Security group rights & definitions [in-depth guide]
WMJ desktop | System administration | Project administration | Project requests | Change request | Contact management | Time & expenses | Accounting | Billing | Purchasing | Media | Traffic | Calendar | Tracking forms | Digital assets | Dashboard | Legacy item rights | Reports
The following identifies what changes will occur in the system when each item is enabled. This can be done By security group or By right from the Security settings screen.
To access these options, go to Menu > Admin/manager > System setup > Account information > Security settings.
Full user rights
These security rights apply to any user that is either an employee or full user contact.
WMJ desktop
View Today Managers
- Grants access to the Today managers page from the menu.
View Today Purchasing
- Grants access to the Today purchasing page from the menu.
View Today Accounting
- Grants access to the Today accounting page from the menu.
View Today Billing
- Grants access to the Today billing page from the menu.
View the Billing Dashboard
- Grants access to the Billing dashboard page from the menu.
View Today Creatives
- Grants access to the Today creatives page from the menu.
View Today Sales
- Grants access to the Today salesperson page from the menu.
View Today PM
- Grants access to the Today PM page from the menu.
View the PM Dashboard
- Grants access to the PM dashboard page from the menu.
View Notes
- Grants access to the Notes page from the menu.
Edit Company Notes
- Allows the user to edit the company notes.
View Today Media
- Grants access to the Today media page from the menu.
View the Creative Graphs
- Grants access to the Creative Graphs page from the menu.
View the Sales Graphs
- Grants access to the Salesperson graphs page from the menu.
View the PM Graphs
- Grants access to the PM graphs page from the menu.
View the Purchasing Graphs
- Grants access to the Purchasing graphs page from the menu.
View the Billing Graphs
- Grants access to the Billing graphs page from the menu.
View the Accounting Graphs
- Grants access to the Accounting graphs page from the menu.
View the Media Graphs
- Grants access to the Media graphs page from the menu.
View the Managers Graphs
- Grants access to the Managers graphs page from the menu.
View the Owners Graphs
- Grants access to the Owners graphs page from the menu.
System administration
Maintain setup information
- If you want to allow access in the following areas, you must also check this box.
---- Edit account information
- Allows access to Admin > System setup > Account information.
- Address information: Edit company information such as website, phone numbers, EIN and addresses.
- Visual appearance: Customize the culture, font for report options and application name.
- Activation status: Lets you view active and deactivated users.
- Workamajig labs: You can turn on/off the Workamajig labs.
---- Allow access to system options
- Allows access to Admin > System setup > System options.
- Transaction preferences: Edit settings for contact management, clients, projects, campaigns, estimates, Timesheets, expense reports, deliverables, purchase orders, media, client and vendor invoices and daily emails.
- Security settings: This is where you grant user rights for security groups, control password settings and control folder and file rights.
- Custom menu: Create a company menu for each security group.
- Connections: Edit your email settings, file storage settings, API, single sign on and credit cards.
---- Allow access to lists
- Allows access to Admin > System setup > Global lists.
- Departments: Add/edit/delete departments for use in projects.
- Offices: Add/edit/delete offices within the company.
- Project billing status codes: Add/edit/delete project billing status codes for your projects.
- Project status codes: Add/edit/delete project status codes for your projects and set which statuses are active. Project templates: Setup project templates to be used to quickly create projects.
- Project types: Add/edit/delete the project types (i.e. collateral, events, print, web, etc.).
- Report groups: Add/edit/delete the name and display order of the custom report groups (i.e. time analysis, purchasing, billing, contact, & sales lead).
- Request reject reasons: Set up your standard reasons for rejecting project requests.
- Schedule column sets: Set up pre-defined sets of columns that can be used with the project schedule.
- Scheduled reports: Set up start date, end date, export type and recurrence options for scheduled reports.
- Teams: Add/edit/delete teams for projects. Timeline segments: Add/edit/delete segment names and colors to show on the schedule and gantt view.
- To-do status: Add/edit/delete status codes for managing to-dos.
---- Edit dashboards
- For CMP users only. LEGACY right.
---- Edit GL settings
- Allows access to Admin > System setup > GL settings.
- GL tracking options: Set up GL tracking options, GL accounts, Prebilled purchase orders and media, advance sales and purchasing tracking, multi-currency tracking, revenue forecast tracking and legacy integration.
- GL accounts: Add/edit/delete your general ledger accounts to track your finances.
- GL companies: Add/edit/delete GL companies.
- Check formats: Add/edit/delete check options, layouts, stub layouts and grid columns.
- Positive pay layouts: Add/edit/delete header fields, detail fields and footer fields for positive pay layouts.
- Corporate profit & loss layout: Allows you to create custom layouts for financial reporting.
---- Edit contact management options
- Allows access to Admin > System setup > Contact management.
- Add/edit/delete opportunity stages, opportunity status and opportunity outcomes.
- Company types: Add/edit/delete the defined company types; default company types have been set up.
