Project requests overview [in-depth guide]
Project requests allow your team & clients to initiate a request for a project, planning project or campaign to be done by your team. You can define multiple project request forms, and in addition to our standard fields, you can add custom fields to the initial form & link pre-built specification sheets as the additional pages to fill out.
Each project request form will need to be defined with an approval process. This process may involve several different people reviewing the request, or email notifications to assigned people about the request.
To keep the form simple, it's best to use specification sheets for all the details associated with the requests and eventual projects. Then, all spec sheets will be automatically copied to the specs area of the project.
NOTE: There are no project request forms set up by default, so you will need to follow this guide, or schedule training on this feature to get started.
These guides will take you through the steps of how to create project request forms, how a user can interact & submit them, and finally, how you can then create actual projects from approved requests.
Define Project Request Form
Before you can use project requests, you must first create and define how they are to be used.
Submit a project request
We go over the process by which a user submits a project request form.
Review/approve project requests
From the submitted form, there is then a defined review process.
Create a project/planning project/campaign from an approved request
Once a request is approved, you can create a project, planning project or campaign from the request.
Project dashboard
That ends the request process, however, it starts the actual project to be worked on.
Define spec sheets [in-depth guide]