Cash disbursements journal [report]
Search options
Vendor - You can choose One or All Vendors and their payments to be included in the report.
Class - This option only appears if you have GL class enabled. You can choose One or All GL classes to be included in the report.
GL account - You can choose One or All GL accounts that are bank account types to be included in the report.
Starting date - Limits the report only to include payments with a posting date equal to or after this date.
Through date - Limits the report only to include payments with a posting date equal to or before this date.
Company - This option only appears if you have GL companies enabled. You can choose to show the date for One or All GL companies.
Include payments by credit card - This option will include credit card charges in the report as if they were cash payments.
Example report
Additional info
This specific report is a sub-ledger report that matches all payments created in the system.
There are 5 sub-ledger reports in all accounting systems:
- General journal = Journal entries entered in the system.
- Cash receipts = Client receipts in the system.
- Sales journal = Client invoices (does not include advance bill invoices).
- Cash disbursements journal = Vendor payments in the system.
- Purchase journal = Vendor invoices in the system.
All these sub-ledgers then combine to form the General ledger.