Creatives > Today creatives page [guide]
The today creative page was designed to keep task tracking simple and efficient. This guide demonstrates the basics that a creative user will need to know to work with their assignments in Workamajig.
Navigation | Security rights | My tasks (card view, grid view, tile view) | Enter time to your task | Start a timer from your task | Complete your task | Assignment details | Task conversations | To-do list | Upload & submit deliverables | Hand off task | Assign tasks | Today conversations | My daily feed | In out status | Display options | System settings | Resources
Security rights
View today creatives - Allows access to the today creatives screen from the menu.
View the project specifications - View only access to any attached spec sheets.
View task, schedule pages - Gives the user access to the schedule tab in the project, but there are no options to add/edit or save.
View deliverables - Allows the user access to view deliverables.
View to-dos - Allows the user access to view to-dos.
Add/edit to-dos - Allows the user to add and edit
My tasks
This is the main area of concentration for the creative, including viewing their assignments, entering time, completing tasks, and accessing further details of the project.
You can also click the star icon to favorite tasks.
The card view and grid view are identical in terms of the data they represent. The tile view is a unique view and ties into the workflow of the Assignment management resource page. Because of this unique workflow, the tile view is off by default for new users.
Card view
This is the default view for your tasks. You can click on them for more details about the assignment and project. Along with entering time and completing the task.
Grid view
Same info as the Card view, except that you can customize the grid to display the assignment details that matter most to you.
Tile view
This view is unique among the available views and is hidden by default. For more info on the design and workflow of this view, please refer to the Assignment management guide.
- Only displays one weeks worth of assigned work at a time. Changing the overall date above to a different week will change the tasks shown.
- The Default Sort of (work to be done) assignments is based on the task due date, and then sub-sorted by task start date. But, as soon as you manually drag an assignment to another column, or within the same column. The default sort goes away and you are now in full control.
- Likewise, because of this designed behavior, there is no search function in this view. Users can switch to the tile or grid views to then search their assignments.
Favorite tasks
If you click the Star in the upper right of your assignment card. You can then filter for just your favorites by clicking on the Star next to the search box in card and grid views.
NOTE: This does not work within the tile view.
Enter time to a task
To enter your time on a task, select the clock icon at the bottom right corner of a task card.
Select New Time Entry and enter your hours.
Finally, click Save.
Your time will then appear in Today's Schedule on the right.
You can also click on this time entry from the right to edit it.
NOTE: For more information please see our Timesheets overview.
Start a timer for your task
Start a timer select the clock and choose Start A Timer. View the running timer under Today’s Schedule.
Complete your task
There are 2 settings for the complete task check box. You will need to discuss with your team which method is most appropriate for you. Which is used can be defined by the security group via the ...more>System Settings screen.
1) Check box: Use this to fully complete your assignment. When clicked on a confirmation Are you sure? the panel will appear at the top, click YES to complete/ No to leave as is.
2) Percentage: Click on the check box to display a percentage grid. Once selected the check box will display the Pct Complete you selected. Select 100% to complete the task.
Assignment details
When you click on a task card, the assignment details appear, which is where you can post conversations and view the Project Details. This allows you to stay organized with any/all paperwork by including a tab to upload files, create folders, record miscellaneous costs, and go over project specifications.
Description of work
The first tab is the Description of Work and contains both the Task Description and Project Description.
Task conversations
From the Assignment Details fly-out, you can add Conversations, choose who to notify of your post, and get notified of any replies.
This is the best place to discuss and keep a record of any details of the task and project with other users in the system. There is additional functionality where users can respond to conversations by email. For more on this please review the Diary Email Setup guide.
Task to-do list
From the Assignment Details fly-out, you can also access the To-do List. This is where project managers can add further details of items to check off while working on the task.
Select the To-Do List tab, and add a new to-do. From this window, you have the option to create a single to-do or multiple to-dos. Select the add button to save your list.
To Complete a ToDo, check the box along the left side>Mark Done
NOTE: This feature is missing if you are using ToDo Statuses
From the Deliverables list, you can see Deliverables that are tagged to your task.
From here you can:
- Click on the name/id of the Deliverable to open it.
- Assign it to yourself, which makes you the Owner.
- Or move it to the next (or another) task in the schedule.
Upload/submit a deliverable
As a creative, you can upload files and even submit the file for review using the deliverables feature. To do this, refer to the following steps.
From the Assignment Details screen, select Files.
Add a new item click + New and Upload Files. Select the document from your computer and click Open. Input specifications and Upload.
Select ...more to Rename the File or Send For Review.
Select Send for Review, fill out your information and select Save.
Select Send for Review to send submit your file.
For more detailed instructions on the setup and workflow of deliverables, please review the Deliverables guide.
Hand off task
This option allows you to hand off your task assignment to another user.
Select More from the Assignment Details screen, and choose Hand Off Task.
Select who you want to transfer the task to and select Save.
Assign tasks
Based on your company's culture, there is functionality to assign yourself to unassigned tasks by service or take over the assignments of other users.
