Importing companies/contacts/leads [in-depth guide]
Import (clients & vendors) | Contact import | Leads import | Resources
Workamajig provides an on-screen import functionality to bring contacts, companies (Clients or Vendors) and leads into the system. The process used for each of the areas is consistent. For your convenience, the column headers for each section are included below. It is not necessary to import every available field. We have provided the pre-formatted Excel files which include the key fields needed for the import.
Please review the Importing overview and process guide for further information.
- Just prior to your import, save the file as a *.CSV file. Do not open this CSV file as some fields, such as postal codes with a leading 0, may be changed by other programs, such as Excel.
- For new users of Workamajig, the order of data you import should be the following: 1) Clients, 2) Vendors, 3) Contacts, and 4) Leads.
- Also, if this is your initial entry of data, we recommend you do some cleanup of your data prior to importing, so you only bring over companies and contacts you currently do business with.
- For a list of time zone codes, you can download time zone codes here.
- We have some import templates with the basics (but not all available fields) in the header row, you can download import template files here.
- If you have any questions regarding this topic, please contact your Workamajig account manager via
Import (clients & vendors)
This area will include your client & vendor company information. Though you can import your clients and vendors from the same file, many find it easier to separate them into 2 files.
NOTE: Be sure the Company Name field is unique across all rows in your import file when importing Clients and Vendors. Or else it will override to the last line with the same Company Name field, even if the Client ID/Vendor ID are unique.
You will need two client-specific columns to import this data correctly:
- In the a header row, use the field called "Is a Billable Client". Each row thereafter will contain "Yes".
- In the a header row, use the field called "Client ID". Then, each row thereafter will contain a unique identifier for each client. This is usually company initials or the first few letters of the company name.
- Divisions/products: imported in a single field: semi-colon separated names>Ex. soda;water;juice
NOTE: Following the import, if products belong to a division, you will need to map them to the correct division. The import function cannot make this connection.
Company Name,Is a Billable Client,Client ID,
You will need two vendor-specific columns to import the data correctly:
- In the a header row, use the field called "Vendor". Then, each row thereafter will contain "Yes".
- In the a header row, use the field called "Vendor ID". Then, each row thereafter will contain a unique identifier for each vendor. This is usually company initials or the first few letters of the company name.
Company Name,Vendor ID,
Contact import
Link to company on import
In order to link a contact to a company (client or vendor) record on import, your contact import file will need the following:
- In the a header row, use the fields called "Company Name" AND " Linked Company".
- Then, in each row for each contact, their two fields will have identical data.
First Name,Last Name,Company Name,Linked Company,
Leads import
NOTE: There are no required fields for leads. All records will be under the Menu > Salesperson > Leads area only.