- Meeting types: Add/edit/delete the defined calendar event types, and what color it will show up as on the calendar.
- Calendar resources: Add/edit/delete the defined calendar resources, like conference room and projector.
- Define source: This is used to identify how the relationship with a lead or a company is initially formed. You can add/edit/delete your sources here.
- Conversation types: Add/edit/delete the defined conversation types and set display colors.
---- Edit time options
- Allows access to Admin > System setup > Billing options > Time tracking.
- Services: Add/edit/delete the different types of services in the system, this includes the service code, description, active status and hourly rate.
- Service rate sheets: This is where you can set up special rates for services and added/edit/delete those rate sheets.
---- Edit billing options
- Allows access to Admin > System setup > Billing options > Billing options.
- Billing items: Add/edit/delete the billing items in the system, set the default sales account, active status, etc.
- Billing groups: Add/edit/delete billing groups.
- Sales tax rates: Add/edit/delete the sales tax rates.
- Payment terms: Add/edit/delete the payment terms and corresponding days until an invoice is due.
- Payment methods: Add/edit/delete the accepted methods of payment for the company.
- Write-off reasons: Add/edit/delete the write off reasons.
- Invoice layouts: Add/edit/delete the invoice layouts. You can decide on how a particular invoice layout will print, where you set the margins, addresses to show, fonts, logos, etc.
- Estimate layouts: Add/edit/delete the estimate layout and determine how a particular estimate layout will print.
- Credit card processing. the right to set up credit card processing.----Edit time options
---- Edit media setup options
- Allows access to Admin > System setup > Media.
- Broadcast items: Add/edit/delete the different broadcast items in the system.
- Print items: Add/edit/delete the different print item types in the system.
- Markets: Add/edit/delete the media markets used to define regions for media buying.
- Revision reasons: Add/edit/ delete the reasons why media had to be revised.
---- Edit spec sheets
- Allow access to Admin > System setup > Tracking > Define spec sheets.
- Add/edit/delete project spec sheets, define the fields and customize the spec sheets. The default spec sheets in the system are photography, printing, and publication specs and they can be attached to projects throughout the system.
---- Edit project requests
- Allows access to Admin > System Setup > Tracking > Define Project Requests.
- Add/edit/delete project request forms, set up of custom fields, add spec sheets, create an approval process and give different security groups access to those requests
---- Edit tracking forms
- Allows access to Admin > System setup > Tracking > Define tracking forms
- Gives the right to add/edit/delete forms, including the right to define the options and fields associated with the form and give access to the forms.
---- Edit purchasing options
- Allows access to Admin > System setup > Purchasing.
- Order header customization: Define the blocks of text that will appear at the top or bottom of POs, add/edit/delete PO header field groups and add/edit/delete purchase order types.
- Order line customization: Add/edit/delete PO detail field groups.
- Purchasing: Add/edit/delete expense report items, purchase items and item rate sheets.
---- Edit digital assets options
---- Edit & assign custom fields
- Allows access to Admin > System setup > Custom fields.
- Custom fields provides the ability to add customized input and reporting fields to key parts of the system. This setting allows access to setup company-wide custom fields that show up in the designated areas of your system for the following:
- Employee fields
- Company fields
- Contact fields
- Project fields
- Campaign fields
- Retainer fields
- Conversation fields
- Opportunity fields.
- Custom fields provides the ability to add customized input and reporting fields to key parts of the system. This setting allows access to setup company-wide custom fields that show up in the designated areas of your system for the following:
---- Edit GL company access
Grants access to the Permitted Items (GL Company Seceuoty) from each GL Company setup.
Maintain company employees
- Allows access to Admin > Employees and the ability to add new employees and delete employees.
- Can only see and edit Basic info page and Notifications page. Has access to the actions:
- Reassign assignments/ assign to all projects / assign to all active projects / assign to all inactive projects, but will not be able to reassign assignments unless you have those rights as well.
- Can only see and edit Basic info page and Notifications page. Has access to the actions:
Edit other peoples in/out status
- Give access to change anyones status on the In/out board
---- Edit project change requests
- Allows access to Admin > System setup > Tracking > Define project change requests.
- Add/edit/delete project change request forms, set up of custom fields, create an approval process and give different security groups access to those change requests.
Convert contact to employee or employee to contact
- Allows user to convert a contact to an employee or an employee to a contact.
Edit employee and contact login information
- Allows access to Security controls/login information tab in employees and contacts. Must also have 'maintain company employees' checked to view this area.
Edit employee and contact accounting information
- Allows access to Accounting tab in employees and contacts. Must also have 'maintain company employees' checked to view this area.
View labor net cost per hour in lookups and reports
- Allow the user to see the Employee Hourly Cost in the LaborNet/Cost fields in certain views/reports.
Maintain user skill levels
- Allows user access to view and edit in the Skill tab in employee records. Must also have 'maintain company employees' checked to view this area.
