New custom report [in-depth guide]
Guide contents: Navigation | Add a report | Edit view | Layout | Filters | Settings | Save changes | Finished report | Advanced features | Resources
NOTE: This feature requires that you have the necessary security rights to be able to access custom report datasets and modify reports.
Navigate to Menu > Everyone > Report center, then click on the + New custom report button.
Add a report
Choose a dataset by its name and description. You can enter a keyword in the search box to find what you need.
NOTE: The following example steps use the Time detail data custom report dataset.
Under the Layout section of the Report edit screen, click the + Group and + Column to add the fields to your report.
Click on the Filters tab and then click on + Add a new filter.
In this example, we will use date worked with the condition of 'between', so that we get a date range selection in the final report.
FILTER CONSIDERATIONS: Many of the date filters included in custom reports will also have a timestamp associated with it for logging purposes. For this reason, if you set the 'CONDITION' to "BETWEEN" and you want data for only one date, you must set the left date to the desired date and the right date to the Date +1 Ex. desire 1/20/24>>>left = 1/20/2024>right = 1/21/2024. Reason: left is 1/20/2024 00:00:00 ; right = 1/21/2024 00:00:00. If right is set to 1/20/2024, that would also be 1/20/2024 00:00:00 with report showing no results due to the timestamps.
Typical Fields that include Timestamps:
Date Created, Date Updated, Date Approved, Date Submitted for Approval, DateTime
NOTE: Blank field values are treated as null values, so this will require an additional condition in the filter when searching for records where the search field can be blank or contain a value. Please contact if you need further assistance with filters.
Verify your report settings here, such as the report name. When the report is first created, it will always be set to 'private'
To make the report available to others, uncheck Private > This will display a Visible to +
Click on the + icon: you will be able to grant access to Security groups and people
Your selections will be displayed
To remove access, click on the Red trashcan icon along the right side.
Save changes
If this is the first time saving the report, will click Save changes at the top of the Edit view page.
If you are Modifying a report: click Apply Changes>Memorize
The finished report
Once saved, you will then see the finished product. Enter your search criteria and click Search.
- By default, custom reports will be located in the Other folder of the report center.
- The reports can be made to automatically "Run this view when it is opened" from Settings.
- You can copy an existing report by clicking Mody, More, or Copy This View.
Advanced features
For more in-depth detail of the reporting features, please see the Advanced reporting features [in-depth guide].