Mass billing [video]
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As you can imagine there's a variety of ways to build because there's no consistent standard in the industry for billing practices and the same goes in Workamajig. We wanna make sure that you can get all of your billing out in a way that's going to suit your needs and your wants. Were first gonna talk about mass billing. If you have a variety of projects that have a designation of their billing method and it's feeding into your today page for billing, you're going to see what's available underneath the various billing methods. Now, as we look at these billing methods, we're gonna look at time of materials and we're gonna look at fixed fee. I have a great deal of time and materials available to build. When I select that, it's gonna show me all of the projects that have time materials that I need to get built. This is a pretty decent list, and any time I look at any of these projects, I probably want to know the details because these are time entries or expenses. Simply selecting one of those projects will show me what's in there. In this case, it's a variety of time entries, and I can even get into the details of those. I might need to adjust them, I may need to transfer them elsewhere. I might choose to write them off. And if I choose to write something off, we definitely wanna let the system know why did we choose to write that off? That's going to give us great reporting so we can see are we just giving some time away as a customer service as a thank you? Or are we having some issues that we need to address so that we don't encounter having to write things off later? Ultimately, if I've reviewed these projects and I know that they're already to build its as easy as a mass selection and generate. That way, I can generate all of these invoices with simply two clicks with the mass billing capabilities in Workamajig not only is it going to streamline our efforts, it's also going to help us eliminate some of that room for human error because we're not having to re-key all of this information into invoicing, but giving us all the details so that we can do an effective review of these projects before we ultimately build them.