices.
- Billing dashboard ‘email aging’ invoices work the same as from Billing Today.
- Views > Client Invoices > Open invoices, select invoices to email, sends same as above.
- Email with link to pay via ACH also has invoice as attachment to download.
- NOTE: The email link currently expires after 5 days. You will need to re-email invoices or email a current invoice to create a new active link if it has expired.
- Client clicks email link to pay by ACH.
- Client has option to edit ‘amount to pay’.
- Client has option to print invoice.
- Client processes the ACH receipt after any edits to amount to pay, etc.
- ACH receipt linked to invoice appears in Workamajig and will use the default bank account used in the ACH connection setup.
- Accounting Today: ACH receipts appear in ‘unposted receipts’ to batch post.
Workamajig Setup And Use
NOTE: This can apply to either or both workflows.
Optional GL Accounts
1. Optional: System Setup > GL Settings > GL Accounts: Create GL Account for ‘holding’ credit card charge receipts from (PayPal or Authorize).
2. Optional: Create payment method types for Credit Card and/or ACH System Setup > Billing Options > Payment Methods.
Credit Card Processing Connection Setup
3. System Setup > Account Information>Connections>Banking>Credit Card Client Billing
Drop-down menu to select Provider: Payflow Pro or Authorize.Net and enter credentials for account. Then populate the drop-down for Credit Card Receipt Account - either the 'holding account' created; or existing bank account.
ACH Processing Connection Setup
3. System Setup > Account Information>Connections > Banking > ACH Client Billing
Dropdown menu to select Provider: Authorize.Net and enter credentials for account. Then populate the drop-down for Credit Card Receipt Account - either the 'holding account' created; or existing bank account.
Client Record Setup
4. Client Detail>Billing > Credit Card edit: check "Allow Credit Card Payments Online"
NOTE: Entering the credit card information is not necessary. If it is entered it will prefill the information when the client follows the emailed link. If left blank, the "payment" screen will allow them to enter their credit card information and decide whether to allow that information to be saved for future use by or PayPal.
FURTHER INFO: If Parent/Child Client relationships are setup:
- If invoices are emailed to the Parent Contact, the link will show all invoices for all related clients set to allow credit card payments online - Parent and Child- and will be grouped and sorted to indicate which invoices are to which related client.
- If invoices are emailed to the Child Contact, the link will only show that Child Client's invoices.
Client Setup - ACH
4. Client Detail>Billing > ACH edit: Enable to Allow ACH Payments Online; If client enters ACH or billing address info from the online link, it updates the Workamajig client record automatically.
NOTE: If Parent/Child Client relationships are setup:
If invoices are emailed to the Parent Contact, the link will show all invoices for all related clients set to allow credit card payments online - Parent and Child- and will be grouped and sorted to indicate which invoices are to which related client.
If invoices are emailed to the Child Contact, the link will only show that Child Client's invoices.
5. Billing Today > Invoices to Print/Email: Click Email Tab to selected invoices to email - clients enabled to allow CC payments, will receive a link to pay by credit card; clients not enabled receive standard invoice PDF. Setup
If you choose to use as your provider. Then you may need to generate some API keys to fill in the User ID and Password in Connections.
1. Go to API Credentials & Keys from within your account.
2. Click Submit for New Transaction Key.
NOTE: You may be asked to verify with a PIN.
3. Copy the Current Transaction Key.
NOTE: This will only be shown this one time. If you lose this, you will need to generate a new key. So you may want to save this to a Notepad so its not overwritten in the clipboard if you use Copy in the next step.
4. Copy the API Login ID.
NOTE: If you use the Copy command again, you will lose the Current Transaction Key. So either come back to this when you populate Connection. Or save this to a Notepad.
4. Paste the API Login ID into User ID and Paste the Current Transaction Key into Password.
5. Save.
You can now email out Client Invoices for the client to pay online, and/or click Process Charge from a client Receipt.
NOTE: The contact record: contact setting needs to have a security group associated with the record or confirm that a default security group is setup in Transaction Preferences:
Menu>Admin/Manager>System Settings>Account Information: Transaction Preferences>Clients Setup - Multi Currency
-----BETA FEATURE-------
Multi Currency Credit Card Billing has been created to allow you to charge credit cards in different currencies. When the lab is enabled, the Connections > Banking screen has a new link, Manage Gateways. When you access that screen you can enter API Login ID and API Key, from, for each currency. You may also choose to post receipts to different GL Cash Accounts.
