Billing options: Invoice templates [in-depth guide]
Guide contents: Navigation | Add an invoice template | Copy template | Options | Layout | Broadcast orders | Insertion orders
Menu > Admin > System setup > Billing > Invoice templates
Invoice templates allow you to customize the look & layout of your client invoices. You can specify different logos and addresses and change the position of each element on the page.
By default, there will be two templates. Details and summary.
Add an invoice template
You can make your own templates or revise the ones that are there. You can even copy from a template.
To start, click the Plus sign at the top to add a new invoice template.
You will then be presented with a new template to populate.
Copy template
Additionally, you can open an existing template, then click on More > Copy.
This will create and open a new template in your list called Copy of [your template name here].
Now you can make minor changes to its setup as needed without starting from scratch.
Name: Required field. Give it a descriptive name, especially if you have a lot of templates.
Active: Yes or No checkbox. This allows you to keep your template without deleting it, and making it so others cannot use it on a new invoice. If unchecked, they will be hidden in the list view. So use the Show Inactive toggle in the list view to access them again.
Line options
Show quantity description: to display a breakout of the labor hours and amounts and total expense amounts below the line description.
Line detail: This is a more important setting in this feature, as it controls the amount of detail you want to print from an invoice. This also means that depending on how you generate the line detail when creating the invoice will determine how much detail you can print. There are three options to select from.
- Top level lines: This will only print lines that are at the highest level. So if you have standalone lines and summary lines at the top level, Then both of those will print. But any lines under the summary lines will not print. Instead, those subline amounts will be rolled up into the summary. This enables 'show expense detail only'.
- All summary lines: This will only print summary lines on the invoice. Any standalone line will not be printed (yet their amount will be included in the total). And all subline amounts will be rolled up into the summary lines. This is good if you want to show multiple layers of summary lines but not the end details. So this means you want to be sure all lines get generated under a summary. This enables 'show expense detail only'.
- All lines: This will print every line and its amount on the invoice. This option also makes several more options available, 'show amounts on summary lines', 'show line quantity & rate', 'show time detail', 'show product', 'show division', and 'show expense detail'.
Show amounts on summary lines: Show amounts on summary lines based on the lines beneath it.
Show line quantity & rate: If detail on the line (not transactions) is available, then the quantity & rate of the line will print.
Show time detail: This will allow you to show the details of linked time entries below the line on the invoice. There are several options to summarize time by: 'no summarization; show each time transaction', 'person & service', 'service', 'person', 'budget task', 'budget task and sub detail'.
No summarization; show each: This option shows each time entry listed separately on the invoice. The invoice lists the person's name, service, date, hours, rate, and total amount.
- Show comments: This will show any comments (billing comments) entered in the time entry window or modified in the billing worksheet review process. This may be needed if the client wants to see details of hours on a project and a description of the work performed.
- Group by: Your detailed transactions by person or service. People are sorted by the highest rate person first, then by date.
- Person & service. This option creates one line item per person and each service.
- Service: This option creates one line item per service.
- Person: This option creates one line item per person.
- Budget task: This will print one line per task that time is applied to.
- Budget task and sub-detail: This will print one line per summary task and its sub-tasks that time is applied to.
Show labor hours: option to show the hours on the invoice.
Show labor rate: option if you want to show the labor rate on the invoice.
Show title of person: option if you want the person's title to appear next to their name on the listing.
Show product: If there are multiple projects and you use products as part of the project setup, this will then print one top-line per product.
Show division: If there are multiple projects and you use division as part of the projects set up, this will then print one top-line per division.
Show expense detail: The show expense detail option will show the expenses on the line item broken out in detail (one line per expense). When showing expenses, there are several display options
- For each expense, you can select to show any of the following options (expense date, description, item description, quantity, rate, net, markup, gross )
- You can also group your expenses by item by selecting the Group by item option.
- You can change the sorting of your expenses by selecting the Sort by option. You can sort expenses by date, expense description, or item description
Header/footer options
Repeat header on each page: repeat the top portion of the invoice on each page of the printout.