Maintain employee calendar
- Override option for being able to add meetings to anyone's calendar. Normally you woudl give each group or user the right to edit your calendar.
Design custom reports
- Everyone > Reports (also need security rights in reports). No datasets available to create custom reports from when clicking on +New custom report.
Run custom reports
- Everyone > Reports. Access to other reports which is where custom reports reside.
Import and export data
- Admin > Import data. This allows them to do any kind of data importing in the system.
View legacy fields
- This setting is used to determine if a user can view fields that have been identified as legacy. If this setting is not enabled then fields that have been tagged as legacy, will not be visible to the user.
Edit custom listings
- Gives users the rights to modify and memorize (ex. on Project or Estimate listing screens) any report they have access to.
View the system Log
- Admin > Today-managers > System log. This is the log of what has been approved, unapproved, posted, unposted or deleted in the system. Only if you selected 'enable transaction logging' in your Transaction preferences. You cannot view or open any of these items, but you can see what was done, by whom and when.
Allow a person to enable labs just for themselves
- Allows users to enable Lab items for just their login.
View non project log
- Allows a person to view non project related events on The daily feed.
Edit the company settings for the desktop (Workamajig only)
- Makes company settings available in Configure desktop options allowing the user to create/edit/delete desktop views for any security group in the company. The security group must also have the right to change their desktop layout or they will not be able to get to the Configure desktop at all.
Edit employee billing title
- Allows the user to edit the Billing Titles in an Employee Record.
Set platinum system settings
- Gives access to More > System settings from any page the user has access to.
View the report center
- Grants access to Menu > Everyone > Report Center.
Schedule reports
- Gives access to the Scheduled reports functionally.
Project administration
Create new projects
- Allows access to project listings for those projects the user is assigned to and to create a new project in the system (but cannot see that new project unless they have other rights as well). A user who creates a new project is automatically assigned to the project team.
Maintain project setup
- Allows the user access to Project setup > Project settings (user access in these areas may be limited by other security settings).
Reopen projects
- Allows users to reopen projects if they have this right on Projects > Setup > Project settings > Accounting: they see a box next to Closed, and they can close or open a project. If it is not checked, they just see yes if it is closed, if it is not closed, there is a check box and they could close a project, then not have rights to re-open it. Must also have access to Maintain project setup.
View Task, Schedule pages
- Gives the user access to the Schedule tab in the project, but there are no options to add/edit or save.
Edit master task defaults on task
- Legacy. Use the Copy Templates feature instead.
Edit projects in a locked status
- There is a setting on a project status codes that lets you put the project into a locked status. When a project is in this status you can not change the project status unless you have this right.
View Project budget page
- Allows the user to view the Project budget screen as well as view project budgets on the Campaign screen.
Edit task information
- Allows user to edit tasks in schedule and access to all Detail tabs in the schedule screen.
Override scheduling lock
- Allows user to unlock a schedule that was locked by another user.
Edit rates on estimates
- Must have 'edit estimate information' checked to view this. Allows user to click on the pencil icon for estimating services/edit service rates on new or unapproved estimates (this includes a persons rate if doing a task/person estimate), but it only effects that project.
Update estimate rates from project
- Must have 'edit estimate information' checked to view this, and the right to 'edit rates on estimates'. Allows user to update the estimating services/edit service rates on a new or unapproved estimate, and to set standard rates pulling from service rates setup at the system level.
Recalculate labor rates on project
- This will update the rate on unbilled time entries on a project from rates and settings defined on the project.
Edit estimate information
- Must have this checked to get to the above 2 rights. When checked you can view: Project central > Estimates, add new estimates, set approver on a new estimate, make changes to hours on unapproved estimates only and add expenses on unapproved estimate only. If someone else approved the estimate, they cannot unapprove it. They see Edit service rates but this only allows them to limit services available to put on the estimate, not change the rate offered for the service on that project.
Access Project Conversations
- Allows the user to access Conversations on a project.
Edit own project conversations
- Allows the users to edit their conversations after posting them.
Edit other peoples project conversations
Allows the user to edit other users Conversations.
Delete a project
- Grants the user the option to delete projects. Only projects with no transactions linked to them can be deleted.
View the creative brief
- On the project dashboard.
Edit the creative brief
- Allows the user to edit the project creative brief.
View the project specifications
- View only access to any attached spec sheets.
Edit the specifications
- Allows user to add/edit/delete spec sheets and copy spec sheets from another project, must have the right to view the project specifications.
Add and edit misc expenses
- Grants access for Project details > Misc costs.
Unapprove estimate or change order
- User can unapproved an estimate that had already been approved by the designated internal approver.
View deliverables
- Allows the user to use and interact with Deliverables.
Edit/add deliverables
- Allow access in Project central > Deliverables. User can setup a new review, update existing reviews and recall reviews previously sent for approval.
Delete deliverables
- Allows user to delete an existing deliverable, whether it has been reviewed or not.
View project transactions
- This only allows a view of the Project transaction screen.
