System setup: Check formats [in-depth guide]
Guide contents: Add/update check formats | Check format edit screen | Testing your format | Other settings | Resources
Menu > Admin/manager > System setup > GL settings > Check formats
Check formats allow you to customize the layout fonts and style of your 3-part payment checks.
Workamajig has set up the three typical styles of Check-Stub-Stub; Stub-Check-Stub; Stub-Stub-Check, for you. You will need to select the correct layout that corresponds to your check stock. If you are using something other than 3-part check stock, please consult with your Workamajig account manager.
- The check formats will list alphanumerically and whichever is at the top will be used by default.
- All measurements are based on distance (inches) from the top left corner.
Add/update check formats
Click on the + sign to start a new format or click on an existing format to edit.
This will open the Check Format Edit screen.
Check format edit screen
Check options
Format name - Enter a descriptive name for this check format.
Font - Select an available font from the list.
Font size - Adjust the size of the printed font.
Payment date format - Choose form Use system format, YYYYMMDD, MMDDYYYY, or DDMMYYYY.
Positive pay layout - See the Positive Pay layouts [guide] for more info.
Check layout
Payment date - Display, Top, Left.
Pay to name - Top, Left, Width.
Amount (numeric) - Display, Top, Left, Width.
Amount (text) - Top, Left, Width.
Payee address - Display, Top, Left, Width.
Check memo - Display, Top, Left, Width.
Stub layout
Stub 1 - Display, Top.
Stub 2 - Display, Top.
Pay to name - Display, Top, Left, Width.
Payment date - Display, Top, Left, Width.
Check number - Display, Top, Left, Width.
Memo - Display, Top, Left, Width.
Check amount - Display, Top, Left, Width.
Grid header - Display.
Grid position - Top, Left.
Grid height - Top.
Grid columns
Data Drop-Down Choices = Do Not Display, Invoice Date, Invoice Number, Invoice Amount, Open Amount, Discount Amount, Amount Paid, Invoice Description.
Column 1 - Data, Width.
Column 2 - Data, Width.
Column 3 - Data, Width.
Column 4 - Data, Width.
Column 5 - Data, Width.
Column 6 - Data, Width.
Electronic signature
+ Add A Signature File / Remove Signature - Adding a signature file will then open the following options.
Signature - Top, Left, Width, Height.
Password - Not Required, or enter an Encrypted Password.
Testing your format
To confirm the settings on your check layout:
- Verify your printer settings. For the initial setup of printing checks, we highly recommend you turn off Auto Sizing / Scaling, and that it prints the full page and does not get reduced in some way. This will help with the consistency of printing checks.
- Make a photocopy of your check stock.
- In Workamajig, create a dummy Payment via + New > Purchasing > Payments. Select the appropriate layout. Leave the check number blank.
- Follow the Print check procedure.
- Close the Print check confirmation screen. DO NOT Confirm printing. However, if you did, simply go to the payment record and remove the check number from your test check.
- Adjust your check format as needed. Save.
- Repeat Steps 4-6 until the format fits your check stock.
- Delete the dummy payment.
Other settings
Security settings
Full user rights > Purchasing > Edit electronic signature on checks - This setting allows the user (who already has access to edit check formats) also to edit the electronic signature contained in the check format.
GL accounts
Bank GL account - On the Account Types designated as Bank, you can assign a default 'check format' and 'next check number'. The check format will be used whenever the bank account is selected for use on a payment. Next check number should be set here, on the GL account, rather than during the print check process to prevent errors or gaps in your check numbering.
Electronic signature password
If you added a signature file and entered an encrypted password, you must enter this password each time you go to print checks using that check format.