Salesperson > Opportunities page [guide]
Navigation | Change opportunities stage | Edit opportunities | Convert to an Oppty project | Project details | Conversations | Closing an Opportunity
The opportunities screen provides a view of all of your active opportunities based on the Opportunity Stage.
Select any opportunity to view its details.
Change Opportunity Stage
From the opportunity detail screen, select the pencil icon beside Opportunity to make changes. Use the drop-down menu on the Opportunity Stage field to choose the stage that fits best.
NOTE: You can also drag-and-drop opportunities to different stages from the Opportunities main screen.
Edit Opportunity
Click on a card to open the opportunity for further editing. This allows you to edit the details of the opportunity.
Opportunity Details
Production: Enter the tentative gross expenses
Margin: Enter the numeric percentage of markup on the expenses ( ex. 10 equals 10%)
Media: Enter the tentative gross media expenses
Margin: Enter the numeric percentage of markup on the expenses ( ex. 10 equals 10%)
Labor: Enter the tentative value of gross labor
Total revenue: This value will be calculated from the above fields. If these fields are left blank, enter the tentative full value of gross expenses and labor for the opportunity
AGI: calculated field: Total revenue - production - media + (margin production + margin media)
Probability: This is used for setting up a weighted value when tracking projected revenue for your opportunities. There are tools available to you for monitoring your opportunities allowing you to easily view the total revenue as well as the weighted revenue of your opportunities. For example, if you enter the total revenue as $100K and then enter in a probability % of 80%, you will see $100K as the total estimated revenue and $80K as the weighted revenue amount.
Forecasted close date: Enter the date you think this opportunity will be converted into a project.
Months: used for Revenue forecasting>enter the number of months you expect the "project" value to be billed over. The system will calculate total revenue / Months for the revenue forecast. The "revenue" will use the forecasted close date as the starting point to spread income in the forecast.
Opportunity Name: can be changed if you’ve made a mistake
Opportunity Owner: is your company internal contact (AE)
Company: the prospect company
Primary Contact: the prospect company contact
Description: description of opportunity
Note: When enabling advanced features the description will copy over to the oppty Project/Campaign description. However, if the project template has a predefined description this will be used instead.
When the oppty Project/Campaign is converted to a “live” project/campaign, the oppty Project/Campaign description will be used. If there is no oppty Project/Campaign description, the opportunity description will be used.
Stage: a drop-down menu of default pre-loaded opportunity stages. The stage of your opportunity can be used to sort, organize and run reports and listings. It will also help you get a better idea of how many opportunities you have in certain stages and what needs to happen with just a quick look.
Status: Just like the list of opportunity stages, this is a default pre-loaded list of opportunity status codes. In general, there are typically 3 ways to identify the status of your opportunity – Open, Postponed, and Closed.
Next steps: While you are working on your opportunity, if you think of something that needs to happen next, this is where you can jot it down. Remember, from the opportunity you will also be able to create and assign activities to yourself or others.
Outcome: Once you know whether or not you will be awarded this opportunity, you can identify the opportunity outcome here. There are 3 possible default outcomes: awarded, lost, and canceled. If you have the security access to do so, you can edit this list of opportunity outcomes.
Actual close date: Enter the actual date that you were awarded the opportunity. Now you can compare the forecasted close date and the actual close date.
Outcome description: This is an area for you to offer more of an explanation of the outcome details of this opportunity.
Date converted: This date field will fill in automatically if this opportunity was created by way of converting a Lead. If you did not start at the Lead level, you can disregard this date field.
Create an Oppty project
Under the opportunity details heading, click "enable advanced features." You will then be prompted to pick a project or campaign. If you pick project, you will be prompted to pick a template for the project, choose one, and hit save. You may be prompted to create an estimate. Once you close out of the estimate screen, under opportunity details you will see new project-related fields.
As an Oppty project, the system will treat it like any other project. You can add time, expenses, adjust schedules, and may be visible in traffic/project views. Any transactions associated with it are considered non-billable, and will not show in any area of Today-Billing for invoice generation. Upon conversion to a "real" project, the transactions will then be billable.
At the time of conversion, if the company has not been set up as a client, the system will prompt you to create a Client ID.
Project details
Specs: Remember the ultimate goal of your opportunity is to one day become a project. For that project, you may be collecting spec sheets. You can keep them here on the Specs tab of the opportunity and when/if you get to convert the opportunity to a project, the spec sheets will copy over onto the project for you automatically so you do not have to enter them again.
Stakeholders: Enter the names of key people from the company that will be making a decision for this opportunity
This area allows you to view the internal notes and external conversations made with the people associated with the opportunity.
Closing an Opportunity
If you have enabled the advanced features and you click on Close Opportunity Project from the Details. This will mark all transactions (Time and Expenses) As Billed. NOTE: There is no undoing this. So be sure you have done all that need to do before Closing the Opportunity Project.
If you made the Opportunity Project Live, then you can access that projects transactions from the billing screen.
If you do happen to click on Close Opportunity Project, and then need to make further edits to the transactions. You will need to unclose the opportunity and then make project live, so you can edit the transactions from the projects billing screen. After which you can Close that project.