View project adjusted transactions
- This allows a view of the adjusted transactions on the Project transaction screen. Adjustments include transfers, transactions edited after posting to WIP and write-offs undone after posting out of WIP. Users who do not have this right, can only see the most current transactions, i.e. no original or reversed transactions.
View campaigns
- User can view a campaign listing from projects.
Edit campaigns
- Allows the user to create and edit Campaigns.
Edit the project team
- User can add and delete team members from the Project setup > Team tab.
View the current status on the project dashboard
View the project description on the project dashboard
View the setup information on the project dashboard
View the creative brief on the project dashboard
View the spec sheets on the project dashboard
View the team list on the project dashboard
View the project snapshot on the project dashboard
- Must also have the security right setting under dashboard of 'view the project snapshot'.
Access any project
- Gives the user to access to ALL projects in the system. Normally you would need to be on the team of a project in order to access it.
Charge any project
- Allows the user to pick from ALL projects to apply an expense transaction to it.
Change anyone allowed to charge time on project
- If you have this right the checkbox 'anyone allowed to charge time' will become visible on the Project accounting screen allowing changes to it.
View project revenue source
This setting controls where the system looks to get the GL company and office for labor revenue. It can either get the company/office from the project or the person. If you select the person and if you use multiple GL companies, then you need to have inter-company journal entry mappings set up.
View project setup accounting
- Grants access to Project Settings > Accounting from the project.
View the project custom fields
View to dos
Add/edit to dos
Delete to dos
View to dos not assigned to you
Edit to dos not assigned to you
Use quick task add without being able to edit the schedule
Use quick Activity Conversation Add without being able to edit the schedule
- Allows the user to Start or Link a Conversation to a Task without the ability to Edit Task Information.
Project requests
View project requests
The user can view project requests and linked spec sheets. This also allows the user to cancel request, which will cancel an approval and change the request status to 'not sent for approval'. This setting also allows the user to add attachments.
Add new requests to the system
Allows the user to create new project requests, only if they belong in the selected security groups defined in the project request form at the system setup level.
Edit existing requests
- Allows the user to make and save changes to existing project requests and linked spec sheets.
Delete existing requests
- [Delete] button is now present.
Edit the approval process
- [Approval process] is now present in existing project requests allowing the user to add/edit/delete approval steps and change the order of defined approval steps.
Change request
(BETA) View project change request forms
- The user can view change requests and linked spec sheets. This also allows the user to cancel change request, which will cancel an approval and change the change request status to 'not sent for approval'. This setting also allows the user to add attachments.
(BETA) Add new project change request forms to the system
- Allows the user to create new change requests, only if they belong in the selected security groups defined in the change request form at the system setup level.
(BETA) Edit project change request forms
- Allows user to make and save changes to project change requests and linked spec sheets that have not been submitted.
(BETA) Delete project change request forms
- [Delete] button is now present.
Contact management
Use contacts
- This setting must be turned on to access all other contact's security settings and allows access to Salesperson > Contacts. They can only see folders assigned to themself, and the contacts contained in those folders where this user is the contact owner can also view options in Details windows for contact, company, opportunities, projects, history, and add new Activity Conversations. This setting also allows the user to open and edit existing contact records, select a contact and change multiple contacts at once.
Add new contacts
- Allows the user to add individual contact records but not the ability to import contacts. This right determines whether or not a user can create new contacts for themselves or another user. If folders are being used, then folder security will be checked before checking record-level security.
Delete public contacts
- Allows the user to open and delete contacts, also gives access to the 'remove duplicate contacts' option (When given the right to view and edit contacts you do not own). This right determines whether or not a user can delete contacts for which they are the contact owner and if the user has the 'edit contacts you do not own' right, they can delete contacts they do not own.
View contacts you do not own
- Can see all contacts, whether the contact owner or not. This right determines whether or not a user can see contacts whose contact owner is someone other than the user. If folders are being used, then folder security will be checked prior to checking record level security.
Edit contacts you do not own
- Allows the ability to open and edit existing contacts. 'View contacts you do not own' must also be turned on. This right determines whether or not a user can see contacts whose contact owner is someone other than the user. If folders are being used, then folder security will be checked prior to checking record level security.
Move public contacts to private folders
- Allows the user to move a contact record from a public folder to their own personal/private folder that no other user will have access to. The user must have the right to edit that public folder as well as edit that contact record. Refer to the How to user folders document for more information on setting, granting access, and deleting folders.
Add/edit/delete public contact folders
- This right determines whether or not a user can add/edit/delete public folders for contacts. This right is only used if the Global setting in the Transaction preferences is checked for the 'use contact folders'. If the user does not have the security rights to 'add the contact folder', then they will not be able to edit or delete the folder regardless of this setting. Refer to the How to user folders document for more information on setting, granting access, and deleting folders.
Merge contacts
- This right determines whether or not a user can merge contacts.
