Manually managing credit card charges [in-depth guide]
This guide will show you how to enter credit card charges manually. Either as your main process of entering charges or to enter charges before they are downloaded into the connector to match later.
Guide contents: Adding a CC charge | Editing a CC charge | Importing CC charges | Resources
Adding a credit card charge
This screen is designed for fast entry of a number of charges at once. On the left-hand side, you will see a summary of all unpaid credit card charges for the selected time period and a specific person. You can choose to see everyone’s charges who use the card, or just a specific person (usually you). On the right, you can enter a charge. The card & 'purchased by' default from the selections on the left.
You can type any vendor name you want, but the system provides a lookup list of vendors already in the system. This is the name of the company you bought something from, such as Starbucks or Costco, not the credit card company.
The Overhead charge checkbox allows a simpler input screen for inputting administrative charges for things like rent of office supplies. Projects, tasks, and items, when normally required, do not have to be entered for an overhead charge.
On the Show more option so you can specify the sales tax. Enter the full amount of the charge to the credit card in the 'total cost w/tax' field & the system will back off the amount for the taxes. So the amount you want to enter is the full amount with the taxes.
Editing a credit card charge
After you add a credit card charge, or if you need to pay another vendor invoice with a credit card, you need the Edit credit card screen.
If you go to the Vendor invoices tab and click on the Plus sign, you get a screen where you can select any open vendor invoice and pay it with the credit card. When these are posted, they will reduce accounts payable and increase your liability account.
The approver is controlled by the Credit card approver option set in the user's employee record. You can change who actually made the purchase when entering in the charge.
When credit card charges are approved, they also post automatically.
Importing credit card charges
Instead of manually adding credit card changes, you can also set up an import file to quickly import numerous credit card charges at once. You can select the Import credit card charges icon in the Credit card charges listing screen. Once the file is set up properly, you can browse to select that file and select the Upload button to process the import of those credit card charges as if you had entered them manually
Pay & reconcile credit cards [in-depth guide]