Journal Entry Approval Process
When enabled from Admin/Manager > System Setup > GL Tracking > Default GL Accounts. You can enter the Default Approver for journal entries. This employee will appear on the entry screen and can be changed as necessary.
Users who do not have the right to Post Journal Entry to General Ledger will now see a Submit button on the Journal Entry screen.
Changes to Journal Entry screen:
Users who do not have the right to Post Journal Entry to General Ledger will now see a Submit button on the Journal Entry screen. The Submit button only appears when the entry is balanced and an approver has been designated.
The previously setup default user is automatically set as the Approver. Click the link to select a different approver. Employees on the Approver select list have the right to Post Journal Entries to the General Ledger.
When a journal entry is copied, the approver is copied to the new journal entries.
Submitted Journals appear on the Approval bell. The user can Approve or Reject the entry. When the entry is rejected, it appears on the submitter’s approval bell in the Rejected items section.
Accounting – Today > Unapproved Transaction now has a Journal Entry listing for unapproved journal entries submitted and not submitted for approval.
Journal Entry views now have a Status field. Each entry’s log is updated with details.
During the approval process emails are sent between Submitter and Approver. Each email has a link to directly access the journal entry.