Use companies
- This setting must be turned on for access to all other company security settings and allows access to Salesperson > Companies. Can only see folders assigned to themself, and the companies contained in those folders where this user is the company owner, can also view company details windows for company, contact, opportunities, forms, History, (can add new Activity Conversations), projects estimates, invoices, receipts, vendor invoices, and payment. This setting also allows the user to open and edit existing company records, make a selection of companies and change multiple companies at once.
Add new companies
- Allows the user to add new company records, but not the ability to import companies.
Delete companies
- Allows the user to open and delete companies, also gives access to the remove duplicate companies option (When given the right to 'view and edit companies you do not own').
View companies you do not own
- Can see all companies, whether the company owner or not.
Edit companies you do not own
- Allows the ability to open and edit existing company records. View companies you do not own must also be turned on. Edit limited to details, contacts, and history.
Add/edit/delete company folders
- If using folders, this allows the user to edit them.
Merge companies
- This right determines whether or not a user can merge companies.
Edit accounting information
- This allows access to the Client and Vendor setup tabs in company records.
Use leads
- This setting must be turned on for access to all other leads security settings and allows access to Salesperson > Leads. Can only see folders assigned to themself, and the leads contained in those folders where this user is the lead owner, can also view history and add new Activity Conversations. This setting also allows the user to open and edit existing lead records, make a selection of leads and change multiple leads at once.
View leads you do not own
- Can see all leads, whether the lead owner or not.This right determines whether or not a user can see leads whose lead owner is someone other than the user. If folders are being used, then folder security will be checked prior to checking record level security.
Edit leads you do not own
- Allows the ability to open and edit existing leads. View leads you do not own must also be turned on. This right determines whether or not a user can edit or delete leads whose lead owner is someone other than the user. If folders are being used, then folder security will be checked prior to checking record level security.
Add leads
- Allows user to add individual leads records, but not the ability to import leads.This right determines whether or not a user can create new Leads for themselves or another user. If folders are being used, then folder security will be checked prior to checking record level security.
Merge leads
- This right determines whether or not a user can merge leads.
Delete leads
- Allows the user to open and delete leads, also gives access to the 'remove duplicate leads' option (when given the right to 'view and edit leads you do not own').This right determines whether or not a user can delete leads for which they are the lead owner and if the user has the 'edit leads you do not own' right, they will be able to delete leads they do not own. If folders are being used, then folder security will be checked prior to checking record level security.
Add/edit/delete lead folders
- This right determines whether or not a user can add/edit/delete public folders for Leads. This right is only used if the Global setting in the Transaction preferences are checked for the 'use lead folders'. If the user does not have the security rights to 'add the lead folder', then they will not be able to edit or delete the folder regardless of this setting.
Use opportunities
- This setting must be turned on for access to all other opportunities security settings and allows access to Salesperson > Opportunities. Can only see folders assigned to themself, and the opportunities contained in those folders where this user is the opportunity owner, can also view options in Details windows for opportunity, company, contacts, history (can add a new Activity Conversations). This setting also allows the user to open and edit existing opportunities, make a selection of opportunities and change multiple opportunities at once.
Add new opportunities
- Allows user to add new opportunities, but not the ability to Import.
Delete opportunities
- Allows the user to open and delete opportunities (When given the right to 'view and edit companies you do not own').
View opportunities you do not own
- Can see all opportunities, whether the owner or not.
Edit opportunities you do not own
- Allows the ability to open and edit existing opportunities.
Add/edit/delete opportunity folders
Use Activity Conversations
- Allows the user to create Activity Conversations (outside of a project).
Edit Activity Conversations
Delete Activity Conversations
Use opportunities
Add new opportunities
Delete opportunities
View opportunities you do not own
View Activity Conversations not assigned to you
Edit Activity Conversations not assigned to you
Add/edit/delete public Activity Conversations folders
Move public Activity Conversations to private folders
Always check for opportunities on Activity Conversations
Use marketing lists
View the client list
- Allows access to Menu > Billing > Clients to view the list of clients.
View the vendor list
- Edit accounting Information is required in order to view the Vendor setup tab in the company record; this also makes Menu > Purchasing > Vendors available to view the list of vendors.
View company EIN number
Edit company EIN number
Time & expenses
Use timesheets
- Allows the user access to timesheets from the Main menu drop-down.
Edit the rate level on the timesheet
- Allows access to timesheets > Options > Show rate level > once that is checked, they can change their rate level from Level 1, to 2, 3, 4, 5, but cannot actually change the amount of those rates, that is an admin right.
Charge time to any service
- This will make all services that are set up in the system available for the user to charge time against.
Charge time to tasks they are not assigned to
- Allows the user to charge time to any tracking task, whether assigned or not. NOTE: This setting can be overridden at the project level via the Project schedule: Detail tab: check Allow on all timesheets.
Charge time to tasks that do not have completed predecessors
Charge time to completed tasks
Charge expense to completed tasks
View rates on the time sheet
View anyone's time sheet
- Allows access to view other people's time sheets.
