Review/approve project requests [in-depth guide]
Guide contents: Review a project request | Approve or reject a project request | Next step
Project requests allow members of your internal team or your clients to initiate a request for work. A project request can operate as a collection of customized fields, as a cover sheet to spec sheet(s), or as a combination of the two.
Each project request form will also have a custom approval process defined for it in system setup. This approval process may involve several different people reviewing & adding additional information to the request, or a simple email notification to team members of the existence or approval of a request.
It is best to focus on linking specification sheets to project requests, as all of the information contained in the specification sheet will be automatically copied to a new project, should you open up a new project directly from the project request.
Review a project request
After a project request has been submitted, it will enter the pre-defined approval process setup in system setup. The person(s) in the first approval step will be allowed to edit the following steps, if necessary.
A project request that has been sent to you will be visible in an approvers notification center via the Bell icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
Clicking on any request will open the details to review.
Approve or reject a project request
The form allows you to review the details of the form, including the associated spec sheets.
Enter approval comments, & either 'approve' or 'reject' the request.
Reject: If rejected, the request form workflow will be stopped. A reject notice will be sent to the requested person. The rejection notice subject line will be "Your request has been declined & the approval comments." The email will also include the details of the request, including spec sheets.
Approve: If approved, it will move forward to the next step in the approval process.
NOTE: Prior to approval, you may edit a project request by clicking the blue Pencil icon next to the request details. You can also view the existing approval & notifications or add additional steps. Existing approval/notification steps cannot be edited.