Prepayments [in-depth guide]
Guide contents: Where to look for prepayments | How to apply a prepayment
A prepayment in Workamajig is when any receipt is posted prior to the invoice date.
The typical example of when prepayments would be used is when a client sends you money for no apparent reason (no client invoice has been generated, nor is this an advance bill).
- Typically, you would create the client Invoice first, post it & send it to the client. Then once you receive the client payment, you enter that as a receipt & apply it to the existing invoice.
- By default, Workamajig will use a predefined unapplied GL Account to post the payment until it is applied to an invoice.
- This applies similarly to purchasing as well. Where you can generate a payment prior to receiving the vendor invoice. And then apply it later as a prepayment on the vendor invoice.
Where to look for prepayments
From a client invoice, if there are indeed prepayments for the client, you will see a call-out in the summary that reads "You have $XXX.XX amount of prepayments".
How to apply a prepayment
Click on the blue amount next to 'less any prepayments'.
This will open the Add prepayment screen for this invoice. From here you can click Auto apply, so the oldest prepayment gets applied first.
NOTE: Be sure the Applied column has a number. If this is 0, then nothing is being applied.
Then click Add selected.
You will then be taken back to the invoice, at which point you can verify the amount next to 'less any prepayments'.