Sending request for quotes [in-depth guide]
Guide contents: Create the quote | Edit the quote | Sending the quote to your vendors | Monitor & update replies | Update the estimate with the selected reply | Viewing the updated estimate | Link expiration | Next steps
This guide will show you the process of creating > sending > reviewing > and updating quotes from your estimates.
While you can create quotes outside of estimates, this breaks away from the designed process of having quotes tied to an estimate as a defined project-related cost and eventual transaction to bill.
Create the quote
The estimate CANNOT be in the approved-state to do this.
1. Add an expense line to your estimate by choosing an item, task, or quantity. You can add a unit cost to show a ballpark number you are expecting for comparison.
NOTE: The Vendor field is intentionally left blank since we will update this from the vendor we choose in the quote process.
2. Click - Create quote in the line details to create a quote for this one line.
3. The quote will then be linked in the line detail for reference and access to the quote.
4. You can add additional expenses to the quote by clicking on the "Estimated expenses +" option. This option will open and show the additional estimated expense lines remaining on the estimate. Simply check the box or boxes needed to be added to this quote request. Or, you can use the "Insert row" option. Lastly, you can also create separate quotes for each line.
NOTE: If you delete the quote, the Create quote button will reappear.
5. If you have ballpark figures in the estimate to begin with you can approve the estimate as is. Or once all vendor replies have been completed and the quotes were created from the estimate, you can select which vendor to use and 'update estimate' to fill in the vendor and quoted amounts and then approve the estimate with the selected vendor.
Edit the quote
You can open the quote from the estimate expense line; or from Project dashboard detail>Quotes:
Or you can search and open Quotes from Menu > Purchasing today> Views>Quotes.
1. Review the Quote info section.
Here you can add additional quote detail for your vendors such as due date, description, and attach spec sheets that are on the project.
2. Review the Line items section and add comments that are unique to each line.
3. Add vendors:
Insert a row and use the drop-down menu to search and select from your vendors list, choose a contact to email if desired and a comment specific to that vendor. Save. Repeat this process for each vendor you want to send this quote to.
Sending the quote to your vendors
To move the quote forward in the system you have two options to choose from:
1) Have Workamajig send an email with a URL link that allows the vendor to update the quote online.
2) Send the quote as an attachment from your personal email.
Option 1
Have Workamajig send an email with a URL link that allows the vendor to update the quote online:
1. Ensure the email address appears next to each vendor and contact.
2. Click "Send to vendors".
3. The system will privately email each vendor immediately, and move the quote forward in the system awaiting your vendor(s) to update their replies online, or you can manually update their replies if preferred.
Option 2
Send the quote as an attachment from a personal email:
1. Ensure there is no email address listed for each vendor.
2. Click the Print icon NEXT to each vendor for a single PDF of that vendor's quote.
NOTE: DO NOT click Print request at the top of the quote request, as this will print all the vendor's quotes into one PDF instead of single PDF pages.
3. Save each PDF to a location you can access easily for the next step, and even rename the PDF to something you can easily find again and related to this project/process.
4. In your personal email, attach the PDF(s) to an email you send to your vendors(s).
5. Final step - To save the quote request(s) for future updating, go back to the quote request and Click "Send for quote (NOTE: Make sure there is no email address listed for each vendor). This will move the quote forward in the system to await manual replies and updates.
Monitor & update replies
If a vendor completes replies online, it automatically updates the quote in Workamajig.
NOTE: The Vendors tab will show the status of replies and if needed you can manually open and enter the cost information the vendor provides.
1. Click on the cost field to update a vendor's reply.
2. Add a unit cost, which will then calculate the total cost based on the previously entered quantity.
3. When done, click Complete reply. You will then see the option to '+ Select vendor.'
View completed replies by vendor or by item:
RECALL: If replies are not yet completed, you can recall the quote
PRINT REQUEST / PRINT REPLIES: This provides a PDF copy of ALL requests / replies related to this quote request.
Update the estimate with the selected reply
Reviewing the completed replies, it's now up to you to choose which vendor to move forward with.
1. Click on the + Select vendor next to the vendor you want to use to update the Unapproved estimate field amounts with the vendor and quoted costs. You can make a change and select a different vendor to update the estimate if needed if it's still unapproved.
2. The selected vendor will now be the vendor and cost associated with the related expense line(s) on the estimate.
Viewing the updated estimate
If you go back to the estimate for which this quote was generated, you can now view the final results.
Notice that the unit cost & vendor fields have been populated from the selected reply.
Once you approve the estimate, you can create the purchase order from the estimate line; from More>Create PO; or from the quote.
Link expiration
The email link will expire 1 day after the due date on the RFQ. If the due date is left blank, then it will look at the Transaction preferences > Daily emails > Outgoing email link expiration (days), for the days to expire.
Next steps
Printing/emailing estimates [in-depth guide]
Approving estimates [in-depth guide]