Review & approve project change requests [in-depth guide]
Guide contents: Review a project change request | Approve or reject a project request
Project change requests allow members of your internal team or your clients to initiate a change in the scope or content of a project. A project change request can operate as a collection of customized fields, or as a cover sheet to spec sheet(s). Or as a combination of the two.
Each project change request form will also have a custom approval process defined for it in system setup. This approval process may involve several different people reviewing and adding additional information to the request, or a simple email notification to team members of the existence or approval of a request.
Once the change request is approved, the changed or added items will now be the "default" for the project.
There can only be one active change request at a time on the project.
With each change request created, the affected spec sheets will retain the previous version(s) & display changed fields.
Review a project change request
After a project change request has been submitted, it will enter the pre-defined approval process set in system setup. The person(s) in the first approval step will be allowed to edit the following steps, if necessary.
A project change request that has been sent to you will be visible in an approvers notification center via the Bell icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
Approve or reject a project request
Click on the appropriate line to open the Review/approval page
The form allows you to review the details of the change request form.
Updated spec sheets: this area will contain the spec sheets that were added/edited. Click on the blue name of the spec sheet to review the edits that were made. NOTE: This is a review process. The request was made to change the value to something else, you are unable to edit the requested changes.
When finished with the review of the spec sheet, click the X icon to close the panel
Reject: If rejected, the request form workflow will be stopped. A reject notice will be sent to the requested by person. The rejection notice subject line will be Your request has been declined + the approval comments. The email will also include the details of the request, including spec sheets.
Approve: If approved, it will move forward to the next step in the approval process.
NOTE: Prior to approval, you may edit a project change request approval/notification workflow by clicking the blue Pencil icon next to approval process. You can view the existing approval & notifications or add additional steps. In the current step, you may be allowed to remove or add people to the approval & notification step. You are unable to skip people.