Assign a task to oneself select Assign Task.
From the Assign Tasks screen, filter your search by Department, Assigned Services, or Unassigned Tasks. All eligible tasks will appear on your screen. Choose the task to add it to your tasks.
Today conversations
NOTE: This is different than Task conversations.
The Projects view under the Conversations tab is unique. It includes any unread conversations, including replies, linked to projects where you are on the team.
- By clicking on "Mark everything as read", all current project conversations will disappear from this view.
- On all the other tabs (i.e. Open), only Conversations that have been assigned to you appear.
Open - Any uncompleted conversation regardless of the date.
Today - Any uncompleted conversation with an activity date of today.
This week - Any uncompleted conversation with an activity date for this week.
Unread - Any uncompleted conversation with a new reply.
Favorite - Any conversation you have favorited (this includes ones from the Projects tab).
Daily feed
Daily Feed provides a list of project-related actions "you" the user performed today. Each evening this list is cleared for the new day.
In / out status
This allows users to mark themselves in or out. And then be able to view a board of all users to each other's status.
To enable, go to More > System Settings. Then check Show In/Out Board. Save.
You can see everyone's status in the office.
You can also update your status.
Display options
All users can access their display options.
NOTE: If you choose Date Range = All and Completed Predecessors = Unchecked, it will limit the tasks displayed to all past tasks and future tasks with start dates within 6 weeks from "today".
Hide the schedule on the side - This will show/hide the panel on the right that contains the time entries and meetings for today.
Date range - Limits the number of tasks one sees.
- All (Limits the future to 6 weeks out)
- Due on or before today
- Due on before a week from today
- Due on before two weeks from today
- Start on or before today
Group by - This allows you to arrange how the tasks list.
Order - Ascending or descending the Group By setting.
Sort by - This allows you to list how you want the tasks within the groups to list.
Order - Ascending or descending the Sort By setting.
Open to do items only - When checked, only your task assignments where there is an open to do linked to the task will appear.
Completed predecessors only - When checked, only your task assignments where the previous task is completed will appear.
Open deliverables only - When checked, only your task assignments where there is a deliverable linked to the task will appear.
Auto expand tasks -When checked, it will show all the detail available on the assignment card. Without having to click each card's arrow to expand.
Exclude meetings from the following calendars - Allows you to hide meetings from calendars (like a public vacation calendar) that you have access to, in the Schedule Panel on the right.
Sort conversations - Choose ascending or descending for the today conversations.
System settings
If you have the security right to Edit System Settings, then you will see the System Settings options appear from the More button. Changes made here can affect all users and override the Display Options that individuals have set.
NOTE: If you choose Date Range = All and Completed Predecessors = Unchecked, it will limit the tasks displayed to 6 weeks into the future.
My task options
Date range - Limits the number of tasks one sees.
- All
NOTE: If you choose Date Range = All and Completed Predecessors = Unchecked, it will limit the tasks displayed to all past tasks and future tasks dated with start dates within 6 weeks from "today". - Due on or before today
- Due on before a week from today
- Due on before two weeks from today
- Start on or before today
Open to do items only - When checked, only your task assignments where there is an open to do linked to the task will appear.
Completed predecessors only - When checked, only your task assignments where the previous task is completed will appear.
Open deliverables only - When checked, only your task assignments where there is a deliverable linked to the task will appear.
Assign new tasks - Allows users to assign tasks to themselves in the tile view
Assign myself to other people's tasks - Allow the person to assign other's tasks to themselves.
Project type - Allows admin to filter users' tasks to a specific project type. Staff is unable to change this setting
Display options
Group by - Allows you to arrange how the tasks list.
Group sort order - Ascending or descending the Group By setting.
Sort by - This allows you to list how you want the tasks within the groups to list.
Sort order - Ascending or descending the Sort By setting.
Show card view - when selected, the assignment card view is visible
Show grid view - when selected, the assignments grid view is visible
Show tile view - when selected, the assignment tile view is visible. see Assignment Review
Show assignments with zero allocated - when selected, shows assignments regardless of the number of allocated hours.
Disable dragging tiles - when selected, users will be unable to drag/drop assignment tiles between statuses.
Allow percentage complete - when selected, the complete check box will display a grid of percentages to select from.
Hand off tasks - when selected, allows users to hand off tasks
Grid view columns - allows Admin to define columns and order of columns. Users are unable to edit these settings
Auto expand tasks - when selected, assignment card and tiles will be expanded
Daily feed - When selected the daily feed tab will be visible
Sort conversations - sort the conversations tab in ascending or descending order.
Timeline options
Hide the schedule on the side - when selected, displays calendar events and time entries along the right side
Hide enter your time for today - when selected, Enter Your Time Today, located in the top right corner, will be hidden on the screen.
Display time entries - when selected, time entries will be shown along the right side
Include public meetings - when selected, public meetings will be shown along the right side.
In/out board options
Show in/out board - when selected, the in/out board will be available via ...more>In/Out Status