Show project number/name: show the project number and name on the invoice. If a project number is put on the header of the invoice, the project number will print once at the header of the invoice. If there is no project number on the header, the system will print the project number and name on each line item with a project number on the line.
Show project description: include the description from the project setup screen.
Show AE: option to display the account executive from the project on the invoice. This option follows the same display rules as the 'show project number/name' option.
Show campaign: If the invoice was generated from a campaign, or one invoice per campaign was used. Then the invoice should have the campaign link in the header and printed on the invoice.
Show project custom fields: on the invoice. This option follows the same display rules as the 'show project number/name' option.
Show client project number: This is typically called the client's PO number. to display the client's project number from the project on the invoice. This option follows the same display rules as the 'show project number/name' option. In the text box to the right of the checkbox, enter a label for the client's project number. A common label would be 'purchase order number' or some other reference that the client will understand.
Show client user defined fields: These text boxes are for the labels to be displayed on the invoice. If you put text in the text box here, you can enter text on the invoice and then display this on the printed invoice.
Hide company name: This will remove your company name from printing on the invoice's header.
Hide client name: This will remove the client name from printing on the invoice's header.
User-defined 1-10: These are used in conjunction with the option 'show client user defined fields' above. When populated with a label, it will be available to populate from the Client invoice settings after it has been created. And then print on the invoice.
Footer message: Enter a standard message that you would like to have printed at the bottom of the invoice.
Show billing summary: is checked, a billing summary will be displayed at the bottom of the invoice.
Show sales tax if 0: option if you want the invoice to print the sales tax information regardless if it is 0.
Hide page numbers: option if you do not want the system to print page numbers on the invoice.
Hide receipt info if 0: if you want the system to hide the prepayments and advance billing sections of the invoice when they are 0.
All layout options are measured in inches from the top left-hand corner of the page. Using these options, you can customize the look and layout of your Invoice.
Logo: options you can position a logo at a specific place on the page.
NOTE: Logos look best if they are 72 DPI, one inch high, in a JPG format. If the logo has been created on a Mac, you must remove the resource forks from the file. This can be done via most Adobe software. You can also open the file using a Windows machine. Open in Paint, use SAVE or SAVE AS. This will remove the resource forks.
Invoice info
Invoice info: options position the invoice number, date, terms and due date on the invoice. You can change the font and position of the information block. You can select which of these to show on the invoice.
Client address
Client address: option to position the client address block. This address comes from the billing address on the client's record.
Company address
Company address: option to position an address for your company. Use the address drop-down to select an existing address to use on this template. You can also select to have no address print. If you click the edit link, you can edit the list of addresses for the company directly from this screen or add a new one.
Invoice name
Invoice name: options to place the descriptive label of the invoice on the page. If you select the 'apply to all labels' option, it will change the word "Invoice" everywhere on the invoice to this label.
Body fonts
Allows you to select a font, size, bold and italic options.
Addresses: this refers to the company and client address blocks.
Invoice header: This refers to the descriptions at the top of the page. These include the project number of estimate name and number and estimate description.
Summary line: This refers to summary tasks on an estimate. This option is only used when printing using the By Task display mode on the estimate.
Summary description: This refers to the description of the summary task that appears directly below the summary task.
Line: this refers to tracking tasks and estimates. This font is also used when printing and estimating using the one line item, by a person, or by service display options.
Line description: This refers to the description under the line.
Details header: These font options are used for the column headers when you are showing task details on the estimate.
Details items: These font options are used for the actual amounts when showing details on the estimate.
Invoice footer: The invoice footer options apply to the text at the bottom of an invoice.
Broadcast orders
Allows you to adjust the print options relating to broadcast orders that are billed on the invoice.
Grouping options
Allows up to five levels of grouping detail to print.
Column options
Determines the amount of detail to print per order line.
Insertion orders
Allows you to adjust the print options relating to insertion orders that are billed on the invoice.
Grouping options
Allows up to five levels of grouping detail to print.
Column options
Determines the amount of detail to print per order line.