Use expenses
- The right to create and submit expense reports.
View anyone's expense report
- Right to view other peoples expense reports.
Edit timesheets and expense reports for anyone
- Allows access to open, view and edit other peoples timesheets and expense reports.
Approvers can edit timesheets for people they approve
- Allows users to edit timesheets for people under their approval.
- Timesheet approvers are set on the employee records. Click here for more info.
Unapprove the timesheets
- Allows the user to Unapprove time sheets they have access to and are not billed on an invoice.
Import expense reports as approved
- Allows user to import expense reports as approved when user does not have the ability to approve individual expense report.
Enter journal entries
- Add/edit/delete journal entries. The user can also view general ledger transactions.
Enter GL budgets
- Allows the user to create and edit financial budgets.
Edit labor budgets
- Allow the user to create labor budgets.
---- Edit/view labor budgets for any office
- Access to labor budgets for staff assigned to any office.
---- Edit/view labor budgets for any department
- Access to labor budgets for staff assigned to any department.
---- View any or all people on chargeability summary
- View chargeability summary in hours and dollars. You must have access to View the reports menu, -- View project financial reports.
Reconcile GL accounts
- Allows full access to setup GL account reconciliation.
Post WIP to GL
Post voucher to the general ledger
- Allows user access to the Post transactions screen, and to post vouchers, and to run the missing transactions and preposting reports.
Post payment to the general ledger
- Allows user access to the Post transactions screen, and to post payments, and to run the missing transactions and preposting reports.
Post client invoice to the general ledger
- Allows user access to the Post transactions screen, and to post client invoices, and to run the missing transactions and preposting reports.
Post receipt to the general ledger
- Allows user access to the Post transactions screen, and to post receipts, and to run the missing transactions and preposting reports.
Post journal entry to the general ledger
- Allows user access to the Post transactions screen, and to post journal entries, and to run the missing transactions and preposting reports.
Post credit card transaction to the general ledger
- Allows user access to the Post transactions screen, and to post credit card transactions, and to run the missing transactions and preposting reports.
Unpost transaction to the general ledger
- Allows user to the unpost transactions.
Edit transactions after submission/approval
- The right to unapprove and edit any transaction after approval.
Edit/view revenue forecasts
Maintain currency exchange rates
---- View revenue forecasts from other AEs
View client invoices
- Allows the user to see a view only version of the edit invoice screen.
View the invoice list
- Allows the user to access the client invoice report views and print from the view.
Add and edit client invoices and credits
- This grants the right to bill projects. If it is not turned on, the security group will not see any options related to billing. Allows access to Billing > Client invoices to view existing invoices and create new ones. Also allows the user access to electronic billing worksheets to generate, reassign, approve, and create invoices from the billing worksheet. The user can also do fixed fee and mass billing for production, media, and retainers.
Enter receipts
- Allows access to receipts (this option also shows deposit, but there is no actual access to that screen).
Edit deposit slips
- Allows access to deposits.
Edit and charge credit cards
- Must also have system setup in time and billing for credit card processing in order to activate the Credit card tab for receipts.
Edit retainers
- Must have the right to 'view retainers' in order to setup and view details of how a retainer is defined. This also allows access to the Status tab showing retainer history and performance.
View retainers
- This only allows a view of the listing screen for retainers.
Delete worksheets and remove items from worksheets
Edit transactions on projects
- Allows access to Billing > Time & materials and the Project transactions screen.
Add transactions to worksheets
- Allows transactions to be added to a billing worksheets.
Transfer transactions to other projects
Write-off transactions
Undo write-off transactions
Create POs from quotes
- Allows access to Purchasing > Quotes with access to the [Create PO] button in the Replies tab for replies completed. Must have the right to 'add and edit quotes'.
Add and edit purchase orders
- Allows access in purchasing to add and edit purchase orders.
View and use the credit card connect screen
- Allows access to the Credit card connector screen. From there, you can download and apply credit card transactions.
Edit purchase orders after approval
Add and edit vendor invoices
- Allows access in purchasing to add and edit vendor invoices.
View vendor invoices
- Allows access in purchasing to view the vendor invoices.
View purchase orders
- Allows access in purchasing to view purchase orders.
Approve Vendor Invoices
- Allows the users from the project defined on the invoice header to receive the invoice for approval
Add and edit credit card charge entry screens
View credit card charge entry screens
Add credit card charges for other employees
Edit credit card charges of other employees
Approve credit card charges
Add and edit quotes
- Allows access to Purchasing > Quotes.
Add and edit payments
- Allows user access add and edit payments, to select invoices for payment and to print checks.
View cost and rate on item lookup
- Allows the user to see unit cost and unit rate setup for purchase items.
Edit electronic signature on checks
Print checks
Approve vendor invoices on your projects
- when vendor invoice is submitted for approval, a non-designated approver that has the additional security right "Approve Vendor Invoice" and is also on the project team set on the invoice header, the user will also see the vendor invoice available to approve under the Bell - Items to Approve.
