Campaign estimate [in-depth guide]
Guide contents: New campaign estimate | Project-based estimate | Campaign/segment based estimate | Next steps
New campaign estimate
The Campaign estimate tab allows you to create campaign-level estimates, and change order estimates based on the campaign/segment or the combining of project budgets that are connected to the campaign. The estimate provides an approval process. The approved estimate(s) will become the campaign budget(s).
NOTE: Campaign estimates do not feed into the revenue forecasts feature. To drive the forecasts feature, you must create and approve estimates within each project.
Project-based estimate
Header information
Campaign: Shows the campaign number and name associated with the estimate.
Estimate name: Enter an appropriate name for the budget.
Change order: If selected, the approved estimate will be designated as a change order estimate. This is used to track the changes in the scope of the campaign. A change order estimate should only account for positive/negative changes to the original estimate(s).
Estimate type: Select 'by project only' or 'by segment and service'.
Internal approver: Select an approver for the estimate. By Default: will be set to the campaign owner.
Internal approval due date: Allows you to set a due date for the approval of this estimate.
External approver: Allows you to designate a client contact as an approver. The contact must log in in order to approve the estimate.
Estimate type: 'By project only'
Allows you to select one estimate for each project to create the campaign estimate.
Add project estimate
The list of associated projects will be available under the Projects tab>>Click into the Estimate field associated with the project line. This will provide a dropdown list of estimates associated with the project.>>SAVE.
This area allows you to select address, printing, and notification options.
Settings: Details
Estimate #: Identifies the unique estimate number. Can be edited. This is an auto-number field setup via Transaction preferences.
Rev #: Identifies the revision number for the particular estimate.
Primary contact: Search box that allows you to select a client contact associated with the campaign.
Address: Select the client's "mailing/billing" address. By default: 'Default from company'.
Estimate date: Set by default to the date created in the system.
Delivery date: Used for reporting purposes. Can be used to designate the date sent to client, the date project is closed or the date final billed.
Estimate template: Select the template used for printing (Menu>Admin>System setup>Time & billing: estimate layout).
Layout: Select the invoice/estimate layout used for printing. Overrides estimate template setting. (Menu>Admin>System setup>Time & billing>Invoice/estimate layout).
Labor contingency %: Enter percentage of labor gross amount that can be identified and agreed to on the estimate.
Sales tax 1/2: Allows you to set a sales tax that will be applied to the gross amount of the estimate.
Description: Text field: allows you to enter up to 3,000 characters for the estimate description.
NOTE: Will format in printing based upon "hard returns" only.
Estimate owner: Designates the owner of the estimate. By default: this is set to the campaign owner.
Internal/external approval date: Displays date approval was made.
Settings: Summary
This area displays a financial summary of the estimate. Labor net will come from Menu>Admin>System setup>Time & billing: Services>Service: Hourly cost entry.
Campaign/segment based estimate
Header information
Campaign: Shows the campaign number and name associated with the estimate.
Estimate name: Enter an appropriate name for the budget.
Change order: If selected, the approved estimate will be designated as a 'change order estimate'. This is used to track the changes in the scope of the campaign. A change order estimate should only account for positive/negative changes to the original estimate(s).
Estimate type: Select by 'project only' or 'by segment & service'.
Internal approver: Select an approver for the estimate. By default: it will be set to the campaign owner.
Internal approval due date: Allows you to set a due date for approval of this estimate.
External approver: Allows you to designate a client contact as an approver. The contact must log in in order to approve the estimate.
Include in forecast: If selected, the gross amount of the estimate will be used in the calculations for Revenue forecasting.
Estimate type: By segment & service
For this type of estimate there are 2 ways to create the estimate:
1) Pull from project: Click the button in the top right corner: This method will look at all estimates associated with each project and pull in the labor & expenses associated with each project.
2) Manual: Enter the labor & expense amount for each segment: This method is outlined below.
To enter a labor amount, select a segment: on the right side, click on the Hours field associated with the appropriate service. You may also edit the rate which is defaulted in from the service.
NOTE: Services may be added or removed by selecting the / icon located along the left side of the service grid.
To add expenses, select the appropriate segment, then click the to add an expense line item.
Setting: Details
Estimate #: Identifies the estimate number. Can be edited. This is an auto-number field setup via Transaction preferences.
Rev #: Identifies the revision number for the particular estimate.
Primary contact: Search box that allows you to select a client contact associated with the campaign.
Address: Select the client's "mailing/billing" address. By default: 'default from company'.
Estimate date: Set by default to the date created in the system.
Delivery date: Used for reporting purposes. Can be used to designate the date sent to client, the date project is closed or date final billed.
Estimate template: Select the template used for printing (Menu>Admin>System setup>Time & billing: Estimate layout).
Layout: Select the invoice/estimate layout used for printing. Overrides estimate template setting. (Menu>Admin>System setup>Time & billing>Invoice/Estimate layout).
Labor Contingency %: Enter percentage of labor gross amount that can be identified and agreed to on the estimate.
Sales tax 1/2: Allows you to set a sales tax that will be applied to the gross amount of the estimate.
Labor taxable: Select the appropriate method of assessing tax for labor>>
Not taxable
Taxable by task
Taxable by project
Taxable by service
Description: Text field: allows you to enter up to 3,000 characters for the estimate description.
NOTE: Will format in printing based upon "hard returns" only.
Estimate owner: Designates the owner of the estimate. By default: this is set to the campaign owner.
Internal/external approval date: Displays date approval was made.
Settings: Summary
This area displays a financial summary of the estimate. Labor net will come from Menu>Admin>System setup>Time & billing: Services>Service: Hourly cost entry.
Settings: Notifications
Allows you to select people to notify for the completion of the approval process.