Corporate profit & loss [report]
Run Report | Search Criteria | Display Options | Report Options | External Reports | Resources
The corporate P&L reporting screen allows you to run your financial statements in a number of different ways in order to give you better insight into your financial position. It's designed to show the income statement for the company overall and/or GL company, office, GL class and department levels.
You can run the report using several different modes. The first three use built-in layouts to make it quick and easy to get standard financial layouts. The fourth allows for total customization of the columns to be used.
Run Report
Run Report - Runs the report with the below search criteria specified. NOTE: You can adjust columns and add more layouts after running the report.
More - Shows options for using Global Lists: Scheduled Reports.
Search Criteria
Company - Filters down to show only the GL Companies selected.
Display Options
Basis - Accrual, Cash. NOTE: When selecting Cash, a legacy checkbox appears for users who used Cash Basis in Workamajig prior to 2009. In general, never check this option.
Hide 0 Amounts - Show/Hide account row when the balance result is 0.
Hide Subaccounts - Show/Hide Sub Accounts. When hidden, only the top level roll-up accounts will remain.
Show Summary Acct Subtotals -Show/Hide the amounts for each roll-up account.
Show GL Account Numbers - Shows/Hides the GL Account Number next to each row of the results.
Show EBITDA - Calculates the results of EBITDA into the amounts.
- EBITDA stands for "Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization". In Workamajig, this translates to "Net Income + Interest + Taxes + Depreciation + Amortization".
- To designate EBITDA accounts, go to GL accounts. Check the box for "EBITDA Account" in the account details as needed.
% Column Based on - Revenue, AGI.
Report Options
One Report Per
- Lets you select from All, Company, Office, GL Class, Department. NOTE: Some features listed will require additional setup.
Single Range
- Date range - This prints the financials for a specific time period, typically the current month or last month.
- One Column Per - Optionally, you can show the year to date as an additional column or you can select to subdivide the columns based on either GL company, office or department.
- YTD - Only appears when One Column Per All is selected.
- Revaluation Rates - Only appears if you use Multi-Currency.
- This view allows you to view two time periods next to each other as well as the difference between these periods.
1 Year Monthly
- Year
- Starting Month
- Number of Months
Budget Comparison
- This view lets you run the report for either a specific month or year and pick a specific budget to run a comparison against.
Custom Layouts
This gives you control over what date ranges to display in the columns as well as comparing budgets to actuals and include formulas for column-to-column calculations. For more on this feature, please refer to the Corporate Profit and Loss Layouts guide.
External Reports
Google Financial Link
Allows you to pull the reports data into a Google Spreadsheet for more custom manipulation. For more on this feature, please refer to the Google financials and Google financial - cell style guides.
Excel Financials
While not listed on Run Report screen, you can create your own statement using Excel Financials.
NOTE: This feature only works with the Windows OS.