Labor budgets [in-depth guide]
Guide contents: Overview | Add a labor budget | Managing the budget | Edit budget | Billable summary reports | Billable summary graphs | Resources
Labor budgets enable the estimation of the number of hours & billable revenue that the staff will produce throughout the year. This helps forecast labor revenue when people may work more than a standard work week. These labor budgets are then used in the billable summary reports.
This also allows the calculation of revenue per employee in situations where an employee(s) that is strictly overhead and does not fill out time sheets directly to a project. For each budget, the total available hours, target billable hours & total billable dollars that a staff person is expected to generate each month can be specified.
There are security rights that may prevent the ability to see staff from other GL companies, offices or departments. This way each department manager can enter a budget for each of their employees.
Add a labor budget
Go to Menu > Accounting >Today accounting > at the top click> Labor budgets.
or Menu > Accounting >Today accounting > Views: Labor budgets> at top of page clickNew
Title: (required) Enter a descriptive name for the budget. NOTE: Including the year in the title helps organize labor budgets.
Calculate Available Hours By Month: When checked, this will auto calculate the number of working days in the months for the fiscal year specified. Two new options will appear when this is checked.
Hours Per Day: By default this will be 8.
Math is fun: Hours Per Day x Number of Working Days (Mon-Fri) in each of the 12 Months = Hours Per Year. - Fiscal Year: By default this will populate with the current year and fiscal starting month.
Employee available annual hours: enter total hours to be accounted for in the year by each employee (i.e. 2080).
Target billable %: enter the percent as a whole number as to what percent of the employee's time should be billable (i.e. 75). NOTE: this will be used to create the budget for all employees but can be adjusted on the individual employee level.
Click SAVE to create the labor budget
The new labor budget will be created and contain each employee and may be grouped by GL company/office/department.
Calculate Available Hours By Month Example
When checked, the setup will look like this.
This is what the drill down details will look like after you use the Calculate Available Hours By Month option.
Managing the budget
Once created, you can adjust the labor budget in the following ways:
Edit budget: click ...More > Edit budget
The panel allows you to:
Edit title of the labor budget
Active: check/uncheck to make the labor budget active/inactive for billable summary reporting.
Click SAVE
Add person: click ...<More > Add person
Person: select an employee from the drop-down list
Billable hours: enter in total yearly hours
Target billable %: enter in whole number percentage
Hourly rate: enter in hourly billable rate for the selected employee
Click SAVE
Edit budget
When creating a new budget, the system will set the 'available hours' and 'target percentage' the same for each employee.
To edit the individual employee annual details, click into the fields to update the available hours, target %, target hours, hourly rate, annual cross, and comments fields.
To edit an individual employee’s monthly detail, click on the employee’s name. This will open the Month detail panel. In this screen, the available hours, target %, target hours, and total gross for each month can be updated.
To mass update multiple employees, select the lines to update, click on Mass update.
In the Update panel, the available hours, target billable % and hourly rate can be set for those selected employees.
To mass delete multiple employees, select the lines to delete. Click on Mass delete. The selected lines will be deleted from the labor budget.
Billable summary reports
Menu > Everyone > Report center > Project financial reports
You can use the Billable summary - hours and/or Billable summary - dollars to view a comparison of budget vs. actual.
Billable summary graphs
See our Custom graphs [guide].
Billable summary - hours [in-depth guide]
Billable summary - dollars [in-depth guide]
Admin/manager > Import data page [guide]