View vendor bank information
Edit vendor bank information
Edit media estimates
- Allows user access to media estimates, where they can add and edit estimates and update orders.
Edit insertion orders
- Allows full access to Insertion orders: order info, address/instructions, order line items, vendor and client invoices, and linked specifications. The user can also send order copies to selected contacts.
Edit insertion orders after approval
Edit broadcast orders
- Allows full access to Broadcast orders: order info, address/instructions, order line items, traffic, vendor and client invoices, and linked specifications. The user can also send order copies to selected contacts.
Edit broadcast orders after approval
View the Media traffic screen
- The user can access the Media traffic screens for both broadcast and insertion orders.
View insertion orders
View the media worksheet
Edit the media worksheet
View broadcast orders
- Allows access in Media to view broadcast orders.
View project schedules
- Allows access to Resource manager > Traffic calendar. Must also have project administration rights to View Task and Schedule pages.
View staff scheduling and loading
- Allows access to Resource manager > Staff schedule. The Staff schedule screen provides an overview of resource allocations.
Traffic assignment review
- Allows access to Project manager > Today-PM > Views > Assignments. This provides a listing of assignments with filtering options and the ability to select and update complete dates for multiple assignments at once.
Traffic assignment management screen
- Grants access to the Assignment management screen in Menu > Resource manager.
Access the calendar
- Allows access to the enterprise calendar from the Menu drop-down.
Add new meetings
- Gives the right to add and edit meetings, but only for those calendars where the security setting has the right to edit.
Mark calendar events to block out days on the schedule
- Only for those calendars where the setup allows the right to edit.
Add/edit/delete public calendars
- Allows the user to create new public calendars, edit and delete calendars in the list of public calendars.
Maintain global distribution groups
Tracking forms
Use forms
- Allows access to Menu > Tracking forms for any tracking forms that their security group is assigned, but they cannot do anything else unless they have the following rights; 'add new forms', 'view forms' or 'delete forms'.
Add new forms
- Allows access to Menu > Tracking forms for any tracking forms that their security group is assigned to. The user can open a form > Add new and fill out that form. But once the form is saved, they will not be able to do anything else to it unless assigned to themself. The Assigned to field is required, if the user assigns it to someone other than themself, they will only have access as other security rights allow.
Delete forms
- Allows access to any tracking forms that the security group is assigned the right to delete a form they created.
View forms not assigned to the user
- Allows access to view any tracking forms that the security group is NOT assigned to. The user can re-open and delete a form they created, but cannot delete a form assigned to them that was authored by another user.
Delete form if not author
- If the user has the right to view forms not assigned to them, this allows the right to delete a form they created, AND to re-open and delete forms created by another user.
Digital assets
Access the file folders
- Grants full access to files managed through Project central.
Search in projects you are not assigned to
- To view files in projects that this user is not assigned to, security rights must be granted to this group within the project where the file resides.
Legacy item rights
Edit the company-wide notes (CMP only)
Edit the project notes (CMP only)
Edit the contact notes (CMP only) (in contact management)
View the company address book (CM only)
- View the company address book. Salesperson > Contacts and companies. Can view contacts and companies owned by anyone in the company, but cannot make any changes.
Edit contact information (CM only)
View other account manager's opportunities and Activity Conversations (CM only)
View the contact management dashboard (CM only)
View and edit opportunities (CM only)
View contact Activity Conversations (CM only)
Delete contacts (CM only)
See contacts they do not own (CM only)
See contacts in all databases (CM only)
View company meetings (CM only)
- Allows access to public calendar company meetings/project meetings. Must also have the security settings from calendar setup with the right to view.
---- View legacy reports --
Project budget summary (legacy)
Project profitability (legacy)
Project WIP report (legacy)
Income statement (legacy)
Opportunity list (CMP only)
View the reports menu
-- View contact management reports --
Business development meeting
- The business development report follows the WWP methodology. It shows a summary count of contacts at different levels to better understand trends. It also includes a summary of late-stage opportunities as well as activities that need to get completed.
Downgraded opportunities
- Shows opportunities that have been downgraded due to a number of different criteria, such as a delay in close date, reduced forecast amounts, and more.
-- View project financial reports --
Project budget analysis
- Access to the project budget analysis, which allows the user to view project budget drill-downs in summary or detail (by project, task, or item) against the actuals.
Project summary scoreboard
Project hourly realization rate
- Shows actual hourly rate earned on projects.
Employee actual hours report
Time productivity analysis
- Show total billable and non-billable hours with multiple grouping options.
Chargeability summary - Hours
- Shows chargeable, non-chargeable and total hours with labor budget comparison.
Chargeability summary - Dollars
- Shows chargeable, non-chargeable and total dollars with labor budget comparison.
Project actuals by month
- Shows actuals per project with a 12-month view and the amount billed.
