Global lists: Project types [in-depth guide]
Guide contents: System setup | Add a project type | Details
System setup
Menu > Admin > Global lists > Project types
Project types allow you to group your projects into different categories for reporting purposes.
Add a project type
- To add a new project type, click the
- In the Project type text box, enter a descriptive name for your project type.
- Optional: In the Description text box, enter a description for this project type. NOTE: At the current time, this description is for reference only.
- Click the Save button.
You can now create projects and have them use this as the project type in their setup.
Typically project types are used solely as a way to group or report on a certain set of projects in various reports. However, there are more advanced ways that project types can be used.
Project type
This is a duplicate of what is shown in the grid view above.
Project type: Required and is the label to which you give the project type.
Description: Enter a description that describes what this project type is about.
Project type color: Available field/column option in project views does not show on Gantt views.
Project number prefix: If you use the project numbering method: 'project type prefix + next number from type', this applies to the prefix section.
Next project number: If you use the project numbering method: 'project type prefix + next number from type', this applies to the next number section.
Active: Checkbox, checked equals yes.
Default creative brief labels
This applies to the project creative brief only and is now Legacy. It is not being used in the Platinum interface. To use the creative brief in Platinum, please refer to the Project specifications section.
Default estimating services
- Brings over the selected services to the Team section of the project as a default list on the project.
- Also, a new estimate will have this list of services pre-populated.
- "The Way" however, is to assign services to tasks and then assign people to those service placeholders.
Default assigned users
Adds the users listed to the projects team when the project is created.