For charging credit cards for different currencies you will need to setup separate API Login ID and API Keys with
When WMJ charges the credit card, it will match the currency on the client invoice to the currency on the gateway and use the appropriate login and cash account.
This feature is only available with Please contact to turn on this feature for your team
Menu>Admin/Manager>System Setup>Account Information: Connections>Banking>Credit Card Client Billing
Click Manage gateways
From the Gateway setup> click insert row
fill in the appropriate information
PayPal Setup
You will need to contact PayPal to get a merchant account setup for this use.
Provider: select Payflow Pro from dropdown list
Partner ID: can remain blank
User ID: enter email address for access to PayPal account
Password: enter password to access PayPal account
Credit Card Receipt Account: select the appropriate Bank GL account for tracking receipts
Client Process
If you emailed the client using the Billing Today > Invoices to Print/Email, the client should then receive an email in which they can click through to pay online. Depending on which is enabled in the Client Record for Billing- allow Credit Card and/or ACH - the link will be for either or both options.
In the following example, the email has been received.
- NOTE: Email link expires after 30 days and states expiration date. You will need to resend invoice(s) to create a new active link if link has expired.
1. Client clicks email link to ‘pay via credit card’ to open main screen for payment options.
1. Client clicks email link to ‘pay via ACH’ to open main screen for payment options.
2. Client screens opened from email link:
- Print invoice - records in Workamajig daily feed.
- Enter/update credit card info with option to save - updates Workamajig client record.
- Update Billing Address if needed - updates Workamajig client record.
- The link will automatically set invoice(s) from the link as 'Invoices to be Paid' with subtotal amount at the bottom of the list.
- Additional Open Invoices will be listed below the 'Invoices To Be Paid' section and allows the client to click ‘Pay' to add to the 'Invoices To Be Paid' list and amount.
- Option to 'Pay other Amount’ on any open invoice to enter an amount other than Open Amount; updates ‘Total to Pay’ amount;
- Click ‘Don’t Pay’ to remove the amount from 'Invoices To Pay' total.
- Click the green ‘Submit Payment’ button to process CC or ACH- records in WMJ log, daily feed.
3. Update Address or enter Card/ACH Information (each time or save to update WMJ record):
3. Pay Other Amount Original Open Amount displayed. After submit payment, resets remaining Open Amount in 'Invoices To Be Paid.'
4. Payment is now done and an email will be sent to the client with a confirmation.
Workamajig Process
1. Credit Card or ACH charge linked to invoice appears in Workamajig Accounting Today > Unposted Transactions > Receipts and will use the default bank setup to the Holding GL Account in system setup Credit Card / ACH connections.
Click ‘Unposted Transactions and use drop down menu to select only Client CC receipts to batch post; deposit ID defaults to date client processed charge.
Manually Process - Single Receipt
Alternatively you can create the Receipt for the amount to charge, applying it to the Client Invoices. Then from the newly made Receipt, click More > Credit Card.
This will bring up a new screen to fill in and/or verify the clients credit card details.
When ready, press Process Card.
NOTE: The Authorization Code will appear after the charge has been successfully processed. You may need to close and reopen the record to see this.
Manually Process - Multiple Receipts
Only clients with Allow Credit Card Payments Online - have access on the Receipts screen. The Credit Card info is required on the client, the screen checks for valid card info and a Main address before processing.
With the setup complete you can now go to Billing - Today Receipts views to process multiple credit card payments. Receipts within the filtered parameters are shown.
NOTE: Receipts that have an Authorization Code do not present with the checkbox to process a CC receipt.
You may want to setup a CC Receipts view with the Authorization Code column shown, or one that filters out receipts that already have a code.
Confirmation Emails are sent to Billing Details > Email Invoices To contact. If there is no contact at this level, the primary contact is used.
The Action Log is updated under Processing Credit Card action.
On the receipt the log is updated with the action.
The Authorization Code is updated on the Receipts > more > Credit Card panel.
NOTE: does not allow a credit amount to be processed
If using for the first time, be sure to check out their guide for additional setup.