Project WIP analysis
Billing worksheet report
- Shows all unbilled transactions by project. When this is selected for project financial reports, it is also avialable for run in the AR report center
Project purchase order listing
- Allows access to the report view of purchase orders.
-- View traffic reports --
- These settings are limited to access through the main Menu > Reports, and not through the Projects module.
Project status
- This summary report shows project status, estimated and actual hours.
Assigned tasks
- Project tasks. Shows all tasks by project.
Project tasks by person
- Shows all tasks by assigned user.
Project tasks by person and date
- Shows all tasks by assigned user within a date range.
Project tasks by date
- Shows all tasks by specified due date.
Project setup
- Shows schedule information for one or more projects.
Project Gantt charts
- Project timeline shows Gantt chart view of schedule for one or more projects.
-- View AR reports --
AR account aging
- Shows all accounts receivable with open balances and aging.
Sales journal
- Shows sales activity by client and posting date.
Cash receipts journal
- Shows receipts received by client and posting date.
Client statements
- Shows client transactions including amount billed, receipts, amount open and aging information.
Invoice backup
- Shows the details of client invoices with actual labor, expenses and totals.
Invoice summary
- Shows all invoices with totals, sales tax, gross labor and net expenses grouped by client.
Invoice line item summary
- Shows all invoices with project number, subject, line total, gross labor and net expenses grouped by client.
Sales tax analysis report
- Shows taxable sales, tax amounts paid and collected, grouped by sales tax rate code.
-- View AP reports --
- Grants access to the following reports.
AP account aging
- Shows all accounts payable aging with amount open and days old.
AP exceptions report
- Shows vendor invoices where there is a variance from the related PO amount.
AP listing
- Vendor invoice detail list shows all vendor invoice lines with expense account, project number and tasks.
Purchase journal
- Shows sub-ledger report of vendor invoices by date range.
Cash disbursements journal
- Shows sub-ledger report of payments by date range.
1099 vendor detail
- Allows access to the following:
- 1099 (misc/form): prints 1099 (Misc/Int) form matching the federal form format.
- 1099 vendor detail: shows 1099 vendor detail information including a grand total for the report.
Purchase order listing
- Shows order information grouped by vendors.
Project PO listing
- Purchase order by projects shows order information grouped by vendors.
AP accrued order detail report
- Show all orders with accrued balance as a result of prebilling.
Payment listing
- Check listing shows all payment within a date range.
-- View media reports --
- Gives access to the following reports.
Media recap
Media details report
Media mix analysis
Media billing report
Media print buy calendar report
Media print buy block report
Media print buy grid report
-- View company financial reports --
- Grants access to the following reports.
Project profitability
- The following reports are available when this is selected:
- Project profit & loss (detail view): shows profitability for a specific project with breakdowns by GL account and may include overhead allocation.
- Project profit & loss (multi view): shows profitability across multiple projects with ability to allocate overhead from the GL.
Trial balance
- Shows GL account balances with debits and credits.
General ledger
- Shows GL account activity by date range.
General journal
- Shows journal entry transactions by date range.
Income statement corporate
- The following report is available when this is selected:
- Corporate profit & loss: Shows income statement for the company and/or GL company, office, GL class and department level.
Income statement client
- The following reports are available when this is selected:
- Client profit & loss (detail view): shows profitability for a specific client with breakdowns by GL account or project type.
- Client profit & loss (multi view): shows profitability across multiple clients with ability to allocate overhead from the GL.
Balance sheet
- Shows assets, liabilities and equity balances as of a specified date.
Statement of cash flows
- Shows cash flow of company operating and investing activities by date range.
Access financials from Excel
- If using an Excel financials document, this wil grant you login to connect.
Cash projection
- Drill down: Shows beginning and ending balances for AR, AP, bank accounts and projected balance for specified date range.
Uncleared transactions
- Shows uncleared transactions for specified GL account.
Overhead allocation details
- Shows the transaction details that make up the overhead allocation total when running the Client P&L or Project P&L reports over the same date range.
Metrics monitor
Multi-currency realized gains & losses
Multi-currency unrealized gains & losses
Client rights (free users)
The client/vendor login allows a mostly read-only access to Workamajig. This login does not have access to time sheets, reports, listing screens, expense reports, and other employee/staff items. To see a project, the person must be on the project team.
NOTE: Many of these rights will allow free users to view information in these categories, as free users do not have access to the main menu. Further setup is necessary via the Client portal setup for the security group.
All options
Access all projects for client
View the calendar
Client can view project requests
- The user can view project requests and linked spec sheets. This also allows the user to Cancel request, which will cancel an approval and change the request status to 'not sent for approval'. This setting also allows the user to add attachment(s).
Add new project requests
Delete project requests
Edit project requests from their company
Can delete requests from their company
Can add and delete spec sheets on project requests
View the project description
Edit the project specifications
Client can view project change request forms
Add new project change request forms
Use Project Request and Change Request Conversations
Edit project change request forms for their company
Can delete project change request forms for their company